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2002年頃、日本に「LOHAS」(Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability)という新しいライフスタイルが紹介されました。LOHASは環境や健康に配慮したライフスタイルを強調し、このライフスタイルを実践する人々は「LOHAS層」と呼ばれ、注目を集めています。このグループは主に20代から40代の女性で、健康意識が高く、多少値段が高くても無農薬・有機栽培の食品やエコロジー商品を購入するという特徴があります。













 Lifestyle: A New Perspective on Modern Living

The term " Lifestyle" is frequently heard in contemporary discourse. This concept arises from the diversification of people's lifestyles and behaviors as a result of their choices in clothing, food, and shelter. It encompasses an individual's way of life, including their worldview, values, and habits, leading to a multifaceted identity.

In around 2002, a new lifestyle called "LOHAS" (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) was introduced to Japan. LOHAS emphasizes an environmentally and health-conscious way of living, and the people who adopt this lifestyle, known as the LOHAS demographic, have garnered significant attention. This group mainly consists of women in their 20s to 40s who exhibit high health awareness and a willingness to purchase organic and eco-friendly products, even if they are more expensive.

However, LOHAS followers are often seen as only addressing their individual consumption behaviors and personal lifestyles, without extending their efforts to tackle broader environmental and social issues within their communities. As a result, despite their focus on personal health and environmental sustainability, they may harbor a deep-seated anxiety due to the lack of a proactive, community-oriented approach. Their lifestyle tends to be passive rather than autonomous.

The Broader Context of Modern Anxieties

In the modern world, informed citizens are acutely aware of the deteriorating environmental conditions, wars, conflicts, and other uncontrollable threats, which contribute to a pervasive sense of anxiety. Furthermore, these individuals often experience internal turmoil, psychological disorientation, and a lack of satisfying values in their lifestyle, leading to an ongoing state of conflict and anxiety.

It is impossible for modern humans, or indeed anyone, to completely eradicate the internal sources of anxiety. In fact, contemporary civilization itself amplifies these anxieties and creates new ones within individuals. People sometimes try to escape these anxieties by clinging to political authoritarianism. While such regimes can offer a false sense of cultural stability and unity, they ultimately reinforce the sense of anxiety by promising a superficial escape from despair through totalitarian means.

When people lack answers about the future, they become anxious. Too much hope can also lead to anxiety about the future. Since the dawn of humanity, people have experienced anxiety about the unknown, whether it be hope, fear, or the inability to comprehend and navigate the unknown.

Rationality and Anxiety in Modern Society

Modern society, despite its advances in logical clarity and scientific progress, is increasingly marked by uncertainty, disharmony, contradictions, and conflicts. The problem of anxiety can be explored through philosophical and religious perspectives, as suggested by Søren Kierkegaard, or interpreted through psychodynamic theories since Freud. Spinoza proposed mathematical reason as a means to overcome anxiety, suggesting that when people form clear concepts, emotions cease to dominate them. Spinoza viewed anxiety as a subjective issue, a matter of mental state and attitude. He defined anxiety as an uncertain pain stemming from the anticipation of something we dread, whereas hope is an uncertain joy derived from the belief that something good might happen. This indicates that hope and anxiety are inseparable.

Pascal argued that the laws governing human nature are those of chance and probability. Modern science’s attempts to rationally explain phenomena as mechanical processes can generate new forms of uneasiness and expectation anxiety, characterized by fear and uncertain anticipation. Pascal emphasized that human rationality and the certainty found in physical laws are fundamentally different.

The Mysterious Nature of Human Existence

Human existence, as Pascal noted, is characterized by contingency and mystery. We live in an era where progress and rationality coexist with increasing uncertainties, leading to profound anxieties. It is crucial to understand that the modern quest for certainty often intensifies these feelings of unease and paradoxically creates more anxiety.

In conclusion, the Schiller Lifestyle highlights the complexity and multifaceted nature of modern living. It underscores the importance of addressing not only individual health and environmental sustainability but also the broader social and environmental challenges. As we navigate the uncertainties of contemporary life, it is essential to foster a balanced and proactive approach, embracing both rationality and the inherent mystery of human existence.