コミュ力アップ❶♪ Improve your communication skills♪ | 白石謙二のパワフルヴォイストレーニング日記


Kenji Shiraishi's powerful voice training diary


Many people feel anxious about communication, saying things like, "I don't know what to talk about," "My conversations with others end quickly," "I can't get the conversation flowing," and "Silence makes me awkward.."


When I talk to people with problems, I find that many of them are passive when it comes to communication.


So when the time comes to have a conversation, you find yourself saying, "I don't know how to start the conversation," "I don't know how to dig deeper," or "I don't know what attitude I should have."


What you need to be careful about is that if left unchecked, this "beginner in communication" state will continue forever.


Just because you're older doesn't mean you're better at communication, so young people should develop a proactive attitude from an early age and not waste the opportunity to improve.


"Silence is golden" and "unspoken understanding" are now things of the past.


When you reach a certain position, there is nothing to gain from being "a man who has no opinions of his own" or "a woman who is not interesting to talk to." Let's start working on improving our communication skills from now on.