ザクロの抗酸化物質 | 阿波の梟のブログ






Benefits Pomegranate contains various antioxidants that may help prevent the onset of several chronic conditions such as cancer, arthritis, and other inflammatory states. Pomegranate may also help protect memory and slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

Possible Side Effects Some individuals may be sensitive to pomegranate extract and may experience allergic reactions such as difficulty breathing, itching, swelling of the affected area, and runny nose. Individuals affected should take caution when consuming.

Recommended Quantity Pomegranate is a fruit, and half of it constitutes a serving. The Food Guide Pyramid recommends approximately 2 to 4 servings of fruits per day. Dietary diversification is encouraged.

The efficacy, components, preventable effects, and side effects of pomegranate are...