Will Cain (00:09):

48 hours after his conviction in the first televised interview after his conviction in New York, Former President Donald Trump on the Will Cain Show. It is the Will Cain Show streaming live at FoxNews.com on the Fox News YouTube channel, the Fox News Facebook page, and always on demand wherever you get your audio entertainment. Just subscribe at Apple or on Spotify. Make sure you hit subscribe on YouTube, and you can always watch episodes of the Will Cain Show, including interviews with Tony Robbins, Jordan Peterson, or Dwayne the Rock Johnson. But today, an interview, an exclusive interview, the first interview after his conviction in New York with former President Donald Trump.
On Saturday, my co-hosts and friends on Fox and Friends Weekend, Rachel Campos-Duffy, Pete Hegseth, and myself traveled out to Bedminster, New Jersey to sit down with the former president, to sit down with Donald Trump. Portions of that interview have aired over the weekend on Fox and Friends. As is the nature of TV, what was an hour and 20-something- odd-minute interview has to be reduced into 10-minute segments. From the beginning, I said, but I want the whole thing. I want the whole thing for the Will Cain Show.
In the middle of that interview, Donald Trump said, “More time, let’s give them more time.” In that interview said, “Let it run. I know you can’t. I know you’re not in charge of it, but let it run from start to finish.” And I agree with him. You deserve context. You deserve to hear the entirety of the conversation. So we have the opportunity today here uniquely, exclusively to hear the entire interview with Donald Trump. And I think it is the fullest context you will get.

You know that I pride myself. You know that I love interviewing people. I’m very curious. I want to dig. I want to get deeper, and I will have some limitations in this interview. Again, setting out the conditions and the dynamics up front. I have nothing if I don’t have my honesty with you. I went into this knowing it’s not a regular interview with Will Cain. That’s because I’m sitting with two other individuals, two individuals that I trust, that I respect, in Rachel Campos-Duffy and Pete Hegseth. But as is the nature of a three-person interview, you have to take turns. You have limited ability to follow up. We all don’t have different directions and different directions we’re trying to pull, but we all have our own unique minds. And so, that changes an interview. Well, more, again, if we’re being honest, interviewing Donald Trump is wrestling a bear. I mean, he will go where he wants to go. I think there’s one point in this interview where he’s asked about the trial in New York and we end up talking about how many cars are parked in Afghanistan.
I mean, he goes where he wants to go, but I did notice something through the course of an hour and a half. He does come back. He does come back to the original question, and I don’t think he filibusters in the way so many politicians do in order to avoid the question, he just indulges every parenthetical in every direction that he wants to go in an interview while still coming back to the original question. So it’s a ride, it’s wrestling a bear, and all that adds up to being a bit different of an interview for the Will Cain Show, but a unique opportunity to be the first people to talk to him after his conviction in New York City. So I hope you today will enjoy, will share with your friends, will subscribe on Apple and Spotify and on YouTube, this conversation with the former president. Here is Donald Trump.

Pete Hegseth (04:08):

Well, Mr. President, welcome to Fox and Friends Weekend.

Donald Trump (04:10):

Thank you.

Pete Hegseth (04:11):

Thanks for being here. This is your first interview since the verdict. It’s been 48 hours. Where’s your head at?

Donald Trump (04:18):

Well, look, I’m fighting for the constitution. I’m fighting for the same thing that you three, I watch you all the time and same thing that you do. You fight for freedom, you fight for your country. These people are sick, they’re sick, they’re deranged. I talk about the enemy on the outside and the enemy from within. You have Russia, you have China, but if you have a smart president, you always handle them quite easily actually. We have a lot of advantages. But the enemy from within, they are doing damage to this country. They want open borders. They want high interest rates. They now want to quadruple your taxes, quadruple.
All my life, I watched politics and it was always like politicians want to lower taxes, not quadruple them. There’s a whole sickness going on right now. So we’re doing really well. It’s very interesting. Jury came in, it was a tough venue. We tried to get out of the venue, we tried to get out of the judge, but we tried to get out of both. Wouldn’t even think about it. So we had probably maybe the worst area in the whole country for me in terms of vote. I’m sure if I sat down and explained it to that section of the world, we could probably make progress. But one of the worst sections, and they always bring them to these sections. DC, there, places where Republicans, not just me, Republicans get virtually no votes.
But the good news is that I think we’ve set a record beyond all records for fundraising. That’s like a poll. And another one just came out just before I got in that were six points higher than we were before. So I don’t know if that holds up. I mean, I’m just not sure, but people get it. It’s a scam. And the Republican Party is really, they’ve stuck. They stick together in this. They see it’s weaponization of the Justice Department, of the FBI, and that’s all coming out of Washington. You may think it’s brag, take a look at who opened the case. I’m not allowed to talk about it because I have a gag order. I’m probably, I guess the first presidential nominee and the leader, leading crooked Joe by a lot that’s not allowed to talk. Maybe they’re doing me a big favor, who knows? But I’m not allowed to talk. I’m gagged. Nobody’s ever heard of it.
Guys would say to me that aren’t as well versed, but they know about freedom and the constitution. They say, “They can’t gag you.” It’s all coming out. It’s weaponization and it’s a very dangerous thing. We’ve never had that in this country. They do have it in other countries, in South American countries. You know a little bit about it, right?

