







"The Essence of Traditional Karate: Secrets of Fist Techniques and the Allure of Kata Practice"


The thrust in traditional Karate is completely different from that of modern Karate. It is not a forceful thrust, but rather one that encapsulates significant energy. With just a light touch, it permeates through the opponent's body, destabilizing them. Traditional Karate's thrust doesn't transmit power through the coordination of the spine or the snap of the wrist; instead, it penetrates the opponent's body with just a slight contact of the fist, effectively bringing them down. Crucial to executing this traditional Karate thrust is the grip of the fist. Rather than tightly clenching the fist, it should be held softly, yet not weakly. Each finger imbues a sense of "ki" or energy, commonly referred to as the sensation of "living fingers." Paying particular attention to the thumb is essential, as exerting too much force can affect the shoulder. However, loosening the thumb results in the entire fist becoming powerless. Cultivating the sensation of the thumb, neither too tense nor too lax, cannot be achieved through mere fist-clenching practice alone. This applies to the rest of the fingers as well. To develop this, rigorous practice of Sanchin kata is optimal. Through strict training of Sanchin kata, the fingers involved in forming the fist acquire vitality. This is because for the fingers forming the fist to be lively, the entire body must be lively. This bodily activation is the ultimate goal of kata practice.

There are broadly two approaches to kata practice. One is the training-centric approach, where the body is tightened, and force is applied, emphasizing tension in the spine. While this method undoubtedly enables powerful thrusts, we perceive Sanchin kata as possessing inherent vitality. In other words, the kata itself carries vitality, and energy resides within its form. Therefore, no deliberate force is applied during kata practice. Since there is already inherent energy in the shape and movement of the kata, intentional exertion of force would diminish the kata's power. Strength is unnecessary; instead, precise and meticulous replication of the kata's form is crucial. The same applies to movement. It is precisely because we consider the kata itself to contain energy that accurate kata practice is demanded.

By repeatedly practicing the form and movement of Sanchin kata at a steady rhythm, the bones that shape our form begin to acquire vitality. When the bones gain vitality, the movement of one bone affects the entire skeletal structure, leading to coordinated movement as a whole. This state is referred to as the "unmoving movement of one motion." When this state is reached, the bones of the entire body engage in the fist, generating a force different from conventional muscle strength. This force is called rhythmic power. It is quiet yet dynamic. Just a light touch is enough to penetrate the opponent, destabilizing their axis. However, the opponent rarely feels pain. Therefore, they cannot understand why they have been defeated. Rhythmic power is such a mysterious force. To bring this rhythmic power to the fist's thrust, Sanchin kata practice is indispensable.