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"Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol S. Dweck, a professor of psychology at Stanford University, delves into the significance of mindset (belief) in shaping one's life. The book emphasizes two types of mindsets, termed "fixed mindset" and "growth mindset," and explores their impact on various aspects of life. Here's a summary of the content:

The reader shares that reading this book was a turning point that sparked a strong interest in psychology. The author, Carol S. Dweck, is introduced as a psychology professor at Stanford University, renowned for her research on mindset.

The book introduces the concepts of "fixed mindset" and "growth mindset." The former believes that abilities are fixed and unchangeable, while the latter asserts that abilities can be developed through effort. The reader highlights the convincing nature of Dweck's research, conducted at a top-tier American university.

Dweck demonstrates how a simple mindset can significantly alter behavior. The book discusses the impact of the "fixed mindset," which believes that abilities are innate and unchangeable, and the contrasting "growth mindset," which sees abilities as expandable through effort.

An experiment involving praise after an intelligence test is mentioned. One group (Group A) is praised for their intelligence, while another group (Group B) is praised for their effort. The results show that praising ability leads to a decrease in performance, while praising effort enhances performance.

The book explores the influence of mindset on various life aspects, such as academic performance. The reader refers to a study where students with a fixed mindset experience declining grades, while those with a growth mindset see continuous improvement.

The impact of mindset extends to relationships, such as romantic partnerships and marriages. Those with a fixed mindset may attribute relationship issues to inherent incompatibility, while those with a growth mindset believe in the necessity of effort to overcome differences.

The reader acknowledges that the book, while enlightening, falls short in providing practical advice on how to change one's mindset. They express the desire for more guidance on this matter and share their personal journey of discovering effective methods through therapy and self-help literature.

In conclusion, the reader highly recommends the book to those interested in understanding the influence of beliefs on life. They note that while the book doesn't provide detailed strategies for mindset change, it effectively communicates the profound impact of beliefs on one's life.