


















  1. 文化人類学(Cultural Anthropology):

    • 地域の伝統や習慣を保存し、地域創生に生かすための研究は、地方の独自性を保つ手助けになります。
    • 事例: アメリカのアパラチア地域での伝統的な文化保存の取り組み。
  2. 経済学(Economics):

    • 地域振興のための資金配分や経済政策の設計には、効果的な経済的インセンティブが必要です。
    • 事例: 欧州連合(EU)の地域振興プログラムでの成功例。
  3. 社会学(Sociology):

    • 地域コミュニティの活性化には、社会的ネットワークの強化が重要です。
    • 事例: 日本の地域社会でのボランティア活動の推進。
  4. 心理学(Psychology):

    • 地域振興施策が住民の幸福感や生活満足度に与える影響を評価することが重要です。
    • 事例: スウェーデンでの地域振興による住民のメンタルヘルス改善。
  5. 精神医学(Psychiatry):

    • 地域振興による精神的なサポートの必要性を認識し、施策に組み込むことが求められます。
    • 事例: イギリスの地方での精神衛生プログラムの成功例。
  6. 動物行動学(Animal Behavior):

    • 地域振興が動物の生態系や行動に与える影響も考慮する必要があります。
    • 事例: オーストラリアでの野生動物保護プログラム。
  7. 宗教論(Religious Studies):

    • 地域の宗教的な価値や慣習が振興施策に与える影響を考慮することが大切です。
    • 事例: インドの宗教行事を地域振興に生かす取り組み。
  8. 人間論(Human Studies):

    • 人間の根本的なニーズや価値観を理解し、それに基づいた地域振興が必要です。
    • 事例: フィンランドの「幸福度指標」を用いた地域振興策。


The Impact and Challenges of the Regional Revitalization Project (Furusato Sōsei Project)


Between 1988 and 1989, Japanese municipalities were provided with 100 million yen each under the "Regional Revitalization Project" (Furusato Sōsei Jigyō). Initiated by Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita during the bubble economy, the project aimed to encourage local governments to take the lead in regional development. The national government did not intervene in how the 100 million yen was spent, leaving it up to local creativity and initiative.

Implementation and Issues

Local governments were suddenly required to determine how to use the 100 million yen, leading to confusion and hesitation. Some regions invested in tourism infrastructure to temporarily stimulate the economy. However, the suddenness of the project led to the construction of unnecessary buildings and monuments, drawing criticism from many informed citizens. Some struggling municipalities even designated the funds as "XX Foundation," resulting in a wasteful distribution of money.

Many Japanese regions, lacking both funds and innovative ideas for revitalization, ended up with ineffective measures. Areas with depleted financial resources often mismanaged the funds, akin to a lottery winner squandering their prize on gambling and alcohol.

Tsuneko Miyamoto's Perspective

Ethnologist Tsuneko Miyamoto, who conducted fieldwork across Japan from the 1930s until his death in 1981, emphasized that regional revitalization should stem from local traditions and characteristics. He opposed Kakuei Tanaka's "Japan Archipelago Renovation Theory," advocating that regional revival must mature from and be promoted based on local traditions and unique features. His research on the Seto Inland Sea and the settlement of sea people (ama) on the islands of the Seto Inland Sea is considered a valuable reference for regional revitalization.

Current Regional Challenges

Today, regions are facing severe challenges such as aging populations, depopulation, and declining birth rates. While it is crucial for the Cabinet to prioritize "regional revitalization," it also involves addressing significant contradictions within the principles of the modern nation-state. Past investments in infrastructure such as high-speed trains and highways were intended to stimulate regional development, but these projects often resulted in increased outmigration, exacerbating depopulation.

Principles of the Modern Nation-State and Regional Revitalization

The principles of the modern nation-state include the creation of a national identity, linguistic and value unity, and centralization of resources, information, and talent. Japan, as an island nation, has achieved significant success in urban concentration but has also seen marked decline in rural areas. From a regional perspective, the modern nation-state often appears to neglect rural areas, which lack resources and opportunities.

Proposals and Future Directions

For genuine regional revitalization, it is essential to address the concentration of cultural influence and talent in Tokyo. Bold plans, such as relocating government agencies and the Senate to regions like Shikoku or Kyushu, may be necessary. The issue of regional revitalization is fundamentally linked to the problems of modern nation-states and urban functions.

Creating a new national revitalization strategy requires exploring methods to encourage people to permanently reside in regions without losing their unique local characteristics. Residents should maintain a sense of belonging to their regions and continue to live there.

Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Examples

  1. Cultural Anthropology:

    • Research on preserving local traditions and customs can help maintain regional uniqueness.
    • Example: Preservation efforts in the Appalachian region of the United States.
  2. Economics:

    • Effective economic incentives and fund allocation are crucial for regional revitalization.
    • Example: Successful regional development programs in the European Union (EU).
  3. Sociology:

    • Strengthening social networks within communities is important for regional revitalization.
    • Example: Promotion of volunteer activities in Japanese communities.
  4. Psychology:

    • Evaluating the impact of revitalization policies on residents' well-being and life satisfaction is essential.
    • Example: Improvements in mental health in Swedish regions due to revitalization efforts.
  5. Psychiatry:

    • Recognizing the need for mental health support in revitalization policies is crucial.
    • Example: Successful mental health programs in rural areas of the UK.
  6. Animal Behavior:

    • Considering the impact of revitalization on local ecosystems and animal behavior is important.
    • Example: Wildlife conservation programs in Australia.
  7. Religious Studies:

    • Understanding the influence of regional religious values and practices on revitalization efforts.
    • Example: Utilizing religious festivals for regional development in India.
  8. Human Studies:

    • Understanding fundamental human needs and values for effective regional revitalization.
    • Example: The use of "happiness indicators" in Finnish regional development.

