主要先進国における出生率低下の状 | 阿波の梟のブログ






1. 北欧諸国(例:スウェーデン、フィンランド): 比較的高い出生率を維持しており、人口にわずかな減少が見られます。例えば、スウェーデンの出生率は変動がありましたが、最近では約1.9の水準です。

2. フランス: フランスは、西欧諸国の中で比較的高い出生率を維持しています。出生率は変動がありますが、最近では約2.0の水準が続いています。


1. 英国(イギリス): 1970年代に出生率が低下しましたが、近年はわずかな回復傾向が見られ、出生率は約1.9の水準です。

2. アメリカ合衆国(米国): 変動の後、1990年代から2000年代初頭にかけて出生率が安定し、約2.0の水準を維持しています。


1. 南欧諸国(例:ドイツ、イタリア、スペイン): これらの国は、日本と同様に出生率が低く、最近はわずかな増加がありますが、置換水準を下回っています。


1. 東アジア諸国(例:韓国、台湾、香港、シンガポール): これらの国は日本よりも出生率が低く、1980年代以降に低下し、最近ではわずかな回復が見られます。


1. ロシアおよび東欧諸国: 人口のピーク後に減少し、出生率は置換水準を下回り続けています。

2. 中国およびインド: 両国とも人口は増加していますが、出生率は特に中国では最近1.5未満に低下しました。

3. 東南アジア諸国: これらの国々の出生率は異なりますが、いくつかは置換水準を下回り、他の国々はわずかに上回っています。

4. 南米およびアフリカ諸国: 人口は増加していますが、出生率は低下していますが、他の地域ほどではありません。


Situation of Declining Birthrates in Major Advanced Countries

In many advanced nations, the total fertility rate has been decreasing since around 1965, falling below the replacement level by around 1980. From around 1985, some countries began to see a recovery in birth rates, and by the 1990s, the trends in birth rates became more diverse among nations. Broadly, countries can be categorized into those where birth rates have recovered to just below replacement level, around 1.8, and those where birth rates have remained extremely low, below 1.5. Recently, even in countries with persistently low birth rates, there has been some movement towards a slight recovery.

Countries with Relatively High Birth Rates:

1. Northern European Countries (e.g., Sweden, Finland): Maintaining relatively high birth rates, these nations have experienced minor declines in their population. For example, Sweden's birth rate fluctuated but has recently been around 1.9.

2. France: France has maintained comparatively high birth rates among Western European nations. Despite fluctuations, its recent birth rate has remained around 2.0.

Countries with Intermediate Birth Rates:

1. United Kingdom (UK): While the UK experienced a decline in birth rates in the 1970s, it has shown a slight recovery in recent years, with birth rates hovering around 1.9.

2. United States (US): After fluctuations, the US stabilized at a birth rate of around 2.0 in the 1990s and early 2000s.

Countries with Low Birth Rates Similar to Japan:

1. Southern European Countries (e.g., Germany, Italy, Spain): These nations, like Japan, have low birth rates, with some slight increases in recent years but still below replacement levels.

Countries with Extremely Low Birth Rates:

1. East Asian Countries (e.g., South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore): These countries have birth rates below Japan's, with declines since the 1980s, although some have shown slight recoveries in recent years.

Other Countries:

1. Russia and Eastern European Countries: Experienced a peak in population followed by declines, with birth rates persistently below replacement levels.

2. China and India: While both have experienced population growth, birth rates have declined significantly, especially in China, where it fell below 1.5 in recent years.

3. Southeast Asian Countries: These nations show diverse birth rate levels, with some below replacement level and others slightly above.

4. South American and African Countries: Experiencing population growth, but birth rates have declined over time, though not to the extent seen in other regions.

Understanding these classifications can guide policymakers in formulating effective strategies to address declining birthrates and their associated societal challenges.