南海トラフ地震の周期性 | 阿波の梟のブログ




  1. 南海トラフ地震の周期性と歴史:

    • 南海トラフでは、マグニチュード8クラスの巨大地震が約100年から200年の周期で発生しています。歴史的には、1944年に紀伊半島南東沖で起きた東南海地震(M7.9, Mw8.2)や1946年の南海地震(M8.0, Mw8.4)が発生し、大きな被害をもたらりました。
  2. 駿河湾と南海トラフの地震活動の差異:

    • 1944年や1946年の地震では、駿河湾で地震が発生しなかったことが注目されました。これにより、「プレートが滑り残った」可能性が浮上し、駿河湾での単独の巨大地震(想定東海地震)が懸念され、予知体制が整備されました。
  3. 南海トラフ地震の変動パターン:

    • 南海トラフでは、繰り返しの度に巨大地震の発生様式が異なることが分かっています。宝永地震の際には四国沖から駿河湾までの広範囲で一度に地震が発生し、連動型となりました。
  4. 南海トラフ地震の規模見直し:

    • 2011年の東北地方太平洋沖地震は、これまでの想定を超える規模の地震が南海トラフでも起こりうる可能性を示し、M9クラスを想定範囲に入れた南海トラフ巨大地震の見直しが行われました。
  5. 日向灘地震:

    • 南海トラフの西端部である日向灘地震は、M7.6前後の地震を約200年周期で引き起こしており、南海地震との連動可能性が指摘されています。
  6. 南海トラフ巨大地震の影響予測:

    • 南海トラフ巨大地震では、最大でMw9.1、最大震度7を観測し、広範囲で死者約24.7万人、最大津波高は34mと予測されています。経済被害も膨大で、資産等が約171.6兆円、経済活動への影響が約36.2兆円と見積もられています。
  7. 南海トラフ地震発生帯掘削計画:

    • 2003年から始まった南海トラフ地震発生帯掘削計画は、多国籍な国々が参加する国際深海掘削計画(IODP)の一環で、地震活動や津波断層の解明を目的としています。これにより、地震活動の歴史や断層の特定が進んでいます。

The Nankai Trough, located off the southern coast of Japan, is an area where the Pacific Plate meets the Philippine Sea Plate, Pacific Plate, and Indo-Australian Plate. It is known for the potential occurrence of massive earthquakes, with a magnitude of around 8, repeating approximately every 100 to 200 years. Below is a detailed explanation based on the provided information:

  1. Cyclic Nature and History of Nankai Trough Earthquakes:

    • Massive earthquakes of magnitude 8 classes occur in the Nankai Trough approximately every 100 to 200 years. Historically, significant events include the 1944 Tonankai Earthquake (M7.9, Mw8.2) and the 1946 Nankai Earthquake (M8.0, Mw8.4), both causing substantial casualties.
  2. Differences in Seismic Activity between Suruga Bay and Nankai Trough:

    • Notably, during the earthquakes in 1944 and 1946, seismic activity did not occur in Suruga Bay, adjacent to the epicenters of these events. This led to concerns about the possibility of a solitary massive earthquake in Suruga Bay, termed the "Assumed Tokai Earthquake," prompting the establishment of a prediction system based on the pre-slip theory.
  3. Variability in Nankai Trough Earthquake Patterns:

    • The Nankai Trough exhibits varying patterns of massive earthquake occurrences with each repetition. During the Hoei Earthquake, earthquakes occurred simultaneously over a wide range, from the Shikoku region to Suruga Bay.
  4. Reevaluation of Nankai Trough Earthquake Magnitudes:

    • The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake demonstrated the potential for earthquakes of a magnitude exceeding previous assumptions to occur in the Nankai Trough. This led to a reassessment of assumptions, considering the possibility of a Nankai Trough massive earthquake with a magnitude of M9.
  5. Hyuga-nada Earthquake:

    • The Hyuga-nada Earthquake, occurring at the western end of the Nankai Trough, generates earthquakes of around M7.6 every 200 years. While historical records do not show occurrences of M8 or higher, there are suggestions of possible connections with Nankai Earthquakes in 1498 and the Hoei Earthquake in 1707.
  6. Impact Predictions for Nankai Trough Mega-Earthquake:

    • The anticipated Nankai Trough mega-earthquake is projected to reach a maximum magnitude of Mw9.1, with a maximum seismic intensity of 7. It is expected to be observed in several prefectures, causing casualties of around 247,000 people and generating a maximum tsunami height of 34 meters. The estimated economic damages are immense, with assets totaling approximately 171.6 trillion yen and an economic impact of around 36.2 trillion yen.
  7. Nankai Trough Earthquake Zone Drilling Project:

    • The Nankai Trough Earthquake Zone Drilling Project, initiated in 2003, is part of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) involving 24 countries. The project aims to investigate the deep-sea floor to understand environmental changes, internal Earth structures, and the crustal biosphere. The project, divided into four stages, has contributed to the discovery of tsunami fault activity and the identification of the 1944 Tonankai Earthquake's tsunami fault.