カントの「目的の王国」という概念 | 阿波の梟のブログ









Kant's concept of the "Kingdom of Ends" is articulated in his work "Perpetual Peace" (1795). This concept is a significant element in Kant's political philosophy, expressing his ideal political order.

The "Kingdom of Ends" is based on Kant's ideas of natural law and moral philosophy. He believed in the universal principles guiding human reason and morality, necessitating universal laws and order between individuals and states.

Kant aimed for a society where people act freely and rationally, respecting peaceful coexistence with others. The "Kingdom of Ends" embodies these ideals.

It is a society where individuals coexist freely and equally, respecting each other under the rule of law. At its core are rational and autonomous individuals, governed by laws and orders formed by their free will. These laws are based on universal principles and apply equally to all individuals, transcending specific interests of individuals or groups.

The "Kingdom of Ends" pursues perpetual peace without war or aggression. Conflicts and competitions between states are eliminated, replaced by mutual cooperation and understanding. In such a society, people collaborate while respecting their own freedom and dignity, striving for peaceful coexistence with others.

Kant's "Kingdom of Ends" is an ideal, and achieving such a society may be challenging. However, his ideas continue to influence contemporary political philosophy and international relations theory, providing important guidelines for the pursuit of peace and justice.