自然災害の定義 | 阿波の梟のブログ



  • 自然災害の定義::

    • 自然災害は、危機的な自然現象によって引き起こされ、人の命や社会的活動に被害をもたらる現象を指す。
  • 法令上の定義:

    • 日本の法令では、「暴風、豪雨、豪雪、洪水、高潮、地震、津波、噴火その他の異常な自然現象により生ずる被害」と定義されている(被災者生活再建支援法2条1号)。
  • 自然災害の発生要因:

    • 災害は、危機と脆弱性が出会ったときに発生する。
    • 社会の脆弱性(災害に対する弱さ)が大きければ、被害の大きさが増す。
  • ディザスターとハザード:

    • 「災害(disaster)」と「危機(hazard)」は異なる意味を持つ。
    • 災害は危機が脆弱性と出会うことで発生し、社会の崩壊や経済的・社会的混乱を意味する。
  • ナチュラル・ハザードとナチュラル・ディザスターの定義:

    • ナチュラル・ハザードは自然現象であり、地震、火山噴火、地すべり、津波、洪水、干ばつなどが含まれる。
    • ナチュラル・ディザスターは、ナチュラル・ハザードの結果または影響であり、社会の持続可能性の崩壊と経済的・社会的発展の混乱を指す。
  • 自然災害と脆弱性の関連:

    • 脆弱性が高い場合、被害が拡大しやすくなる。防災計画や危機管理が不十分な場合、被害はさらに増大する。
  • 「自然」の異議:

    • 「自然災害」に対して、「自然」に異議を唱える声もある。環境に人間活動も社会も存在しなければ、単なる自然現象であり災害にはならないという観点。
  • 自然災害と人災の対比:

    • 自然災害は天災とも呼ばれるが、実際には社会の脆弱性や人的要因が被害を拡大させることが多い。
    • 例として、地震は自然現象だが、脆弱な建物や救援の不足が地震災害を拡大させる。
  • 人為的要因の影響:

    • 自然現象の影響が拡大する要因として、社会の不平等や政府の失策が挙げられる。
    • 例として、干ばつは政策次第で飢饉を招くかどうかが変わる。


  • Definition of Natural Disasters:

    • A natural disaster refers to phenomena resulting from crisis-inducing natural occurrences, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, and others, causing harm to human life and societal activities.
  • Legal Definition:

    • In Japanese law, a natural disaster is defined as damage caused by "storms, heavy rains, heavy snow, floods, high tides, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and other abnormal natural phenomena" (Disaster Victim's Life Reconstruction Support Act, Article 2, Clause 1).
  • Factors Leading to Natural Disasters:

    • Disasters occur when hazards meet vulnerability.
    • The vulnerability of society, such as the absence of disaster preparedness and inadequate crisis management, amplifies human, economic, and environmental damages.
  • Disaster vs. Hazard:

    • "Disaster" and "hazard" have distinct meanings.
    • Disasters arise when crises meet vulnerability, signifying societal collapse and disruption of economic and social development.
  • Definitions of Natural Hazard and Natural Disaster:

    • A natural hazard is a physical phenomenon occurring naturally, caused by atmospheric, geological, or hydrological factors affecting regions on a planetary, global, regional, national, or local scale. It includes earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, tsunamis, floods, and droughts.
    • A natural disaster, resulting from or influenced by natural hazards, denotes the collapse of societal sustainability and disruption of economic and social development.
  • Connection Between Natural Disasters and Vulnerability:

    • High vulnerability increases the likelihood of expanded damages. Insufficient disaster preparedness and crisis management further escalate damages.
  • Objection to the Term "Natural":

    • Some objections are raised against the term "natural" in "natural disasters," emphasizing that without vulnerability in a given location (for example, if no one resides in the affected area), a "natural disaster" wouldn't occur. In such cases, natural phenomena remain mere occurrences without potential harm, crisis, or disaster.
  • Comparison of Natural Disasters and Man-made Disasters:

    • While natural disasters are often referred to as acts of nature, in reality, societal vulnerability and human factors often contribute significantly to their impact.
    • For example, an earthquake is a natural phenomenon, but vulnerable structures and insufficient rescue efforts can exacerbate the earthquake disaster.
  • Impact of Anthropogenic Factors:

    • Human-induced factors, such as social inequality and governmental mistakes, can amplify the impact of natural phenomena.
    • For instance, drought, a natural occurrence, can lead to famine depending on policies and the functioning of democratic incentives, while authoritarian regimes or anarchic situations may easily escalate drought into famine.

These points comprehensively explain the definition, causes, distinctions, and societal implications of natural disasters.