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  1. 白血病(Leukemia):

    • これは血液および造血器系統のがんで、主に骨髄で発生します。代表的なものに急性リンパ芽球性白血病(ALL)や急性骨髄性白血病(AML)があります。
  2. 脳腫瘍(Brain Tumors):

    • 中枢神経系に発生するがんで、脳や脊髄に影響を与えます。多くの場合、神経学的な症状を引き起こします。
  3. 神経芽腫(Neuroblastoma):

    • これは神経系のがんで、主に副腎腺や神経組織で発生します。小児期に多く見られます。
  4. 腎芽腫(Wilms Tumor):

    • 腎臓で発生するがんで、幼児期に一般的です。腫瘍が大きくなると、おなかの腫れや高血圧などが現れることがあります。
  5. 骨肉腫(Osteosarcoma):

    • 骨に発生するがんで、特に青年期に多く見られます。主に長骨に発生し、激しい骨の痛みが症状として現れます。



Pediatric cancer is a collective term for cancers that occur in children and young individuals. Unlike adult cancers, pediatric cancers are classified based on the maturation stage of cells. Here are some common types of pediatric cancers and their characteristics:

  1. Leukemia:

    • This cancer affects the blood and hematopoietic system, primarily originating in the bone marrow. Common types include Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).
  2. Brain Tumors:

    • Occurring in the central nervous system, brain tumors affect the brain or spinal cord, often causing neurological symptoms.
  3. Neuroblastoma:

    • This cancer arises in the nervous system, commonly in the adrenal glands or nerve tissues. It is frequently observed in early childhood.
  4. Wilms Tumor:

    • A kidney cancer prevalent in early childhood. As the tumor grows, symptoms such as abdominal swelling and hypertension may manifest.
  5. Osteosarcoma:

    • A bone cancer, predominantly found in adolescence. It usually occurs in long bones and presents with severe bone pain.

Treatment for pediatric cancer varies based on the type and stage of cancer but generally includes chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. While treatment success rates are improving, it is essential to be mindful of the potential side effects and long-term health challenges associated with treatment.

Research and advancements in the treatment of pediatric cancer are crucial areas in medical progress, and continued support and awareness are necessary for further improvements.