Today, everything we do, John Kerry would never have allowed that. He’d say, “This is not…” He doesn’t want us to use coal anymore. And he goes to China to tell him, “Please, when you can…” They’re building two coal plants a week. They must think we are the dumbest son of a bitches in the world. John Kerry, I mean, I don’t understand because I don’t view him as a stupid guy. Is this the biggest con game in the world? Does he really believe this?

He goes to China over global warming, which they don’t use anymore because it’s not getting warmer, it’s actually getting a little cooler. So now they call it climate change because climate change covers everything. If it gets warm… Climate change is one of the greatest con jobs ever because global warming didn’t work because… Remember when they sent the boats out to the Arctic, freezing, freezing cold, and the scientists were in the boat, a big ship, and they were worried about the icebergs because they were melting. And they had a little coal wave that lasted for about two days. And it was so vicious and so cold that the ice formed around the ship and started crushing the ship like it was a little… Remember, we had to send helicopters in to get them. The ship was just engulfed in ice. And they’re talking about global warming.

So we’re destroying our country because these people are going to coal. They don’t even do the natural gas thing. And they’re doing anywhere from one to two. And these are serious power plants. These are big ones, okay? And we’re drawing wind, wind, wind. The most expensive energy in history is wind. Second is solar. But I like the concept of solar. But did you ever see a big solar thing? It covers, Mr. Senator, the entire desert. Like nine homes will be given to things… See the size of this ballroom? Multiply it times a thousand and that’s solar. And yet we have more liquid gas and oil under our feet and we don’t use it.

So unlike… No, we don’t use it. We have more than ever. But unlike crooked Joe Biden, I’m running to liberate America. We want to liberate America because we’re in a country that’s in a lot of pain right now and a lot of hurt. This campaign is a righteous crusade to rescue our nation from a very corrupt political class. They are corrupt, they’re incompetent, and they probably hate our country.

No longer will the men and women of America pay tribute to the people who threw open our borders, flooded our communities with deadly drugs, sold our jobs to China and other foreign countries, colluded with the big banks, conspired with corporate media, corrupted our government and unleashed murderers, rapists and gang members, savages all, to prey on innocent people that walk the streets of our cities.

They want Americans to be weak and poor, confused, divided and afraid. Why they want that, I don’t know. It’s the only thing I can’t figure out. Why they want that, I don’t know. If you put me back in the White House, however, their reign will be over and America will be a free nation once again. It’ll be a free nation.

The media’s new threat to democracy and the democracy hoax is a desperate and shameless attempt to distract from the monstrous abuses of power the radical left is committing before your very eyes. Over the past few years, you’ve watched crooked Joe Biden and his band of lunatics and thugs try to destroy attorney-client privilege. I have a lot of lawyers in this room and they’re always asking me, “Does it mean anything?” I don’t think so because if you’re representing a Republican or a J6 person or somebody else who’s totally fine, a parent, there is no such thing as attorney-client privilege. Who could believe that?

They’ve persecuted Catholics and pro-life activists. They’ve labeled parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists. They’ve imprisoned a man for posting an internet meme about Hillary Clinton. Who would want to watch it? Who would want to look at that? Personally, I’d rather look at Ginger, but I’m not going to say that tonight.

They’ve weaponized the IRS against political opponents. They’ve tried to get me thrown off the ballot with their ridiculous attacks on the 14th amendment. All 15 lawsuits as of tonight have been successfully rebuffed. All 15. And they flooded our nation with tens of millions of illegal aliens while violently opposing voter ID so that we have no idea who is actually voting. Can you imagine somebody saying, “No, no, we don’t want voter ID.” Why? There’s only one reason, because they want to cheat. Who doesn’t want voter ID? But we will not let this continue.

The next Trump administration will be a great new beginning of American democracy. It will be the rebirth of American freedom and it will be the return of the American dream. We had that dream going and going very strongly. Our mission in this race is to win a historic and powerful mandate to take back our nation from the shadow government of corrupt alliances, hidden, hidden people. They hide under carpets and rugs and lawless bureaucrats, mercenaries, propagandists and scoundrels and spies.

