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Addressing Japan's Population Decline: Factors and Strategies

1. Factors Contributing to Population Decline

Japan's population decline is a significant societal issue, particularly impacting local municipalities. Understanding the primary factors contributing to this decline and implementing effective strategies are crucial.

1.1 Natural and Social Population Changes

Natural population changes stem from the balance between births and deaths, which has seen a consecutive decline over the past 12 years, reflecting a decrease in natural population growth. Social population changes result from migration, with an increase in foreign residents contributing to social population growth.

1.2 Aging Population

Japan faces a declining birth rate, evident in the historically low special birth rate of 1.26, alongside a decrease in the population under 15 years old and an increase in the population aged 75 and above, indicating a trend towards an aging society.

1.3 Labor Shortage Indicated by Rising Job Availability

A high job availability ratio signals a shortage of labor, posing a significant challenge for Japan. This shortage is reflected in both effective job availability and new job availability ratios.

2. Challenges Faced by Local Governments due to Population Decline and Strategies

2.1 Reduction in Essential Services

Population decline may lead to the reduction or closure of essential services such as financial institutions, hospitals, restaurants, and retail stores, impacting residents' daily lives.

2.2 Contraction or Withdrawal of Public Transportation

As population decline progresses, maintaining public transportation becomes challenging, with a shortage of drivers exacerbating the situation. This may lead to route closures or service reductions.

2.3 Increase in Vacant Properties

Economic and industrial decline due to population decline may result in an increase in vacant properties, including houses, stores, and abandoned land, posing challenges for management and utilization.

2.4 Decline in Community Functionality

Population decline contributes to the decline in community functionality, affecting activities such as disaster prevention and local events, and potentially leading to a loss of community cohesion and further population outflow.

3. Successful Examples of Population Decline Mitigation Strategies

Several municipalities have implemented successful strategies to address population decline, such as:

3.1 Kani City, Gifu Prefecture

  • Creating opportunities conducive to marriage
  • Establishing a supportive environment for childcare

3.2 Toride City, Ibaraki Prefecture

  • Addressing poverty and creating a livable environment
  • Implementing measures to prevent population outflow

In conclusion, addressing population decline requires proactive measures from local governments, tailored to the unique characteristics and challenges of each region. Collaboration with the national government and community involvement are crucial. As population decline persists, local governments must boldly confront challenges and pave the way for a sustainable future.