2024"パワフルヴォイス2.0"⭐️ | 白石謙二のパワフルヴォイストレーニング日記


Kenji Shiraishi's powerful voice training diary


Shibuya School's Christmas live was two and a half months after the Autumn live on September 30th, so we would like to thank everyone for their best singing despite the short preparation period!


Shiraishi is still impressed.🥹


This live series, which started in Osaka and lasted for 4 weeks, was like a dream as I thoroughly enjoyed everyone's performances.


Next year is the school's 20th anniversary, and each school will be holding two commemorative live performances at their venues, one in the spring and one in the fall, with speeches and vocals, so please come and join us.


We will return to the pre-coronavirus scale for performances and viewing, and we will increase the scale by an order of magnitude, so we look forward to your continued support!


Only about 10% of our current students are performing live, so we will do various things to encourage even beginners to participate, and to uncover hidden talents♬


In preparation for 2024, new instructors will be added to all schools, and the version will be upgraded to "Powerful Voice 2.0," so please look forward to it.

Live series from October to Christmas in 2023⭐️

10/22 Shibuya Autumn Speech Live⭐️

11/12 Nagoya Autumn Speech Live⭐️

11/26 Osaka Autumn Speech & Vocal Live⭐️

12/3 Nagoya Christmas Vocal live⭐️

12/10 Fukuoka Xmas Speech & Vocal live⭐️

12/17 Shibuya Xmas Vocal live ⭐️