スピーチライブ表彰⭐️ Speech live award⭐️ | 白石謙二のパワフルヴォイストレーニング日記


Kenji Shiraishi's powerful voice training diary


At Aoyama Voice Makeup Academy, we are awarding awards to those who have won awards at our famous event "Speech Live"!


They train their voices through voice training, so their voices can be heard even without a microphone in a large venue.💪

Tooru-san with Sakaida teacher⭐️

Tooru-san at the Shibuya Autumn Speech Live on 10/22.2023⭐️

Tomoaki-san with Noguchi teacher⭐️

Tomoaki-san at the Shibuya Autumn Speech Live on 10/22.2023⭐️

Yasue-san with Noguchi teacher⭐️

Yasue-san at the Shibuya Autumn Speech Live on 10/22.2023⭐️
