気になった本♬ Books that caught my attention♬ | 白石謙二のパワフルヴォイストレーニング日記


Kenji Shiraishi's powerful voice training diary


The other day, I became very interested in a book that I saw advertised in the Nikkei newspaper.


When I asked everyone, they said they would love to read it and learn from it, so I bought it and sent it to the whole school.


Indeed, the content is useful not only for new employees, but also for employees who have junior employees or subordinates.


Some staff members immediately provided feedback.




I read the book. There are 50 points, and many of them were things I learned directly during on-the-job training when I joined this company, so I was able to reaffirm that they are important lessons common to all jobs.

The words used to instruct my juniors were all exactly the same as the president had ever said to me, and I felt like I was able to reaffirm the importance of getting the other person to agree. 

In addition, there are many specific questions written about "Questions from newcomers all over the world," and combined with my own experiences in the field at my company, I was able to learn even more.


Powerful Voice is a company that also undertakes a large number of corporate training programs, so I thought we would have a lot of common ground in universal areas.