Rachel Campos-Duffy (06:49):

Well, that actually leads me to my question. I think for a lot of Americans, what’s happened to you feels foreign. This has never happened here before. But for Hispanic Americans, people coming from Latin America, this feels very familiar. And in those countries, people are imprisoned. Instead of going to the ballot box and fighting there, they’re on house arrest. They’re told they can’t run for office. What is your message? And by the way, I think a lot of Hispanic Americans, I hear from them, they’re scared about what they see. What’s your message to them about what happened to you and about how scared they are that our country is turning into the countries that they left behind, the corrupt, dysfunctional countries they left behind.

Donald Trump (07:30):

And they are scared and they’re great people, very entrepreneurial, great energy. And as you know, I’m doing very well with them. I mean, I don’t think anybody’s ever had poll-

Rachel Campos-Duffy (07:39):

Do you think this is why a little bit?

Donald Trump (07:40):

I think a little bit. I think we just, well, even before people understood what was going on, I was doing well with the, you call them Hispanics, you know there’s about 15 different names.

Rachel Campos-Duffy (07:50):

I know.

Donald Trump (07:51):

Latin Americans-

Rachel Campos-Duffy (07:51):

Just don’t say Latinx.

Donald Trump (07:54):

Latin Americans, South Americans, Hispanics, a lot of different words, but we all know what we’re talking about. And they’ve always liked me and I’ve always liked them. I’ve done well from the beginning. In 2016, I won the entire border along Texas, and they’re all like 85%. And it’s been great from the beginning. And now, I’m leading. I think I’m leading over this guy, this guy that can’t put two sentences together that’s destroying our country. Look, he’s the worst president in the history of this country. And he’s a danger to the country and they have misinformation. Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. It’s just words. He doesn’t even know what it means, but it’s like there, a slogan. I’m a threat to democracy. I’m the opposite. They’re the threat to democracy.
And now, I hear they’re starting to go over the lines with Russia and Russia’s getting a little bit nasty like maybe we’ll start using nuclear weapons. These people are really not a threat to democracy, a threat to the country, just to this country surviving beyond democracy, beyond anything. So now, they tell Ukraine it’s okay to start going and popping off Russia. How did we get in this mess? If I were president, there would’ve been no Ukraine… not one Ukrainian would’ve been killed. Not one city would be knocked down. I mean, the place is a disaster right now. Most of the cities are knocked down. I guess they’re saving Kiev for, they probably want to use it a little bit, so they’re waiting. They’re just lobbing missiles in. Not much they can do about it. But now, they want get aggressive and they want to fight back and it’s okay. But boy, that’s a big statement. And the N-word is being mentioned.

Rachel Campos-Duffy (09:33):


Donald Trump (09:33):

And the N-word is the nuclear word. And we’re probably in real numbers, 250 billion and Europe’s in for about 70. And I say, why isn’t Europe? Why aren’t the European nations, which would be NATO, which I kept together, which I was able to keep together by getting them to pay. They weren’t paying, we were paying for the whole thing practically. There were only eight nations that were paid up, including us. And I got hundreds of billions of dollars from them. I said, “Look, if you don’t pay, we’re going to leave. We’re not going to defend you if you don’t pay.” And they paid. That’s why they have the money now because of what I did, because Obama didn’t do anything. He’d go and make a speech. Bush didn’t do anything. Nobody did anything. And I looked at the statement, I’m good at statements, I look at a statement and I said, “Nobody’s paying. We’re paying.”
We were paying for, I’ll bet you 90%, could even be more than that. And then, they take advantage of us on trade very badly, almost as badly as China. Nobody would believe that. But the European nations take tremendous, they don’t buy our cars, they don’t buy our farm products, they don’t buy anything. And then we’re supposed to defend them. So I said, “No, you got to pay up. You got to pay up. You’re supposed to.”

One of the leaders said to me, “Does that mean that if we’re attacked by Russia, that means you’re not going to defend us?” I said, “Are you telling me you’re delinquent?” That’s a real estate term. Are you delinquent, like delinquent on your rent? “Are you delinquent?” “Yes, if we don’t pay.” I said, “No, no, we’re not going to protect you.” The next day, billions of dollars started pouring and it was amazing. If you said the other, why would they do it? And that’s what they’ve done for years. But now, they’re talking about a different level of war. Now, they’re talking about getting aggressive, but they have to be careful because they’re being beaten pretty badly. They’re being beaten pretty badly, and what a mess.
To think it would’ve never happened, Israel would’ve never happened, Ukraine would’ve never happened, and Israel would’ve never been attacked. And you wouldn’t have had inflation and you would’ve had a great military. You would’ve had a lot of things right now that you don’t have, and you wouldn’t have an electric car mandate, which is one of the great jokes of all time. And I think everybody should have an electric car if they want one, but they should be able to buy other forms of propulsion.

