エル・ドラード(El Dorado) | 阿波の梟のブログ



エル・ドラード(El Dorado)という言葉は、スペイン語で「金箔をかぶせた」という意味を持ちます。これは16世紀頃までアンデス地方に存在したチブチャ文化(スペイン語版)またはムイスカ文化の儀式に由来しています。この儀式では、地域の首長が金粉を身にまとい、湖での儀式を行う風習がありました。具体的には、グアタビータ湖という山に囲まれた円形の美しい湖で行われたとされています。






"El Dorado" in Spanish means "the gilded one" or "the golden one," and it stems from the rituals of the Chibcha culture (or Muisca culture in Spanish) that existed in the Andes region until around the 16th century.

In this region, both gold mining and decorative techniques were highly developed. About 57 kilometers north of Colombia's capital, Bogotá, lies a beautiful circular lake surrounded by mountains. In Lake Guatavita, it was customary for the local chief to cover themselves in gold dust and perform rituals.

During the Age of Exploration, Spanish conquistadors heard of this legend, which then grew into a myth claiming that there was a golden city deep in the Amazon. Additionally, the Spanish believed that the land of El Dorado was rich in cinnamon trees, which were highly valued at the time.

Explorers who sought to find El Dorado faced various hardships, including death, starvation, cannibalism, madness, and bankruptcy.

For example, Francisco de Orellana, a Spanish explorer from the 16th century, embarked on an expedition to explore the Amazon River and became enchanted by the legend of El Dorado. His expedition was extremely arduous, with many of his companions perishing, and he himself met a fate filled with hardship.

Thus, the legend of El Dorado attracted many individuals and left deep traces in the history of exploration and adventure.