オッカムのかみそり | 阿波の梟のブログ




オッカムのかみそりは、科学や哲学の分野で広く用いられる原理であり、複数の仮説がある場合に最も単純な説明が最も正しいという考え方を指します。この原理は、14世紀のイギリスの修道士・哲学者であるウィリアム・オッカム(William of Ockham)によって提唱されました。





Occam's Razor

Occam's Razor is a principle widely used in the fields of science and philosophy, asserting that among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected as the correct explanation. This principle was formulated by William of Ockham, a 14th-century English friar and philosopher.

The basic idea behind Occam's Razor is that, when multiple explanations are available, the simplest and most straightforward explanation is typically the best. In other words, an explanation requiring fewer assumptions or elements is generally preferred over one that is more complex, as it is deemed to be closer to the truth.

This principle is often applied in scientific methodology and theory formation. Scientists formulate hypotheses based on data and observations, and simpler hypotheses are usually prioritized. This is because simpler hypotheses possess greater explanatory power and can account for a wider range of phenomena compared to more complex ones.

However, it's important to note that Occam's Razor is not universally applicable. There are instances where a more complex explanation may be closer to the truth. This principle serves as a general guideline and requires careful consideration in individual cases and fields.

Occam's Razor remains an important concept in science and philosophy today, playing a significant role in inference and theory formation.