Rachel Campos-Duffy (11:47):


Will Cain (11:47):

Mr. President, I want to return to the verdict and I want to explore something you’ve said several times already in the conversation. You’ve referenced these people. I’m sure you’ve seen the video of Joe Biden when he was asked about the verdict and he gave sort of a smirk to the camera.

Donald Trump (11:59):

Terrible, terrible. Remember, Bragg didn’t want to do the case. He came out, he said, “There’s no case and how can you have a witness like so-and-so.” I’m not allowed to mention the name. Can you believe this? This guy’s allowed to have shows, television shows. I’m not allowed to mention the name. It’s so unfair. But regardless, you have to really play the hand that you’re dealt. And then, you had a jury that was from a certain persuasion, would’ve been hard to do no matter what, but I did absolutely nothing wrong. I mean, absolutely. Think of it. I hate when they say, a bookkeeping, this and that. It’s not, it’s called, think of it, expense. I use the word expense. Legal expense. I pay a lawyer. He wasn’t a fixer, he was a lawyer at the time. I pay a lawyer, and he’s a lawyer. It’s called legal expense.
A bookkeeper without ever speaking to me because she did the right thing, who’s been with me for years, marks it down as legal expense. In other words, I paid a legal expense. It’s marked down as a legal expense and they say that’s a fraud. What am I going to call it? Did you ever see a ledger? Do you ever a study accounting? The line’s like about an inch long and an eighth of an inch wide. You can’t write the story, but there is no story. If you pay a legal expense and you write it down as a legal expense, and then they indict you and they go to a grand jury and they don’t use Bob Costello’s testimony, they use almost none of it. They didn’t want him before the grand jury because he’s very persuasive. This judge didn’t want him to talk. They shouldn’t have allowed certain people to testify. It was totally wrong that they did that.
So everyone tells me this is the easiest case they’ve ever seen to overturn, but they don’t care because they want to last till after the election. Now, the only problem they have is that so far my poll numbers have gone up. You explained this to me because I don’t, Pete maybe can explain it. I maybe will. I don’t know. Maybe Will can. They’re smart in Texas, but the poll numbers have gone up substantially. I don’t know if that’s going to remain that way. They’re tired of it, weaponization. They call it lawfare.

Will Cain (14:04):

You changed your tone at some point during the trial. I would say maybe a bit more hopeful in the beginning and then towards the end you said something to the effect of even Mother Teresa couldn’t be acquitted in this venue. Was there a moment in the trial that you felt like it turned or you saw that it was headed in a certain direction?

Donald Trump (14:20):

Well, when you object to something, your lawyers object, good lawyers, professional lawyers, good records, nice people. I’ve had a lot of lawyers that weren’t nice and sometimes you’re better off that way. These are really fine people. They’d object, not accepted, not accepted, not accepted. When the government, meaning the DA Bragg, when he said something, all right, good, that’s fine. Go more and more and more. But the main thing is that this was turned down by the Southern District. This is over years. This could have been brought seven years ago. They tried to rush it because they wanted it before the election, but this could have been brought seven years ago, but they didn’t have any attention.
A case like this has never been brought before and there’s never been a case where a state has gone after federal election. In other words, that’s for a federal, that’s for the Southern District to go. Southern District turned it down. We got clearance from the FEC, Federal Election Commission, clearance. They’re suing, saying we violated a thing, but they gave us clearance, but the charge was written. I mean, it was like a weird charge. You’d have a little of this, a little of that, do a little of this, throw a little, mix it up.

Pete Hegseth (15:31):

Given all of that, we’re watching this trial, everyone’s watching it on TV. You’re living it. You’re in the middle of it. And regardless of all of that, still, when that verdict is being read, what’s going through your head?

Donald Trump (15:43):

Well, it was weird because we go in and the judge, it looked like it was a hung jury for a while, and it’s the most you could hope for because in the area, it’s almost… I mean, I’ve seen it. I’ve seen people that no matter how the three of you were all similar in terms of would like to see strong borders and low taxes and strong military and lots of good things, all common sense. I call it the party of common sense and we’re people of common sense. Who wants to have an open border where millions of people are coming into our country, millions and millions, and not just from South America, they’re coming in from Africa, from the Middle East, from Europe, from all over the world, they’re coming in, and they’re coming in from jails and they’re coming in from mental institutions, insane asylums, the worst. Some of the sickest people, mentally ill people are being dropped into our country.
We’re going to be paying for this for a long time. Now, I’m going to do the big deportation, the biggest ever. Eisenhower did the biggest, this will be bigger, but it’s a very tough thing. What they’ve done to our country is unthinkable that they could do this, and so many other things. I mean, like you go into New York, the kids can’t have little league games anymore. It sounds so trivial.