Incorporating these interdisciplinary perspectives and real-world examples can lead to more effective and sustainable regional revitalization strategies.



元々、ロジスティクスは軍事用語であり、兵站(へいたん、Military Logistics)として知られ、戦闘地帯から後方の軍の活動や施設を支援する計画や実施を指します。兵站は、物資の配給、整備、兵員の展開、衛生、施設の構築など、軍の全体的な運用を支えるものです。




  1. 顧客サービス(Customer Service)
  2. 需要予測(Demand Forecasting)
  3. 流通コミュニケーション(Distribution Communication)
  4. 在庫管理(Inventory Control)
  5. マテリアルハンドリング(Material Handling)
  6. 受注処理(Order Processing)
  7. 部品・サービス支援(Parts and Service Support)
  8. 工場・在庫拠点選定(Plant and Warehouse Site Selection)
  9. 調達(Procurement)
  10. 包装(Packaging)
  11. 回収(Return Goods Handling)
  12. 廃棄(Salvage and Scrap Disposal)
  13. 貨物輸送(Traffic and Transportation)
  14. 倉庫・保管(Warehousing and Storage)





  1. 組織の硬直性:JAの組織構造はしばしば硬直的であり、迅速な対応が難しい。
  2. 技術導入の遅れ:最新のロジスティクス技術や手法の導入が遅れ、競争力を失いつつある。
  3. 政策支援の不足:国家政策が十分にロジスティクスの重要性を認識しておらず、必要な支援が不足している。




Logistics and Its Concept

Logistics is a strategic means of efficiently managing the flow of "goods" from raw material procurement to production and sales to meet customer demands. It involves planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient and effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption.

Originally, logistics was a military term referring to the planning and execution of the support activities necessary for military operations, known as military logistics. This includes material supply, maintenance, troop deployment, sanitation, and facility construction and maintenance.

As Schiller points out, logistics originally means "military outposts" and is derived from the Greek word "logitikos" (one skilled in calculation) or the Latin "logisticus" (administrators or managers in ancient Rome or Byzantium).

Functions of Logistics

Research on logistics has evolved as a part of marketing studies. According to Douglas M. Lambert, logistics activities include the following 14 points:

  1. Customer Service
  2. Demand Forecasting
  3. Distribution Communication
  4. Inventory Control
  5. Material Handling
  6. Order Processing
  7. Parts and Service Support
  8. Plant and Warehouse Site Selection
  9. Procurement
  10. Packaging
  11. Return Goods Handling
  12. Salvage and Scrap Disposal
  13. Traffic and Transportation
  14. Warehousing and Storage

Logistics in Japan's Primary Industries

In Japan, advancing research in logistics and supply chain management is crucial for enhancing the competitiveness of primary industries such as agriculture and fisheries. There is a need to transform the perspective on agriculture towards industrialized farming. For example, utilizing hydroponic cultivation and pest control technologies to achieve safe and efficient production is required.

Issues with Agricultural Cooperatives (JA) and National Policy

In Japan, agricultural cooperatives (JA) have historically played a significant role in supporting and developing agriculture. However, from a logistics perspective, several issues have emerged:

  1. Organizational Rigidity: JA's organizational structure is often rigid, making rapid responses difficult.
  2. Delayed Technological Adoption: The adoption of the latest logistics technologies and methods has been slow, leading to a loss of competitiveness.
  3. Insufficient Policy Support: National policies have not fully recognized the importance of logistics, resulting in inadequate support.

Addressing these issues requires a revision of national policies. For example, policies supporting the industrialization of agriculture, subsidies for technology adoption, and enhanced training and education for farmers are necessary.


Logistics plays a crucial role not only in the overall economy but also specifically in primary industries such as agriculture and fisheries. For Japanese agriculture to develop into a sustainable and competitive industry, active adoption of logistics concepts and technologies, along with supportive national policies, is essential. Agricultural cooperatives (JA) also need to implement reforms in response to these needs.


現代では、中国は世界最大の経済大国の一つに成長してきた。購買力平価(PPP)で見ると、物価の低い中国のGNP(Gross National Product)は、為替レートによる換算よりもはるかに大きい。全体としては、日本をはるかに上回り、米国に匹敵する規模を持っている。このように、中国が恐竜のような巨大な経済力を持つことは、国際社会にとって一つの脅威となり得る。













「歴史」(history)は、ラテン語の「historia」で「探求したこと、学んだこと」という意味からきている。日本国民の一人ひとりが世界史から多くを学び、外交感覚(diplomacy sense)を豊かにしておく必要がある。日本がいつまでも平和な経済大国としてあり続けるためには、国民の歴史感覚と外交感覚が必要である。







Analysis of Modern China's Economic Power and Its Impacts

In modern times, China has emerged as one of the world's largest economic powers. When viewed through purchasing power parity (PPP), China's Gross National Product (GNP), considering its lower prices, is significantly larger than when converted using exchange rates. Overall, it surpasses Japan by a wide margin and rivals the United States. The enormous economic power that China wields is a potential threat to the international community.

