メトホルミン | 阿波の梟のブログ






  1. ミトコンドリアの呼吸鎖複合体Iの阻害:

    • メトホルミンは細胞のエネルギー生産に関与するミトコンドリアの呼吸鎖複合体Iを阻害します。これにより、細胞内のAMP(アデノシン一リン酸)/ATP(アデノシン三リン酸)比が増加し、細胞のエネルギーバランスが変化します。
  2. AMPKの活性化:

    • メトホルミンはAMPK(AMP活性化プロテインキナーゼ)という酵素を活性化します。AMPKは細胞のエネルギーバランスを監視し、エネルギーを節約するようなシグナルを送ります。この活性化により、肝臓での糖新生や脂肪合成が抑制されます。
  3. グルカゴンシグナルの抑制:

    • メトホルミンはグルカゴンというホルモンの作用を抑制します。グルカゴンは通常、血糖値を上げるために働きますが、メトホルミンはそのシグナル伝達経路を阻害し、血糖値の上昇を防ぎます。
  4. mGPDの阻害:

    • メトホルミンはミトコンドリア内の酵素であるグリセロール-3-リン酸デヒドロゲナーゼ2(mGPD)も阻害します。これにより、糖新生の重要な中間体であるピルビン酸とジヒドロキシアセトンリン酸の生成が減少し、結果的に血糖値が低下します。


  1. 2型糖尿病:

    • メトホルミンは主に2型糖尿病の治療に用いられ、特に肥満を伴う患者に対して効果的です。高用量(最大2,250mg/日)での使用が承認されており、血糖コントロールに優れた効果を発揮します。
  2. 多発性大腸ポリープの抑制:

    • メトホルミンは多発性大腸ポリープの抑制にも効果があるとされますが、その効果は限定的です。現在、アスピリンとの併用による効果を検証する臨床試験が進行中です。



  1. 乳酸アシドーシス:

    • 乳酸が血中に蓄積し、酸性化する状態。特に肝障害や腎障害を持つ患者ではリスクが高まりますが、健康な患者では稀です。
  2. 消化器症状:

    • 下痢、嘔吐、嘔気、腹痛などの消化器症状が報告されています。
  3. ビタミンB12欠乏症:

    • 長期投与や高用量投与により、ビタミンB12の吸収が阻害されることがあります。




Metformin is an oral diabetes medication classified as a biguanide, and it is sold under various brand names in Japan, such as Metgluco and Glycoran (the latter being discontinued), both by Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma, as well as Medet by Toa Eiyo and Nelbis by Sanwa Chemical as generic drugs. In Western diabetes treatment guidelines, metformin is recommended as the first-choice drug due to its low cost and cost-effectiveness.

Metformin was released in 1961, but due to concerns about lactic acidosis, the dosage was initially limited to a maximum of 750 mg. However, it was later pointed out that "the weak effect of metformin is due to the low dosage," leading to new clinical trials in Japan, which resulted in the approval of higher doses (up to 2,250 mg).

Mechanism of Action

Metformin is known to be effective for diabetes by inhibiting hepatic gluconeogenesis (the production of new glucose in the liver). However, the detailed mechanisms involve multiple pathways:

  1. Inhibition of Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complex I:

    • Metformin directly targets the mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I, inhibiting its activity. This increases the intracellular AMP/ATP ratio, altering the cell's energy balance.
  2. Activation of AMPK:

    • This change in energy balance stimulates the intracellular signaling pathway mediated by AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), primarily in liver cells. AMPK acts as an energy sensor, and its activation leads to improved glucose metabolism, as well as the inhibition of lipid synthesis, thereby having beneficial effects on fatty liver and blood lipid levels.
  3. Suppression of Glucagon Signaling:

    • Metformin inhibits the glucagon-mediated increase in blood glucose levels (which involves glycogen breakdown and gluconeogenesis in liver cells) independently of AMPK. This is achieved by the suppression of cyclic AMP (cAMP) production, which is a second messenger in glucagon signaling.
  4. Inhibition of mGPD:

    • A new target for metformin, identified in 2014, is mitochondrial glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2 (mGPD). Inhibition of mGPD results in reduced production of gluconeogenic substrates, thus lowering blood glucose levels.

Additionally, metformin has been shown to induce glucose excretion in feces, as demonstrated by a PET-MRI study conducted by Kobe University in 2020.


  1. Type 2 Diabetes:

    • Metformin is primarily used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and can be prescribed at high doses (up to 2,250 mg per day).
  2. Suppression of Multiple Colonic Polyps:

    • While metformin has been shown to suppress colonic polyps, its effect is considered limited. Clinical trials are ongoing to evaluate the combined effect of low-dose metformin and aspirin (ASAMET therapy) for conditions like familial adenomatous polyposis.

Side Effects

Significant side effects include:

  1. Lactic Acidosis:

    • Although rare in the absence of liver or kidney impairment, lactic acidosis is a serious condition where lactic acid builds up in the blood.
  2. Gastrointestinal Symptoms:

    • Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and abdominal pain are common side effects.
  3. Vitamin B12 Deficiency:

    • Long-term or high-dose use (over 1,000 mg per day) can lead to vitamin B12 deficiency.


Metformin has been reported to reduce the overall mortality rate of diabetic patients with atherosclerosis by 24%. Additionally, it poses a lower risk of cardiovascular events compared to sulfonylureas (SU) drugs. A study showed that in a group using metformin combined with other medications, the overall mortality hazard ratio was reduced by 24%.

Overall, metformin is a highly effective medication for diabetes treatment. Understanding its mechanisms, effects, and side effects allows for more effective management of the disease.