エピクテータス(Epictetus、) | 阿波の梟のブログ








Epictetus, a Stoic philosopher from ancient Greece, famously said, "Things themselves are not good or bad, but our thoughts about them make them so." This statement encapsulates his teaching that people determine their own happiness or unhappiness through their attitudes and perspectives rather than the external circumstances.

Epictetus was born into slavery in the Roman Empire but gained freedom and became a teacher of Stoic philosophy. At the core of his teachings is the idea that individuals can achieve inner peace and happiness by distinguishing between what they can and cannot control, accepting what they cannot change, and taking proactive action on what they can.

His renowned quote highlights the significance of our interpretations and attitudes toward events or situations. It suggests that the meaning and impact of events vary depending on how individuals perceive them. For example, two people experiencing the same failure may respond differently—one may view it as a learning opportunity for growth, while another may feel defeated and diminish their self-worth.