Expansion of China's Economic Influence

Chinese products and labor are flooding the global market. Seeking cheap labor, capital from the United States, Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan has flowed into China, rapidly industrializing its coastal regions. Following the weakening of the Russian regime after the Cold War, Chinese merchants carrying Chinese products have aggressively spread into Vietnam, Myanmar, and northern Siberia.

Currently, economic development has accelerated not only in coastal areas but also in rural and suburban township enterprises. Products that were once considered substandard, such as electrical appliances and textiles, are now earning foreign exchange. Moreover, during the Cold War era, ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia, who had disguised their identities, are now openly embracing their cultural traditions. For example, in Vietnam, people are reverting to using Chinese characters in their names to expand trade with China.

Expansion of Military and Cultural Influence

China, aiming to secure military footholds and expand its cultural influence, is making long-term strategic plans to form a new Sino-cultural sphere across East Asia, including areas like the Senkaku Islands. China's population accounts for one-quarter of the world's total and is 1.5 times the combined population of Europe and North America. If this population engages in industrialization and economic growth, not only the economic map but also the concept of culture worldwide will undergo significant changes.

Unlike Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore, Chinese culture has not been absorbed into Western civilization. However, there are many deficiencies in the Chinese economy. The financial system is immature, and the concepts of ownership and companies have not yet fully permeated. The tax system, distribution channels, and labor market are rough, with significant wealth disparities and minimal pollution control measures.

Threats to "Advanced Nations"

For "advanced nations," the more significant threat comes from the 400 million people stretching from North Africa through Central Asia to the former Soviet territories and the East Asian region adjoining the Asian continent. These regions were previously seen as symbols of stagnation and backwardness, often underestimated. Since the 18th century, Western powers targeted these areas for invasion and indoctrination.

Today, it is impossible to label the Islamic world and East Asia as stagnant or backward. Islam, with its intense religious fervor, continues to challenge the religious, ethical, and social orders of developed countries. Particularly, Islamic fundamentalism, though a minority, influences Christians and Hindus with its extremism, shaking the concepts of advancement and backwardness.

Complexity of Global Structure and Japan's Position

The Islamic world holds a strategic position in the supply of oil, making it a battleground of stark conflict and friction between Western justice and subjective passion. The Western advanced nations, including the EU, consist of about 400 million people. We Japanese must consider our position within this complex global structure. Japan's choice of position is now being scrutinized. A wrong choice could lead to a second defeat, from which we may never recover.

Importance of History and Diplomatic Sense

The term "history" comes from the Latin "historia," meaning "things investigated" or "things learned." Every Japanese citizen needs to learn from world history and enrich their diplomatic sense. For Japan to remain a peaceful economic power, its citizens' historical awareness and diplomatic sense are essential.

Comprehensive Perspective

China's expanding economic, military, and cultural influence presents numerous risks and opportunities to the international community. Economically, China's growth is reshaping global markets and creating new economic dynamics. Politically, China's rise is altering the balance of power in international relations, especially in the Asia-Pacific region.

From a humanities perspective, China's cultural influence promotes global cultural exchange while potentially undermining regional cultural identities. Geographically, China's economic expansion is transforming urban development and rural areas, leading to domestic and international geographic reorganization.

From the viewpoint of religious studies and ideology, the rise of the Islamic world and East Asia challenges religious and secular values, highlighting the ideological diversity globally. These trends intensify tensions between developed and emerging nations while also providing opportunities for new forms of cooperation.


The rise of China and the dynamics of the Islamic world present both challenges and opportunities for the modern international community. Japan must find its appropriate position within this complex global structure, learning from history and enhancing its diplomatic sense. By doing so, Japan can maintain its status as a peaceful and prosperous economic power.


ダラード(John Dollard)とミラー(Neal E. Miller)は、心理学における重要な仮説である「欲求不満-攻撃仮説」(Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis)を提唱したことで知られる。この仮説は、欲求の挫折が怒りや攻撃性を誘発するという基本的な心理的メカニズムを説明するものである。以下では、この仮説を学術的に詳しく解説する。


ダラードとミラーは、1939年に出版した「Frustration and Aggression」という著書でこの仮説を初めて発表した。当時、心理学は行動主義(behaviorism)が主流であり、彼らの研究もこの枠組みの中で行われた。行動主義の視点から、人間の行動は環境刺激に対する反応として理解されるべきものであり、欲求不満や攻撃行動もこの観点から分析された。



  1. 欲求の発生:人間は何らかの欲求(needs)を持っている。この欲求は基本的な生理的欲求から、社会的・心理的欲求に至るまで多岐にわたる。

  2. 欲求の阻害:何らかの理由でこれらの欲求が満たされない場合、欲求不満(frustration)が生じる。欲求不満は、目標に到達するための努力が妨げられた時に経験される心理的状態である。

  3. 攻撃行動の発生:欲求不満が一定の閾値を超えると、それが攻撃行動(aggression)として表出する。攻撃行動は、他者に対して物理的または心理的な損害を与える行動を指す。







Dollard and Miller's Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis

John Dollard and Neal E. Miller are renowned for proposing the "Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis," a significant concept in psychology. This hypothesis explains the basic psychological mechanism whereby the frustration of needs induces anger and aggressive behavior. Below is an academic explanation of this hypothesis in detail.

Background of the Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis

Dollard and Miller first presented this hypothesis in their 1939 book "Frustration and Aggression." At the time, behaviorism was the dominant paradigm in psychology, and their research was conducted within this framework. From the behaviorist perspective, human behavior should be understood as a response to environmental stimuli, and frustration and aggressive behavior were analyzed within this context.