Rachel Campos-Duffy (16:54):


Donald Trump (16:56):

Because the migrants are living in the fields. They have all tents. Unless you want to play around the tents, it’s a little bit tough. It’s a little bit tough to play. But no, I mean, but when you think of common sense, who really thinks that men should be playing in women’s sports? It’s something I mention all the time, gets one of the biggest applause, but where does the mind come from?

Rachel Campos-Duffy (17:21):


Donald Trump (17:22):

A man playing, look at the weightlifting records. I mean, these weightlifting guys that never lifted anything before, they’re breaking the records by numbers that are unthinkable against women that are the top women that are strongest, that they’re getting blown away. Who would think the swimming records, the track records? It’s crazy. It’s just crazy. Actually, when I first heard about it, what was it like 6, 7, 8 years ago, when I first heard about it, I actually thought they were kidding. I thought this was just a funny joke. But they’re actually serious about it. They’re actually committed to it.
And who would want that? Who would want open borders? Who would want this stuff? Who would not want to have taxes below and expenses be reasonable and good schools and all of the things? I mean, who would want to have our army tanks? We make the greatest army tanks in the world. I saved that factory in Ohio. I saved it, Lima. I saved it in Ohio. They were going to close it. I saved it as actually the president-elect. I heard about a friend of mine called up. He said, “They’re going to close down our army tank factory and we’re not going to be able to make army tanks.” I said, “That doesn’t sound good.” When I visited, it was unbelievable. The people there were unbelievable. They want to make them now an electric.

Rachel Campos-Duffy (18:37):


Donald Trump (18:37):

But they don’t go far and they have to pull a wagon because the wagon, the battery is so big that the army tanks will have a wagon like a child. He’s pulling a wagon. That’s a heavy wagon too, very heavy. The whole thing is crazy. These people are crazy.

Rachel Campos-Duffy (18:52):

Mr. President, you’ve been through a lot in your presidency what they’ve done to you, you’ve got the verdict that just came through. A lot of Democrats have expressed concern that if you’re elected, you’re going to want revenge. And some of your supporters have said, “Well, mutually…” We were just talking about the weaponization of the justice system against political opponents. Some of your supporters have said, “Well, the only way to stop this is mutually assured destruction. If you do a test, we’re going to do it to you.” You’ve said, “No, my revenge is going to be success for America.” You’ve just had this verdict. Do you still feel the same? What’s your thoughts on that?

Donald Trump (19:30):

It’s a really tough question in one way, because these are bad people. These people are sick and they do things that are so destructive. I mean, look what they did from the day I got there, and I don’t know, a lot of people said, “We have no choice but to elect Trump Republicans because he’s the only one that can withstand this.” Don’t forget, if it weren’t me, they’d be going after somebody else, and I know a lot of the competition. They wouldn’t do so well. They wouldn’t be doing so well right now. They’d be saying, “Mommy,Take me home. I want to go home. This is brutal, but these are sick people. And for instance, the 51 intelligence agents, who thinks of these and they think about it just like they say I’m guilty of… And all this information was from so many years before the election. It was before the election, so it wasn’t like, “Oh, gee, I won.” The election just started coming out during the trial. They said, “Oh, I have an idea. Remember John Levitt’s the liar? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.” They do that during the trial. “Yeah, yeah. That it affected the election.” This stuff never even came… I never even heard about affecting the election. They’re talking about the election of 2016, they’re going back. The interesting, somebody brought it up today was very interesting on your network. Somebody brought it up and they said, “The funny thing is that they’re deniers because they’re now saying that Trump changed the election.”

Rachel Campos-Duffy (20:55):

But that’s a great point because you’re talking about the Intel agencies. Obviously, remember what Chuck Schumer said? He said, “If you tick off the intel agencies, they’ll find a way to get you six ways.” If you’re elected, are you going to reform the intel community? What exactly are you going to do to make sure they don’t target Americans like this?

Donald Trump (21:15):

Well, first of all, if you remember when I took over, we had a guy named Comey. He was there. I didn’t put him there. I didn’t want him there. I thought he was terrible actually. And he tried to get me and I reversed it. Some people said he cost Hillary the election and he didn’t want to, but he was a bad guy. Not a capable guy. Evil, an evil guy. They were doing things that… I mean, I won’t mention here because it’s so conspiratorial. I don’t want to be conspiratorial. It’s too nice a show, but bad guy. I fired him. Then I fired Stroke and Paige and this one and that. Well, I got rid of that whole group of people and we were doing great. We were real. And in other places too. Pete knows better than anybody. The Veterans Administration, at the end of my term, we had a 92% approval rating. It was at 40 when we took it over. Pete used to call up just as somebody that we knew each other a little bit through this stuff and he’d complain about things. He’d also complain about soldiers being treated unfairly. A soldier is trained to be a soldier and some of these guys are tough, and if we didn’t have them, we wouldn’t have a country, frankly. And then they get into a fight and it’s nasty and they win and then they want to lock them up for 30 years. And we took care of a lot of people, a lot, and it was just unfair. They trained them to be killers and then they do their job against some very bad people. I’m not saying good people. I’m saying they beat some very bad people. If you didn’t have guys like the ones that we know, they wouldn’t last very long and then they want to lock them up for 30 years.
They train them to do their job, they do their job and then they say, “Let’s lock them up.” Look, it’s a very interesting question, and I say it and it sounds beautiful, right? My revenge will be success, and I mean that, but it’s awfully hard when you see what they’ve done. These people are so evil, and at the same time, the country can come together. I’m saying this, but the country can come together.

