マウンダー極小期(Maunder Minimum) | 阿波の梟のブログ



マウンダー極小期(Maunder Minimum)は、1645年から1715年にかけて太陽黒点の数が著しく減少し、太陽磁気活動が弱まった期間の名称です。この時期の太陽活動の減少は、太陽黒点の観測記録から明らかにされています。この期間中、通常であれば数万個観測されるはずの黒点が、約50個しか観測されませんでした。この現象は太陽天文学の研究者エドワード・モーンダーにちなんで命名されました。


マウンダー極小期は、小氷期中頃の寒冷期にあたり、ヨーロッパや北米大陸、その他の温帯地域で厳しい寒さが続きました。特に冬は極寒で、夏も短く涼しい気候が続きました。この期間の北半球の平均気温は、前後と比較して0.1 - 0.2度低下したとされています。太陽黒点活動の減少により、太陽からの紫外線が減少し、地球のオゾン層への影響を通じて寒冷化が進んだと考えられています。



年代 黒点数
1610年代 9
1620年代 6
1630年代 9
1640年代 2
1650年代 3
1660年代 1
1670年代 0
1680年代 1






Maunder Minimum

The Maunder Minimum, spanning from approximately 1645 to 1715, is a period marked by a significant reduction in the number of observed sunspots and weakened solar magnetic activity. This phenomenon is named after solar astronomer Edward Maunder, who studied historical records of sunspot disappearance. During the 30 years of the Maunder Minimum, only about 50 sunspots were observed, compared to the tens of thousands that would typically be recorded during such a period.

Impact on Earth's Climate

The Maunder Minimum is associated with a cold period in the middle of the Little Ice Age. During this time, Europe, North America, and other temperate regions experienced severe winters, and summers often lacked the typical warmth even at the peak of the season. The average temperature in the Northern Hemisphere is believed to have decreased by 0.1 to 0.2 degrees Celsius compared to periods before and after the minimum. It is hypothesized that this cooling was partly due to a reduction in ultraviolet radiation reaching and being absorbed by the Earth's ozone layer.

Sunspot Observation Records

The number of sunspots observed during each decade from 1610 to 1680 is as follows:

Decade Sunspot Count
1610s 9
1620s 6
1630s 9
1640s 2
1650s 3
1660s 1
1670s 0
1680s 1

These records, meticulously kept thanks to the organized solar observations by 17th-century astronomers Jean Picard and Philippe de la Hire at the Paris Observatory, show a clear decline in sunspot activity. The 11-year solar cycle fluctuations can still be discerned during the Maunder Minimum, with sunspot activity primarily concentrated in the southern hemisphere of the solar surface, though appearing in the northern hemisphere towards the later part of the minimum. Research by a team at Nagoya University in Japan also suggested a shift to a 14-year cycle based on carbon-14 isotope analysis.

Modern Research and Discussion

Contemporary research aims to better understand the impact of periods like the Maunder Minimum on Earth's climate. Variations in the production of carbon-14 and beryllium-10 isotopes provide critical data on changes in solar activity. Observations of auroras during the Maunder Minimum, despite the overall reduction in sunspot activity, offer additional insights into solar-terrestrial interactions.

Scientists acknowledge that the relationship between decreased solar activity and changes in Earth's climate is complex and not yet fully understood. For instance, during the solar minimum around 2010, despite reduced solar irradiance, changes in the spectral output of the sun might have led to increased atmospheric absorption.

Future research will focus on utilizing data from past minima to develop models predicting future solar activity changes and their potential impact on Earth's climate. This enhanced understanding will strengthen the scientific foundation necessary for addressing climate change effectively.