南海トラフ | 阿波の梟のブログ











The Nankai Trough is a deep trench (submarine trough) located on the seabed south of Shikoku, with depths reaching around 4,000 meters. Its eastern edge is near the Kii Peninsula's Koshu Nose, and the western edge extends to the northern tip of the Kyushu-Palau Ridge. The Nankai Trough is considered a convergent plate boundary, with the Philippine Sea Plate subducting beneath the Eurasian Plate along the deformation front. The section marked by the yellow line in the Suruga Bay, located at the northern end of the Nankai Trough, is also referred to as the Suruga Trough. To the west, across the Kyushu-Palau Ridge, the Ryukyu Trench continues.

Major earthquakes, considered to be associated with the megathrust of the Nankai Trough and its related faults, are believed to occur at intervals ranging from several decades to several centuries.

Parallel to the Nankai Trough subduction zone, the Southwest Japan Arc extends on the upper plate side, developing accretionary complexes, outer ridge uplift zones, and forearc basins.


According to the interpretation of plate tectonics, the Nankai Trough is a subduction zone where the dense Philippine Sea Plate, moving northwestward, collides with the less dense continental Eurasian Plate (Amur Plate) and subducts beneath it.

In the seismic source region of giant earthquakes associated with the Nankai Trough, GPS observations on land indicate northwestward movement of the landward plate. The landward Eurasian Plate is being dragged along with the Philippine Sea Plate due to interplate coupling, known as the "slip-deficit velocity distribution." Observations conducted by the Japan Coast Guard from 2011 for approximately four years revealed that the landward plate is also moving northwestward along the seafloor of the Nankai Trough. The movement rates vary by region, with the maximum annual displacement estimated to be around 6 cm at the Tokai Trough (off Hamamatsu and Lake Hamana) and off the Kii Channel.

The axis of the Nankai Trough, starting from the mouth of the Fuji River near Suruga Bay, extends southward, then changes direction to the southwest, passing through the Kii Channel, Muroto Cape, and reaching off the coast of Kyushu. The western end, beyond Kyushu's eastern coast, connects to the Ryukyu Trench, running north to south along the eastern side of the Nansei Islands and Okinawa. The eastern end, near the mouth of the Fuji River, is believed to connect to the Sagami Trough through the Fuji, Hakone, and Tanzawa mountain ranges, although the exact boundary between fault zones is not well-established. Some propose that instead of a single continuous fault, numerous fault groups create the mechanical boundaries between plates.

In the mid-Showa period after World War II, Tsuneo Sawamura, who studied Nankai earthquakes, noticed that the seismic source regions of Nankai and Tokai earthquakes extended parallel to the east and west of western Japan. He named these seismic sources "Nankai Thrust" based on their thrust fault characteristics. Later, with the widespread acceptance of plate tectonics theory, it became evident that these were subduction zones, and due to their depth being less than 6,000 meters, they became known as the "Nankai Trough."