Core Assertions of the Hypothesis

The central assertion of the Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis is that "frustration leads to aggression." This hypothesis can be explained in the following steps:

  1. Emergence of Needs: Humans have various needs, ranging from basic physiological needs to social and psychological needs.

  2. Blocking of Needs: When these needs are not satisfied for some reason, frustration arises. Frustration is a psychological state experienced when efforts to achieve a goal are blocked.

  3. Emergence of Aggressive Behavior: When frustration exceeds a certain threshold, it manifests as aggressive behavior. Aggressive behavior refers to actions that cause physical or psychological harm to others.

Empirical Research and Applications

Dollard and Miller's hypothesis has been validated by numerous empirical studies. For instance, observations in children's playgrounds and adult behavior experiments in laboratories have shown that frustration triggers aggressive behavior. These findings have been applied in various fields, including education, clinical psychology, criminology, and social psychology.

Modifications and Extensions of the Hypothesis

Subsequent research has led to several modifications and extensions of the Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis. For example, it has been shown that frustration does not always result in aggressive behavior and that many other factors contribute to aggression. Additionally, the emotions triggered by frustration are not limited to anger but also include sadness and disappointment.


Dollard and Miller's Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis has significantly contributed to understanding human aggressive behavior. By elucidating the relationship between the frustration of needs and aggression, this hypothesis aids in addressing various social issues and individual psychological challenges. This hypothesis will continue to be a crucial theory in psychology, fostering further research and practical applications in the future.





我々が欲するものは、すべて価値あるものとなる。例えば、金銭は多くの欲求を満たす手段としての価値を持ち、親は育ててくれる存在としての価値を持つ。また、書物や絵画、教師なども精神的な価値を提供する。しかし、これらの価値は「皮相的」(shallow)、周辺的(outskirts)、手段的値対象(instrumental object)に過ぎない。

これに対して、金銭が代理するご馳走、親が与える愛情、友人が与える友情、教師の教える善意、書物が伝える真理、絵画に表される美といった本質的(essential)なものこそが「真の価値」(true value)である。我々の憧れの対象は、この真の価値にある。


食物や親の愛情は基礎的な(basic)欲求であり、幼児期から生まれつき求められる。しかし、抽象的な真・善・美・聖などの絶対価値(absolute ideal)は、日常生活の中で追求されるにもかかわらず、従来は欲求の対象として考えられてこなかった。これを「B価値」(Being-value、存在・生命)として高次欲求の対象と指摘したのが、アブラハム・マズロー(Abraham Maslow)である。彼は人間性心理学(humanistic psychology)の代表者である。

高次欲求(high-level needs)のB価値には以下のようなものがある:真(truth)、善(goodness)、美(beauty)、聖(holiness)、全体性(wholeness)、二分法超越(transcendence of dichotomies)、躍動(aliveness)、独自性(uniqueness)、完全性(perfection)、必然性(necessity)、完成(completion)、正義(justice)、秩序(order)、単純(simplicity)、富裕(richness)、無為(effortlessness)、遊び(playfulness)、自己充足(self-sufficiency)。











  • 「不満のないところに進歩もない。」(進歩と不満の関係性)
  • マズローの「欲求階層説」(Hierarchy of Needs)


  • アブラハム・マズロー(Abraham Maslow):心理学者。人間の成長と自己実現の過程を研究し、欲求階層説を提唱した。
  • ダラードとミラー(Dollard, J. and Miller, N.):心理学者。欲求不満-攻撃仮説(Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis)を提唱し、欲求の挫折と攻撃性の関係を明らかにした。


An Interdisciplinary Study on Needs and Values


Humans are beings with diverse "needs." Everything we desire becomes a "value." Understanding the relationship between needs and values from various academic perspectives—psychiatry, neuroscience, psychology, philosophy and ethics, sociology, economics, theology, and biology—is essential to comprehend human behavior and emotions.

The Relationship Between Needs and Values

What we desire becomes valuable to us. For example, money holds value as it satisfies many needs, and parents hold value as they nurture us. Additionally, books, paintings, and teachers provide spiritual value. However, these values are "shallow," "peripheral," and "instrumental objects."

In contrast, the essentials represented by money, such as delicious food, the love given by parents, the friendship provided by friends, the goodwill taught by teachers, the truth conveyed by books, and the beauty expressed in paintings, are the true values. Our aspirations lie in these true values.

Lower Needs and Higher Needs

Food and parental love are basic needs recognized from infancy. However, abstract absolute values like truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness were not traditionally considered as objects of desire despite being sought in daily life. Abraham Maslow pointed out these as "Being-values" (B-values) and made them the focus of higher needs. Maslow is a leading figure in humanistic psychology.

B-values of higher needs include: truth, goodness, beauty, holiness, wholeness, transcendence of dichotomies, aliveness, uniqueness, perfection, necessity, completion, justice, order, simplicity, richness, effortlessness, playfulness, and self-sufficiency.

Even when basic needs for survival are met, humans yearn for these values and seek their fulfillment.

Realization of B-Values and Human Satisfaction

When B-values are realized, humans feel ultimate satisfaction. Conversely, failure to achieve these values leads to intense tension and frustration. For instance, witnessing injustice in society evokes strong righteous indignation from unmet higher needs for justice. Observing incomplete work triggers frustration from the higher need for perfection.

A person with a healthy mind is compelled to straighten a crookedly hung picture due to aesthetic values (B-values). Humans instinctively seek truth over falsehood and beauty over ugliness.

