エピメニデスのパラドックス | 阿波の梟のブログ













  1. リアのパラドックス: 「この文は偽である」という文を考えます。もし文が真であるならば、その文は偽であると主張していることになります。しかし、もし文が偽であるならば、その文は真であると主張していることになります。このようにして、真偽が決定できない矛盾が生じます。

  2. バーベルのパラドックス: 「私は現在嘘をついています」という文を考えます。この文が真であるならば、その文は嘘をついていると主張しています。しかし、もし文が嘘であるならば、その文は真実を述べています。いずれの場合も、矛盾が生じます。


Epimenides' Paradox

Epimenides was an ancient Greek philosopher, and his paradox deals with the contradiction in self-reference.

Consider the following statement:

"All statements made by Epimenides are false."

This statement seems to contradict itself because Epimenides appears to be negating his own statements. However, if his statement is true, then the claim that his statements are false would also be true. Conversely, if his statement is false, then the claim that his statements are false would still be true. In either case, a paradox arises.

Thus, Epimenides' paradox demonstrates the inconsistency that arises in self-referential propositions.


Epimenides' paradox is a classical example of self-reference contradiction. Such paradoxes illustrate the inability of self-referential statements to determine their own truth value. Proposed by an ancient Greek philosopher, it has since become a source of many logical and philosophical inquiries.

Similar paradoxes include Russell's Paradox and Barber Paradox, which, while sharing the commonality of demonstrating the inability of self-reference to determine truth, each possesses its own context and meaning.

Similar Cases

  1. Russell's Paradox: Consider the statement "This statement is false." If the statement is true, then it must be false, leading to a contradiction. Conversely, if it's false, then it must be true, also resulting in a contradiction.

  2. Barber Paradox: Consider the statement "The barber shaves all those who do not shave themselves." If the barber shaves himself, then he must not shave himself, leading to a contradiction. If he doesn't shave himself, then he must shave himself, also leading to a contradiction.

These paradoxes serve as intriguing examples for exploring the deep-seated issues within language and logic. Self-referential propositions often pose challenges in determining truth, frequently resulting in logical confusion.