おめでとうございます! Congratulations on your graduation! | 白石謙二のパワフルヴォイストレーニング日記


Kenji Shiraishi's powerful voice training diary


It has been reported that Seiko Matsuda has graduated from the correspondence course at Chuo University's Faculty of Law.


The reason I was surprised was that I also wanted to study law, so I transferred to my third year in April 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic and graduated in September 2022.


As Professor Nomura Shuya said on TV, the classes are exactly the same as those for day students, except the attendance style is different, and I think the graduation rate is probably around 15%.


I wonder how hard Seiko must have worked. I think it's amazing.


In my case, after obtaining my MBA from Chuo University's Graduate School in 2018, I decided to dive into law at Chuo University.


Of course, this is to help with management and is being put to good use.


The timing of this announcement is strange, as only some of our staff knew about it.😊