Self-Sacrifice and B-Values

People strongly seek the realization of B-values even if it contradicts their basic needs. Self-sacrifice in emergencies for the sake of others is driven by these B-values. Stories of individuals sacrificing themselves for freedom abound worldwide.

This pursuit is not because of external teachings to suppress lower needs, but because higher needs for B-values are an inherent instinct of humans.


Understanding the multifaceted relationship between needs and values allows us to gain deeper insights into human behavior and emotions, and societal dynamics. By examining this relationship across psychiatry, neuroscience, psychology, philosophy and ethics, sociology, economics, theology, and biology, we can get closer to understanding what humans desire and value.

Quotations and Sayings

  • "There is no progress without dissatisfaction." (The relationship between progress and dissatisfaction)
  • Maslow's "Hierarchy of Needs"

Introduction of Figures

  • Abraham Maslow: Psychologist. He proposed the Hierarchy of Needs and studied the process of human growth and self-actualization.
  • Dollard and Miller: Psychologists. They proposed the Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis and clarified the relationship between need frustration and aggression.

By deeply understanding the relationship between needs and values, new perspectives on individual happiness and societal progress can be provided.



人間の「不平不満」「価値」「生きがい」といった概念は、しばしば欲求の階層構造と深く結びついている。アブラハム・マズローの「欲求階層説」(Hierarchy of Needs)をはじめ、欲求が満たされる過程で生じる不満や満足感が、個人の成長や社会の進歩にどのように影響するかが議論されてきた。本論文では、不平不満の階層構造を再評価し、心理学的および社会学的視点からその意義を考察する。






不平不満は、欲求の階層構造に基づいて低次から高次へと分類できる。低次の不満は生理的・安全的欲求の未充足から生じ、高次の不満は社会的・自己実現的欲求の未充足に関連する。ダラードとミラー(Dollard, J. and Miller, N.)による「欲求不満-攻撃仮説」(Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis)は、欲求の挫折が怒りや攻撃性を誘発することを示している。



  1. 身体的攻撃(Physical attack)
  2. 所有権の侵害(Infringement of ownership)
  3. 社会的欲求の妨害(Obstruction of social needs)
  4. 道徳性の侵害(Infringement of morality)





  • 「不満のないところに進歩もない。」(進歩と不満の関係性)
  • ダラードとミラーの「欲求不満-攻撃仮説」(Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis)


  • アブラハム・マズロー(Abraham Maslow):心理学者。欲求階層説を提唱し、人間の成長と自己実現の過程を研究。
  • ダラードとミラー(Dollard, J. and Miller, N.):心理学者。欲求不満-攻撃仮説を提唱し、欲求の挫折と攻撃性の関係を明らかにした。


the Hierarchical Structure of Dissatisfaction and Values


Concepts such as "dissatisfaction," "values," and "purpose in life" are deeply intertwined with the hierarchical structure of human needs. From Abraham Maslow's "Hierarchy of Needs" to modern theories, how dissatisfaction and satisfaction in fulfilling needs affect individual growth and societal progress has been extensively discussed. This paper reevaluates the hierarchical structure of dissatisfaction and considers its significance from psychological and sociological perspectives.

The Relationship Between Needs and Dissatisfaction

"Dissatisfaction" is closely related to the degree of need fulfillment. When needs are not met, dissatisfaction arises as a reflection of this. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, once basic needs (physiological and safety needs) are satisfied, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs follow. Dissatisfaction at each stage becomes the driving force to pursue needs at the next level.


Comparing the minimal dissatisfaction of survivors in the extreme conditions of Nazi concentration camps with the trivial dissatisfaction of people in affluent households helps us understand the diversity of dissatisfaction. For instance, the complaint of a wife about her husband putting too much sugar in his coffee versus the dissatisfaction of a wife suffering from domestic violence illustrates the different levels of dissatisfaction based on the hierarchy of needs.

The Hierarchical Structure of Dissatisfaction

Dissatisfaction can be classified from lower to higher levels based on the hierarchy of needs. Lower-level dissatisfaction arises from unmet physiological and safety needs, while higher-level dissatisfaction is related to unmet social and self-actualization needs. The "Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis" by Dollard and Miller (Dollard, J. and Miller, N.) demonstrates that the frustration of needs induces anger and aggression.

Causes of Children's Fights and Hierarchy of Dissatisfaction

A study on the causes of children's fights categorized the reasons into four:

  1. Physical attack
  2. Infringement of ownership
  3. Obstruction of social needs
  4. Infringement of morality

These causes change according to the maturity level of the children, progressing from physical and material dissatisfaction to social and moral dissatisfaction.


Understanding the hierarchical structure of dissatisfaction provides deeper insights into the growth process of individuals and societies. Modern people often take the fulfillment of needs for granted and forget to be grateful, but recognizing the extent of current satisfaction compared to minimal conditions and maintaining a sense of gratitude is a path to happiness.

Quotations and Sayings

  • "There is no progress without dissatisfaction." (The relationship between progress and dissatisfaction)
  • The "Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis" by Dollard and Miller

Introduction of Figures

  • Abraham Maslow: A psychologist who proposed the hierarchy of needs and studied the process of human growth and self-actualization.
  • Dollard and Miller: Psychologists who proposed the frustration-aggression hypothesis and clarified the relationship between need frustration and aggression.

By understanding the hierarchical structure of dissatisfaction and deeply considering its significance, new perspectives on individual happiness and societal progress can be provided.