During my term, prior to COVID, we had the most successful country we’ve ever had. Everybody’s jobs, Hispanic, black, Asian, women, men without a diploma, men with MIT, Wharton and Harvard diplomas. All of them put together. Everybody was making more money, doing better than they’ve ever done before. And radical left people, I would call them radical left, were coming up to me and say, “Could we meet?” It was coming together and then we had COVID.
Our gift from China came. Out of Wuhan, like I said, remember I told you that a long time ago. Never changed. It was the Wuhan lab. They made a mistake, and by the way, it was incompetence. He walked out to have lunch with his girlfriend and the scene was set. It was a disaster. Okay, what happened. But we did a great job. Never got credit for that. Always got credit for a good economy, for taking out [inaudible 00:24:06], taking out Al Baghdadi. I defeated ISIS. ISIS was going to take five years at least, and they don’t think… Matty said, “Sir, we’ll take at least five years.” I got it done in like three months. I defeated ISIS. Our military is so great, the real generals, the guys that know how to fight. One of the things that I hated to see, and I think one of the lowest points in the history of our country was Afghanistan.
The way that happened. And I dealt with Abdul, the leader of the Taliban, and I had conversations with him on the phone and frankly the media went crazy. Why is she speaking to… It’s like I always say, Jesse James, why do you rob the banks? That’s where the money is. That’s where the killing was. That’s where the snipers were with Abdul and I had some nice conversations. We didn’t lose one person in 18 months, and then they took over and they were killing us, like Abdul was a very happy man when I was out. And then they had that disaster, the leaving of Afghanistan, the way they left. We were going to leave, but we were going to keep Bagram, which is one of the biggest air bases and the world, costs us billions and billions of dollars to build many years ago, but we were going to leave because of China. Because it’s one hour away from where China makes it… Forget about Afghanistan. It’s exactly right next to China. It’s exactly one hour away from where they make their nuclear weapons. Isn’t that a great thing? Now we’re going to keep it, going to leave 4,000 people and keep it and keep it strong. They gave it up. They gave up everything, and they moved the military out first. You move the military out last. I always say I give a child of five years old. I say, okay. No, those are the facts. Would you move the military out first or would you move? First, we would’ve taken our people out. Then we would’ve taken some people that helped us. Shouldn’t be too many. I mean, how many people can you take? Nevertheless, there were people that helped us take them out. But we have Americans left behind. We have 13 dead soldiers. Incredible. The parents largely, they came here shortly after that and we’re going to have them back too.

We sat, they said, “Well, we won’t see President Trump. He’ll come maybe for a couple of minutes.” I stayed with them for four hours. We listened to music up in the deck. It was beautiful. It was just nice. They’re great people. They’re devastated. That would’ve never happened. We would’ve left with dignity and strength and then you take out your equipment. They left $85 billion worth of equipment. I rebuilt the entire military. $85 billion of it was left in Afghanistan, and they’re one of the biggest of the Taliban, they’re one of the biggest sellers of military equipment now. Well, in the whole world, I think they’re number two because they’re selling… Because they don’t need 730,000 rifles. They have 730,000. I mean, I don’t know what… We go to fight a war. What did they do? What? 37 rifles for every soldier we have, it’s crazy, but we had 730 some odd thousand rifles, and then we had 72,000 vehicles.
Many of them armor plated, you know how expensive with four inch armor, four inch like this on the bottom. They sell all that stuff. They’re one of the largest because they don’t need all of it. They can keep instead of… Think of what 72,000 vehicles is. If you take the biggest used parking lot, used car lot in Texas, think Texas, they have big… They probably have what? 500 cars here. We have 70,000. 70,000 and many are armor plated. They know how to make the armor where it goes like this because the bombs are so powerful. [inaudible 00:27:44] taken out, it is so powerful. But what that was doing was killing everybody on the side of it because it was going like that. So it’s a tough thing, but some of these things cost millions of dollars and we left it all behind.

