人間は複雑で多面的な存在 | 阿波の梟のブログ




私自身、大学の図書館や国立国会図書館から資料を取り寄せたり、海外から書籍を購入してリサーチを行いました。その結果、万人に共通して精神力(emotional strength)や知能指数(Intelligence Quotient)を向上させるための学習方法は、次のような学問領域の叡智に基づかなければならないことが分かりました。

心理学(psychology)、教育学(pedagogy)、大脳生理学(cerebral physiology)、精神医学(psychiatry)、精神衛生(mental hygiene)、哲学(philosophy)、宗教学(religion)、動物行動学(ethology)、社会学(sociology)などに関連する分野の学問であり、これらはさらに総合的・統合的なプログラム(comprehensive programs)でなければなりません。

それ以外のハウツー本(how-to books)は、嘘であり、たとえ効果があったとしても精神に大きな障害を残す可能性があると警告しておきます。


1. 人間を悪と見るか善と見るか



2. 人間を怠け者と見るか、活動的な存在と見るか


3. 人間を固定的なものと見るか、それとも柔軟なものと見るか

これは、人間が遺伝によって生まれつき一定の素質を受け継ぎ、これが成長し自動的に発現し、固定された性格となるとみる考え方と、人間は広い生物学的限界内で変化し発達を遂げる存在であり、人格は環境の影響を受けて絶えず成長していくとみる人間観の対立があります。人格形成における「適応性」(adaptability)、「成長」(personal growth)などをどのように考えるかにかかわります。

4. 人間を動物的な存在と見るか、神聖な存在と見るか




Human beings are complex, multifaceted entities, often ambiguous and easily deceived. On the internet, one can find many attractive offers, such as memory techniques for passing the University of Tokyo entrance exam, study methods, and ways to earn a billion yen online. However, it is safe to say that all of these are false. There are no easy shortcuts to achieving one's goals.

I have conducted extensive research, acquiring materials from university libraries and the National Diet Library, and purchasing books from overseas. From this research, I have found that learning methods that universally improve emotional strength and intelligence quotient must be based on the wisdom of the following academic disciplines:

Psychology, pedagogy, cerebral physiology, psychiatry, mental hygiene, philosophy, religion, ethology, and sociology. These disciplines must be integrated into comprehensive programs.

Any other how-to books are false and, even if effective, may leave significant mental harm. Schiller states that the general mental life of humans, particularly its essential characteristics, allows for various interpretations. It is akin to Rorschach’s inkblot tests, where individuals can interpret them in multiple ways based on their perspectives. We need to organize these diverse views on human nature and use them to improve education.

1. Viewing Humans as Evil or Good

If human nature is inherently counterproductive and satisfying desires leads to a survival-of-the-fittest scenario that disrupts order, then selfish money-making and impulses must be suppressed or controlled, or corrected and educated to produce desirable outcomes in society.

Conversely, if one adopts the view that humans are inherently good and that the free expression of human nature generates social value, then education will focus on protecting and nurturing the goodness inherent in humanity. This humanistic approach to education will be discussed further at another opportunity.

2. Viewing Humans as Lazy or Active

There are opposing views: one sees humans as inherently static, finding joy in a motionless, stable state free from tension. The other sees humans as inherently active, always possessing a vigorous curiosity, exploring the world, solving problems, and finding satisfaction in accomplishing tasks. The educational and learning methods differ significantly based on which perspective one adopts.

3. Viewing Humans as Fixed or Flexible

This involves whether humans inherit certain traits genetically, which manifest and become fixed personalities that are difficult to change, or whether humans are capable of change and development within broad biological limits, with personality constantly growing under environmental influences. This perspective affects how we consider "adaptability" and "growth" in personality formation.

4. Viewing Humans as Animalistic or Divine

One perspective sees humans as a type of animal, with behaviors similar to those of animals, influenced heavily by evolutionary theory and based on data from animal experiments. The recent iPS cell experiments may also have a significant impact.

In contrast, another perspective views human existence as endowed with a divine nature. Humans are fundamentally different from animals, possessing value and being subjects of freedom and responsibility. According to Viktor Frankl, the sacredness of humans lies in their ability to question the meaning of life. This view includes metaphysical and religious concepts that seek to grasp the "solemn and profound."

In the future, I would like to present a new perspective on human nature, addressing how we should understand and harmoniously develop it.