現代は、選挙運動(election campaign)が盛んに行われており、それぞれのイデオロギー(ideology、政治観念)と政治意図(political purpose)に基づいて政策(policy)が述べられています。各党は自党に有利になるように世論形成(building of public opinion)に向けて活動しています。

有能な扇動者(agitator)は、演説や文章を発表し、多数の人を同調(conformity)させ社会的変革を意図しているかのようです。時には、扇動により集団心理を利用し、不合理な政治的意思決定(irrational political decision-making)を引き起こすこともあります。


ジェリー・B・ハーヴィェイ(Jerry B. Harvey)の省察によると、コミュニケーションが機能していない時、場の空気を忖度することで構成員の誰もが望んでいないことや、誰もが不可能だと考えていることを合意することがあるとしています。これをアビリーンのパラドックス(Abilene Paradox)と名づけました。事なかれ主義(avoiding conflict)が一つの要因でもあります。

政治学(political science)は古代ギリシャに始まり、ソクラテスやプラトンがデモクラシーへの懐疑から始まったものです。アリストテレスは、ポリスで見られた政治体制を分類し批評しました。それ以降、モンテスキューの体制分類に影響を与えてきました。プラトンの支持したのは哲人統治者(philosopher ruler)の政治であり、アカデメイア(Academia)を創設し、哲人王となる人材を育成しようとしました。

現代のような大きな社会(Big Society)で哲人政治が可能であるとは考えられません。ましてや、君主制や貴族制の復活は言うに及びません。しかし、ウィンストン・チャーチルのように「民主政治はこれまでの最悪の政治よりは少し良い制度だ」とのんきに構えているのも怠慢すぎます。20世紀の独裁者、ムソリーニ、ヒトラー、スターリン、毛沢東などは、民衆の歓呼により、多数決という民主主義の手続きを概ね踏んだ上で絶対権力を手中にしました。


古代ローマ帝国の没落は、詩人ユウェナリス(Juvenal)が「パンとサーカス」(panem et circenses)と揶揄したように、食糧と娯楽により愚民政策をしたからです。古代ローマ帝国の市民は、豊かさに慣れ「働くことを放棄」し、退屈さのあまり娯楽を求め堕落し続け、大帝国を没落させたのです。

現代日本の過剰な社会福祉とマスメディア(mass media)による見世物的な政治・娯楽の大量情報(large amount of information)のたれ流しが、これに当たらなければ良いのですが。

Election campaigns are in full swing, with policies being presented based on each party's ideology and political purpose. Each party is working to shape public opinion to its advantage.

Skilled agitators deliver speeches and publish writings, seemingly intending to rally large numbers of people to effect social change. At times, such agitation can exploit group psychology, leading to irrational political decision-making.

In ancient Greece, democracy was often associated with demagogy, seen as a cause of ochlocracy (mob rule). Schiller pointed out that when large numbers of people with poor judgment participate in decision-making, discussions can stagnate, and they may be misled by agitators' sophistry, leading to incorrect decisions and policy implementation. Moreover, decisions made under the influence of tyrants (tyrannos), motivated by personal gain, local ties, kinship, momentary emotions like anger, fear, jealousy, superficial righteousness, or selfish desires, can result in adverse political situations for the entire community.

According to Jerry B. Harvey's reflections, when communication fails, members may agree to things that no one actually desires or believes possible, a phenomenon he named the Abilene Paradox. Avoiding conflict is one contributing factor.

Political science originated in ancient Greece, beginning with Socrates and Plato's skepticism towards democracy. Aristotle classified and critiqued the political systems observed in the polis, influencing Montesquieu's later classifications. Plato advocated for a government led by philosopher rulers and established the Academia to train potential philosopher kings.

It is inconceivable that philosopher governance would be feasible in modern large societies, let alone the restoration of monarchies or aristocracies. However, taking Winston Churchill's relaxed stance that "democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried," is overly complacent. In the 20th century, dictators like Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Zedong achieved absolute power largely by following the democratic procedure of majority rule, bolstered by the public's acclamation.

Even without such extreme transformations, when the demos (people) turn into ochlos (mob) or masses, democracy can degrade into populism.

The decline of the Roman Empire, as poet Juvenal mocked with "bread and circuses" (panem et circenses), was due to policies aimed at placating the populace with food and entertainment. Citizens of the Roman Empire became accustomed to wealth, "abandoning work," and continually seeking entertainment out of boredom, ultimately leading to the empire's downfall.

It is to be hoped that Japan's excessive social welfare and the mass media's flood of sensational political and entertainment information do not follow this path.

パレートの法則とその応用: 社会経済の不均衡を考察する


ヴィルフレッド・パレート(Vilfredo Pareto)は、20世紀初頭に「国家の富の分布は不均衡であり、ごく少数の人々に多くの富が集中している」という法則を示しました。この法則は、後に「80対20の法則(The 80/20 Rule)」や「ジップの法則(Zipf's Law)」、「不均衡の法則(The Law of Imbalance)」など、様々な形で発展してきました。本論文では、これらの法則を通じて社会経済の不均衡を考察し、その応用可能性について論じます。













Pareto's Law and Its Applications: A Study of Socioeconomic Imbalance


Vilfredo Pareto, in the early 20th century, formulated a law stating that "the distribution of wealth in a nation is unequal, with a very small number of people concentrating a significant portion of the wealth." This law has since evolved into various forms such as the "80/20 Rule," "Zipf's Law," and the "Law of Imbalance." This paper explores these laws to consider socioeconomic imbalance and their potential applications.