Will Cain (27:57):

I want to follow up on what Rachel asked you though, because I hear you struggling with it. I hear you say it’s a tough question, a bit unsure. You famously said regarding Hillary Clinton, “Lock her up.” You declined to do that as president, but now-

Donald Trump (28:08):

And purposely because after I won, it’s different when you win. I say it tonight. I’m going to UFC with Dana White and I see fighters. They come in with hatred like you wouldn’t believe it. It’s amazing. It’s a little metaphor in life, right? The hatred. They hate each. Then after the fight, somebody wins, somebody loses. Sometimes they get knocked out, sometimes it’s… But they hug and they kiss each other. It’s like crazy. I beat her. It’s easier when you win. And they all said, “Lock her.” And I could have done it, but I felt it would’ve been a terrible thing. And then this happened to me, and so I may feel differently about it. I can’t tell you. I’m not sure I can answer the question. Hillary Clinton, I didn’t say lock her up, but the people say, “Lock her up. Lock her up.”
Then we won. And I said pretty openly. I’d say, “All right, come on, just relax. Let’s go. We got to make our country great.” And it would’ve been, think of it, you lock up the wife of a President of the United States-

Rachel Campos-Duffy (29:10):

But they want to lock you up over $130,000 of an accounting thing. And she-

Donald Trump (29:15):

And a perfectly stated accounting thing, success will bring the country together because I had it together. Before the China virus came in, I had it together. We really had it together. And it would have stayed. I think it would have stayed. Everybody was doing better. The country was doing better than it had ever done, and we’re going back to those same policies and then some. One of the bigger differences, I know before I won. I was in Washington, the press says about 17 times, I never stayed over. So I wasn’t a Washington person and I relied on people for recommendations and I got a lot of great ones. Look, we had great… The economics, Bob [inaudible 00:29:58]. There so many people. We had great people, but we also had some that I wouldn’t have put… I don’t have to use their names, but that I wouldn’t have put.
Now I know them all. I know the tough ones and the weak ones and the smart ones and the dumb ones, and we know the strong ones. And so I think it’s going to be very good and we’re ready to go. But the country is really going bad. When you look at all these people, millions of people coming into this country, I really think other than nuclear weapons, which I think are the single biggest threat, not global warming. When they say that the seas will rise over the next 400 years one eighth of an inch, which means basically you have a little more beachfront property, okay? Think of it, the seas are going to rise, who knows? But this is the big threat. I watched Biden the other night. It’s the greatest existential… He loves that word because it’s a big word, and he thinks he knows.
He doesn’t even know what the hell the word means. He goes, “It’s the greatest existential threat to our country, global warming.” In the meantime, you get these maniacs with nuclear weapons that can do damage, which I won’t even talk to you about, but I know the damage. It’s the greatest… There has never been anything like it. The power of weaponry today, it will be obliteration, and that’s your real threat. But in terms of our country, a real threat are the people that are coming in, that are being allowed to come in.

Pete Hegseth (31:21):

And we’re going to move on to some other topics too, but just moving forward, they’ve set the arraignment date for four days before the RNC.

Donald Trump (31:28):

Yeah, well, that’s part of the game.

Pete Hegseth (31:30):

It is. Some have suggested you could appeal straight to the Supreme Court because of the special nature of this case. When it comes to the legal maze that you’re still facing, and the judge could decide to say, “Hey, house arrest or even jail.”

Donald Trump (31:43):

One of my lawyers the other day on television saying, “Oh no, you don’t want to do that to the…” I said, “You don’t beg for anything, just the way it is. Think of it.” They have all my books. For five years, they sued me getting my tax returns. At the end of five years, they got them. The Supreme Court actually gave it to them. That was the end of it. That was it. They never found anything. They hired the best accounting firms. I had a pure gold firm. They call it a gold rated firm. I don’t know. It’s supposed to be… Who knows. But with all that stuff, for years, you heard about my tax-

Rachel Campos-Duffy (32:20):

And no one looked into the Clinton Foundation.

Donald Trump (32:21):

And they never went all the way with the Clinton Foundation. They never went all the way with the Clinton Foundation, which is sort of interesting, isn’t it? So that could happen. I don’t know that the public would stand it. I’m not sure the public would stand for it with a-

Pete Hegseth (32:40):

You’re saying if they tried house arrest or-

Donald Trump (32:42):

I think it would be tough for the public to take. At a certain point, there’s a breaking point. It’s very funny. I watched the radical left and I watched the right, and everyone’s always talking about the right, this side, the right, the right, the right’s not the problem. When you look at Portland, when you look at what happened in Minneapolis, if I didn’t call out the National Guard, which I wasn’t even supposed to, because the governors are supposed to call them, I’m not. You wouldn’t even have Minneapolis right there. Minneapolis would be wiped off. Remember the CNN anchor? I think it was Velshi. He’s standing there. This is a friendly protest. This is very friendly. And then somebody hit him on the knee.

Rachel Campos-Duffy (33:21):

Mostly peaceful. Is that what he-

Donald Trump (33:22):

Yeah, mostly peaceful. This is friendly. This is a mostly… And you look behind him, the entire city’s burned. It was like the Second World War. The whole city’s burning, the fire behind him. And he’s talking about this, this is friendly. This is a friendly protest. That’s exactly right. No, it’s crazy. What’s going on is crazy. Don’t forget, I got millions of more votes the second time than I got the first time. Very rare. Obama got millions less and he won. I got millions. I got 63 million the first time. I got millions more close to 12 million more that we know about. That’s there. That’s those… They said if you get 63, this is McLaughlin for [inaudible 00:34:03]. The big pollsters, good pollsters. They said, “If you could get the same number, you win.” I got millions more. Very rarely does a president get more. They win or they lose, but they don’t get very rarely get more.
Obama got a lot less. He got a lot less the second time. And he went, it’s so bad for our country, and I wouldn’t have done this. And then I had good Republicans running and we took… It was the fastest nomination in history. I got it very fast. In theory, it just ends like this weekend. You’d find out a normal thing. You’d find out this weekend who would win. And I got it. I won it months ago against good competition.

