「胡蝶の夢」 | 阿波の梟のブログ








"The Dream of the Butterfly" is a narrative attributed to Zhuangzi, a philosopher from the State of Song during China's Warring States period. This tale poses the question of whether the dreamer is the butterfly or if the butterfly is dreaming of being the dreamer. It is widely recognized as an exemplar of Zhuangzi's philosophical thought, particularly his notions of "wu wei zi ran" (無為自然), or "natural spontaneity," and "yi qie qi tong" (一切斉同), or "equality of all things."

In this tale, Zhuangzi dreams of transforming into a butterfly, fully experiencing the sensation of fluttering about as the insect. Upon awakening, he questions whether he is Zhuangzi who dreamt of being a butterfly, or if he is truly a butterfly dreaming of being Zhuangzi. This ambiguity blurs the distinction between reality and dream, highlighting the relativity of existence.

Zhuangzi's philosophy often challenges conventional notions of reality and perception. He suggests that distinctions such as good and bad, right and wrong, or self and other are constructs of the human mind, ultimately arbitrary and devoid of inherent truth. Through stories like "The Dream of the Butterfly," Zhuangzi encourages embracing a state of "xiao yao you" (逍遥遊), or "carefree wandering," where one transcends the confines of dualistic thinking and embraces the unity of all things.

In essence, "The Dream of the Butterfly" urges us to move beyond the dichotomy of dreams and reality, recognizing that both are valid experiences and that the true essence of existence lies beyond the limitations of perception. It embodies Zhuangzi's philosophy of embracing the ever-changing nature of existence while transcending the illusions created by the human mind.