Pareto's Law

Pareto's Law originated from observations regarding the distribution of wealth within a nation, where it was found that 20% of the population owned 80% of the wealth. This observation has extended beyond economics into other fields, playing a crucial role in business management and marketing strategies.

The 80/20 Rule

The "80/20 Rule" generalizes Pareto's Law, stating that a minority of causes (20%) often leads to a majority of results (80%). For instance, it is often found that 80% of a company's revenue comes from just 20% of its customers. This principle is highly useful for optimizing resources and developing efficient business strategies.

Zipf's Law

"Zipf's Law" is similar to Pareto's Law and is observed particularly in linguistics and urban population distributions. For example, in any given language, a small number of words account for a large proportion of all word usage. This law is important in data scaling and natural language processing.

The Rule of the Worker Ants

The "Rule of the Worker Ants" can also be viewed as a variation of Pareto's Law. In ant colonies, it is observed that a small fraction (20%) of the ants perform the majority (80%) of the work. This principle provides insights into organizational efficiency and optimal labor distribution.

Scientific Examples and Applications

Empirical studies show clear instances of Pareto's Law in practice. For example, research by IBM revealed that 20% of customers contribute to 80% of the sales. Additionally, urban planning studies have applied Zipf's Law to understand population concentration and resource distribution.


In summary, Pareto's Law and related principles are powerful tools for understanding socioeconomic imbalances and have wide applications in practice. By leveraging these laws, effective solutions to many societal issues can be discovered. Future research and practical applications should continue to explore the potential of these laws to address ongoing challenges.




論理学者ダグラス・リチャード・ホフスタッター(Douglas Richard Hofstadter)は、著書『ゲーデル、エッシャー、バッハ あるいは不思議の環』(1979)の中で、「作業にはいつでも予想以上の時間がかかるものである。ホフスタッターの法則を計算に入れても」という「ホフスタッターの法則」を提唱しました。これは、自己の仕事の能率の遅さに自己言及したものであり、彼特有の自己言及のパラドックスと言えます。

経済学者マルテオ・モッテルリーニ(Matteo Motterlini)は、『経済は感情で動く』でホフスタッターの法則を引用し、「将来を軽く見るがゆえに、故意に荷を重くしていると言いたくなるような人たちが山のようにいる。彼らは物事を提示された限界ギリギリまで、あるいはしなければならない最後の日まで引き延ばす」と述べています。この現象の理由は、心理学的に分析すると、どんな仕事でもそれを始めたり完成したりすることに不安を感じるという心理状態に起因します。






こうしたケースでは、ヴィルフレッド・パレート(Vilfredo Pareto)が1900年頃に提唱した「パレートの法則」を応用することで解決が図れそうです。パレートは「国家の富の分布は不均衡であり、ごく少数の人々に多くの富が集中している」という法則を示しました。その後、この法則は「80対20の法則」や「ジップの法則」、「不均衡の法則」など、様々な形で発展してきました。



具体的な実例として、アメリカの行動経済学者ダニエル・カーネマン(Daniel Kahneman)とエイモス・トベルスキー(Amos Tversky)の「プロスペクト理論」が挙げられます。彼らの研究によると、人々は利益を得るよりも損失を避けることに強く反応し、これが先延ばしの原因となることが示されています。また、デューク大学の心理学者ダン・アリエリー(Dan Ariely)の実験では、学生に締め切りを自己設定させることで、締め切りに従う傾向が強くなることが確認されています。


Human Planning and the Psychology of Procrastination: Theory and Practice

Humans often plan their tasks and work accordingly, but when it comes time to act, they tend to postpone their plans, thinking, "I can do it tomorrow." This leads to procrastination and delays in progress. For example, cramming for exams the night before or rushing to complete summer homework at the end of the vacation are typical instances of plans not being followed through.

Hofstadter's Law and the Paradox of Self-Reference

Logician Douglas Richard Hofstadter, in his book "Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid" (1979), proposed "Hofstadter's Law," which states, "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law." This law refers to the self-referential nature of the inefficiency of one's own work, and it can be considered a paradox of self-reference.

Economist Matteo Motterlini, in his book "Economics is Emotions," references Hofstadter's Law, stating, "There are countless people who, due to underestimating the future, deliberately burden themselves more heavily. They delay things until the last possible moment or the final day when they must be done." This phenomenon, when analyzed psychologically, is rooted in the anxiety that comes with starting or finishing any task.

The Psychology of Procrastination and Its Effects

Procrastination is a pathological symptom, accompanied by stress, guilt, decreased productivity, and the fear of disappointing others by betraying their trust. Many people think, "Instead of taking the first step today, I'll take a bigger step tomorrow," which leads them to make choices far from rational judgment. For instance, people might indulge in heavy drinking even though they know they'll suffer the next day, or continue smoking despite knowing its health risks. Additionally, they might sabotage others out of jealousy, even if it means harming themselves.

Work-Life Balance and Efficient Outcomes

There are numerous opinions on how to improve work-life balance and achieve more efficient outcomes. However, we must also consider why, despite the nation's overall busy work culture, the standard of wealth does not significantly improve, and why recovery plans, such as those for earthquake reconstruction, do not progress smoothly.

Applying Pareto's Law

In such cases, applying "Pareto's Law," proposed by Vilfredo Pareto around 1900, might provide solutions. Pareto's Law states that "the distribution of wealth in a nation is uneven, with a large portion of wealth concentrated in a small number of people." This law has since evolved into various forms such as the "80-20 Rule," "Zipf's Law," and "The Law of Imbalance."