Rachel Campos-Duffy (34:40):

You wrapped it up pretty quick. So this interview’s going really fast, and I know we have a bunch of other questions. So can we go and we’ll keep our answers short so we can get to it. Okay. So I’m going to start with this one. Americans have lost a lot of trust in institutions, and I think there’s been a lot of discussion, especially online and especially with young people. How do we rebuild that trust in institutions, the CIA, the FBI, all those institutions?

Donald Trump (35:05):

You’re right.

Rachel Campos-Duffy (35:06):

Some people think that one way to build trust is to declassify things that everyone’s talking about. I know you talked earlier about I don’t want to be a conspiracy theorist. So if you were president, would you declassify? You can answer yes or no to these.

Donald Trump (35:18):


Rachel Campos-Duffy (35:19):

Would you declassify the 9/11 files?

Donald Trump (35:22):


Rachel Campos-Duffy (35:23):

Would you declassify JFK files?

Donald Trump (35:24):

Yeah, I did a lot of it.

Rachel Campos-Duffy (35:27):

Would you declassify the Epstein files?

Donald Trump (35:29):

Yeah. Yeah, I would.

Rachel Campos-Duffy (35:30):

All right.

Donald Trump (35:31):

I guess I would. I think that less so because you don’t want to affect people’s lives if it’s phony stuff in there, because it’s a lot of phony stuff with that whole world. But I think I would, or at least-

Rachel Campos-Duffy (35:44):

You think that would restore trust, help restore trust?

Donald Trump (35:46):

I don’t know about Epstein so much as I do the others, certainly about the way he died. It’d be interesting to find out what happened there, because that was a weird situation and the cameras didn’t happen to be working, et cetera, et cetera. But I’d go a long way toward that one. The other stuff, I would. I would definitely do the January 6th because… Oh, all of them. Because what happened? How about the unselect committee? They had meetings, they had all Democrats and two failed Republicans, right? Cheney and crying Adam Kinsinger. See, Biden couldn’t do this interview. Do you think he’d remember crying? Adam Kinsinger? Do you think he’d remember these different names, these different folks? And I didn’t know you were going to be talking about this, but can you imagine the whole thing is crazy. What we’re doing, what we’re going on. I got to know that leaders of all the countries, and they’re at the top of their game.
They’re very sharp, they’re vicious. That’s why they’re doing so well, Honduras, all of them. I know every one of them. And they’re very streetwise people. You know that better than anybody. They’re streetwise and they’re smart and they love their country, or they want to do a good job for their country or themselves, doesn’t matter because whatever it is, and they’re moving all of their bad people into our country. And Venezuela just reported that their crime is down 72% in a year. You know why? Because they moved all their criminals into the United States. And the next time we do an interview, we’ll do it in Venezuela because it’ll be much safer than being in our country.

Will Cain (37:18):

Well, you’ve brought up deportations in this interview. How can you implement deportations and do you think the public will have the appetite, the stomach, for watching deportations on their television screen?

Donald Trump (37:31):

Well, the second part of that question is so great and so tough because the radical left is going to start saying, oh, look. So you’ll get rid of 10 really bad ones and one beautiful mother who they think is guilty of something, and maybe she is, maybe, and it’ll become a story or a family that’s a good family and came in wrong and they’re going to show it, then it’s going to always be tough. It’s not going to be easy, and we have to use a lot of good judgment. But the way you get rid of them is a local police. The local police know these people by their first name, their middle name, and their last name. The local police are great. They’re just not allowed to do their job. They’re afraid of losing their pension. They’re afraid of losing their wife or a husband.
They’re going to lose their house. They’re losing everything. And one of the things I’m doing is giving local police immunity from prosecution, to get a prosecutor. When they do their job, they get like your soldiers, when they do their job, when they watch department stores being raided by 500 people, where guys are walking out with television sets and they’re told to stand back. They’re told to stand back, do not do anything. And they go into these stores, these big stores that have opened two years ago, and they spent $25 million to build a store. And the stores are empty down to the shelves. They even take the shelves out. They take everything. And the cops are sitting there. They don’t want to be standing there. They want to do their job. You know who’s great? The border patrol. The border patrol, I know him so well. They endorsed me.
They always endorsed me. They said, “When Trump comes back, it’ll all be better.” And Biden, by the way, he doesn’t need any legislation. He could say the word close the border. That’s what I did. I said, “Close the border.” And it was so bad that it took a little while. I fixed the border originally. That’s how I got elected in a way. But now the borders, and I fixed it, and I couldn’t even use it in 2020. In 2016, it was a big factor of my win. I fixed it very quickly. And then in 2020, it was so good. I said, “Let me talk about the border. My people over here, all these geniuses said, please, sir, don’t talk about the border. It’s fixed.” I said, “Let’s talk about it.” But nobody wants to hear about it. But now the border is a hundred times worse than it was in 2016.