The "Law of the Worker Ants" also follows this same principle. Keeping this in mind, one might optimistically believe that things could work out more smoothly.

Real-Life Examples and Experimental Results

A concrete example is the "Prospect Theory" by behavioral economists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky. Their research shows that people are more sensitive to avoiding losses than to making gains, which contributes to procrastination. Additionally, an experiment by Duke University psychologist Dan Ariely found that students who set their own deadlines were more likely to adhere to them.

Based on these findings, it is important to incorporate realistic estimates and self-control when planning, and society as a whole should strive for a rational work-life balance.


現代の世界経済は危機的な状況にある。エコノミストの中には、「リスク・テーキング (risk-taking、危険の習得) こそが市場の根本だ」と主張する者もいる。しかし、リスク (risk、危険) とは、確率的 (stochastic) な予測が可能な不確実性 (uncertainty) を指す。実際に観測される事象が確率分布上の確率変数 (random variable) であるためには、それを可能にする環境条件が整っていることが前提である。例えば、均質なサイコロ (dice) が無限に近く投じられることで初めて、1の目が出る確率が6分の1になるということである。


フリードリヒ・シラーは、「人間社会の歴史の流れは、不確定 (irregular) であるが、数学的な不確実性とは異なる」と述べた。人々の振る舞いに影響を与える価値観、習慣、技術、制度などは時々刻々と変化し、前提条件さえもが変動する。このような不確定性を数学的な不確実性と同一視するのは、エコノミストの愚かさである。歴史的、文化的感性による「状況」 (situation) を把握し、その状況に対する「決断」 (decision) が何よりも重要になる。


この危機において決断する際、不安 (anxiety) を感じない者は、狂人と言わないまでも変人である。その不安は、人間の深層心理における、慣習の定型化が動揺させられるという近代化の特徴でもある。近代化は、過剰な裕福の中で異常な不安を持つという集団深層心理に彩られている。慣習破壊に文明の進歩を見出すというドグマ (dogma) に由来するものである。


現代の国際社会では、総力戦 (all-out war) や国内社会での大革命 (great revolution) が起ころうとしている。また、異常気象、食糧危機、原子力などのエネルギー危機、政治的危機、経済危機など、不安が絶望 (despair) に深まりつつある。フリードリヒ・ニーチェは、「現代人の心理における最大の特徴は、価値判断能力の衰退による」と述べた。現代人の絶望の真相は、価値判断能力における自発性の欠如から希望 (espoir) が消滅してしまったことである。


もし、この時代に希望に溢れているというのは、どんな馬鹿げたことでも幸福感の種になるという病気、ユーフォリア (euphoria、多幸症) の現れである。ホセ・オルテガは「外部に適応するのをもっぱらにするのは、その文明にとって、命取りとなる」と述べている。現代社会の絶望感は、外部の状況に流されるだけでなく、内面的な価値判断能力の衰退によるものである。



Critical Analysis of Risk-Taking and Uncertainty in the Global Economic Crisis

The current state of the global economy is one of crisis. Some economists argue that "risk-taking is the very foundation of the market," but this is a mistaken view. Risk refers to uncertainty that can be probabilistically predicted (stochastic uncertainty). For actual observed events to be considered probabilistic variables on a probability distribution (random distribution), it is essential that the conditions enabling this be prepared. For example, it is only when a homogeneous dice is rolled nearly infinitely that the probability of rolling a one becomes one-sixth.

Uncertainty in History and Human Society

Friedrich Schiller stated that "the flow of human society's history is irregular but different from mathematical uncertainty." Values, customs, technologies, and institutions that influence human behavior change constantly, altering the premise itself. Mistaking this kind of uncertainty for mathematical uncertainty is the folly of some economists. Understanding "situations" through historical and cultural sensitivity and making "decisions" in response to those situations is of utmost importance.

Deep Psychology and Anxiety

When making decisions during this crisis, those who do not feel anxiety are, if not mad, certainly eccentric. This anxiety is characteristic of modernity, where the conventional patterns in the deep psychology of humans are shaken. Modernization is marked by an abnormal anxiety within excessive affluence, a collective deep psychology resulting from the dogma that sees the destruction of customs as a sign of civilization's progress.

Crisis in International and Domestic Societies

Today, the international community faces all-out war and great revolutions domestically. Additionally, there are increasing anxieties about abnormal weather, food crises, nuclear energy crises, political crises, and economic crises, leading to deepening despair. Friedrich Nietzsche noted that "the greatest characteristic of modern human psychology is the decline in value-judgment ability." The true nature of modern despair lies in the disappearance of hope (espoir) due to the lack of spontaneous value judgment ability.

Hope and Euphoria

If one feels full of hope in this era, it is a sign of the disease of euphoria, where any foolish thing becomes a source of happiness. José Ortega y Gasset stated that "exclusively adapting to external circumstances is fatal to that civilization." The sense of despair in modern society stems not just from external conditions but from the internal decline in the ability to make value judgments.


The issue of risk-taking and uncertainty in the modern global economic crisis cannot be resolved by mere mathematical probability theories. Understanding the historical and cultural background and deep psychology is necessary to make appropriate decisions. To find hope, it is essential to restore spontaneous value-judgment ability. As Friedrich Nietzsche and José Ortega y Gasset suggest, facing the confusion and crisis of modern society requires internal strength and creative responses.