Rachel Campos-Duffy (39:50):


Pete Hegseth (39:52):

And you mentioned those… Will asked about deportations, and you mentioned local authorities having more power. What do you do in sanctuary? Because so much of that is

Pete Hegseth (40:00):

They can’t even talk to ICE, let alone work with ICE. If you’re going to deport 5, 7, 10 million illegals, it’s going to require a lot of them.

Donald Trump (40:08):

Do you know, the people and even the politicians don’t want sanctuary cities? They really don’t. I’ve spoken to many people in California and they’re fed up. They’re fed up. They can’t take it anymore. They don’t want it. Even liberal Democrats, they don’t want it anymore. You have to end sanctuary cities. I mean, they’re guarding criminals. They’re guarding people that are killing people, and you can’t get to them.
And guys like Gavin New-scum, he’s a disaster. He’s running it so badly. It’s so badly run. And I watched him on Sean Hannity Show, with that debate, and he’ll talk like everything’s wonderful, “It’s great. Go California.” It’s not. It’s doing terribly. It’s doing terribly. But somebody has to call him out. They have to call them out. But the job of sanctuary cities, it’s just so horrible for our country.

Rachel Campos-Duffy (41:01):

I have another question on the border.

Donald Trump (41:03):


Rachel Campos-Duffy (41:03):

So, in just this fiscal year, 2024, there’s been 74,000 unaccompanied children that have come across the border.

Donald Trump (41:11):


Rachel Campos-Duffy (41:11):

In 2023, get this number, 137,275, you know, you’ve seen the images of these children, 5, 7 years old, 9 years old, 12 years old, and the Joe Biden administration has lost 80,000 of them. No one can track. No one knows where they’re at.

Donald Trump (41:29):

At least. Yeah, much more.

Rachel Campos-Duffy (41:29):

At least. There’s probably more, but at least. Will the Trump administration commit to finding these children? To finding them and returning them to their families, to their countries? Because many of them have been lost into sex trafficking.

Donald Trump (41:47):

Many of them are dead. You know that.

Rachel Campos-Duffy (41:48):

It’s heartbreaking.

Donald Trump (41:49):

No, it’s heartbreaking. It’s amazing.

Rachel Campos-Duffy (41:51):

Will you commit to that? Will you commit to finding those children-

Donald Trump (41:52):

Yeah, I would do that. Sure. I haven’t been asked that question, but the answer is yes. It’s a simple answer. Many of them are dead.

Rachel Campos-Duffy (41:59):

I know.

Donald Trump (41:59):

They have done such a bad job. They have done such a bad job. And they go under the guise that they’re doing this wonderful job of letting people come in. You know what’s also really bad? The caravans. I think I came up with that name a long time … But where you form 25, 30, 40,000 people coming up. The level of abuse and just anger and craziness toward women.

Rachel Campos-Duffy (42:21):


Donald Trump (42:21):

I mean, the caravans, the mothers put their daughters in those caravans knowing in many cases, the daughter’s not coming back. Knowing for almost certainty that the daughter’s going to be raped.

Rachel Campos-Duffy (42:33):


Donald Trump (42:34):

Do you know? They give them large bottles of birth control pills to mothers, because they know they’re going to be raped on the way up all the time.

Rachel Campos-Duffy (42:43):

I know. It’s unconscionable.

Donald Trump (42:44):

No, the whole thing is incredible. And Biden thinks he’s doing a favor by allowing … And the only reason they have the caravans is because I ended it all. People weren’t getting in. We had the lowest number ever, the final week … The lowest number that we’ve ever had, recorded number, of illegal immigration. I had it down.
[inaudible 00:43:04] caravans anymore. You had them when I came in. You didn’t have them anymore. It was really good. All he had to do was go to the beach and let my people do the job. Just let them stay. And remain in Mexico. I had a policy, do you think that was easy to get? Will, getting remain in Mexico from the president, who’s a great guy. He’s actually a great guy, but he likes Mexico. He doesn’t like us. Okay? Tijuana was a mess. Tijuana had to be the fastest growing city. They had hundreds of thousands of … They couldn’t come into our country until we approved them, and we didn’t approve too many of them. Very seldom did we approve, anyway. But they gave up all that stuff that I had. Catch and release. I called it catch and release in Mexico. We catch and release in this country. We’d catch a killer, know that he’s a killer and release him in our country. I mean, who would do this? Who would allow this?
So, we ran a great thing. If he went to the beach because somebody convinced him that he looks good in a bathing suit, and at 81 or 82, typically you don’t look too great. And he didn’t have the power to lift those chairs. You know those chairs weigh about six ounces? They’re meant for children and old people to carry, and he can’t carry it. Anyway.