What’s happened to our country is not believed by many people. Like that great New York Republican, Teddy Roosevelt, we will restore constitutional government by the people starting on Inauguration Day 2025, and you’re all going to be with me, we’re all going to be in Washington together. The Biden dictatorship will be over and we are going to bring our country back from hell. Going to bring it back from hell. And it’s in hell right now.

On day one, I will break up the Biden administration’s illegal censorship machine. And any official who has violated American’s constitutional rights will be held very, very accountable. Very accountable. And I make this commitment to you tonight: We will not have Bill Barr as our Attorney General. Is that okay? I promise. He was a coward. He was afraid of being impeached. So how do you not get impeached? I told him, “Don’t be afraid, bill. I got impeached twice, my numbers went up. Don’t be afraid. “Sir, they want to impeach me, sir. They want to impeach me.” I said, “Bill, just relax. Just relax.” How do you not get impeached? You know what? You let people know you’re not going to look at the election, okay? You let them know we’re not going to look at the election and you don’t get impeached. Because the Democrats say, “How lucky did we get to get this stiff in that position?”

I’ll also cancel Biden’s dangerous artificial intelligence executive order and ban the US. We’re going to ban everything having to do… This is a very dangerous period of time… Having to do with censoring speech of American citizens. And all of these Biden attacks on democracy and freedom are happening because the radical left Democrats, and they are indeed radical left. Look at what’s going on. Look at what’s going on with Israel. Israel used to be the number one, I wouldn’t say lobbyist, but the number one power in Congress. Today, the way AOC plus three talks about Israel is hard to believe, actually, as somebody that’s been around for a while and watched.

Because the radical left Democrats know that in a fair election fight, they’re going to lose in a landslide. They’re losing in a landslide right now. People don’t realize the poll numbers are coming out and we’re not just beating DeSanctimonious and Birdbrain, we’re beating everybody. Some incredible polls came out today that were just incredible. Nobody’s ever seen polls like this.

Under the Trump administration, we built the greatest economy in the history of the world, with soaring incomes, rising wages and household net worth hitting the highest level by far in recorded history. And we had everything going. It was the best time in American history to be young and to start a family. When I was president, your thirty-year mortgage rate reached an all-time historic low, never been this low, 2.65%. Did anybody get a mortgage in those days? And we had gasoline down to lower than a $1.87 a gallon. Think of where we are now. But thanks to crooked Joe today, the American dream is totally dead. Biden and the radical left Democrats spent $12 trillion and caused three-year inflation of over 20%, the highest inflation in history in most people’s opinion. As a result, the average 30-year mortgage rate is now 8%. But for practical purpose, it is 10, 11 and 12%. But it doesn’t matter what it is because you can’t get the money. You can’t get a mortgage no matter what you do.

The typical family has lost hundreds of thousands of dollars of purchasing… The purchasing power from the American family is gone. It’s shot. When buying a home, it’s shot. The housing industry is dead. And thanks to Biden’s insane Green New Deal, the Green New Deal, which destroys our country, it’s destroying our country, families can’t even afford to buy a car. But while Biden has devastated opportunities for young Americans, I will fight for young Americans like no president has ever fought before.

And I’m pleased to report that a recent fake news NBC poll, but in this case I hope it wasn’t fake, found that we’re winning young Americans, leading Biden 46%, 42%. We’re also leading in one case by 11, in one case by nine, in one case by 14, Mr. Congressman. And we’re leading in all age groups. We’re leading women. I always thought women liked me. They said I didn’t do well last time because it’s a fake deal. It’s all crooked as hell. The elections are crooked as hell. It’s a fake deal. They said, “He’s not doing well with suburban women.” I think I did very well with suburban women. Why wasn’t I?

You mean I was keeping low-income housing. I signed an order, no low-income housing in the suburbs next to somebody’s house. You mean the people in that house aren’t liking me a lot? I think it was a whole con job. I think I did very well with suburban women. But now they’re saying that I’m doing well with suburban women. It’s no wonder crooked Joe Biden and the far left lunatics are desperate to stop us by any means because they’re looking at the polls.

You know what I love? I love when they say, “We really want to run against Donald Trump. That’s the one we want.” How did they do in 2016, by the way? “We want Donald Trump. We don’t want to run against Ron DeSanticmonious with his high heels and his bobblehead bullshit.” He looks like a bobblehead doll. I don’t like him because I endorsed him and I got him elected. You told me exactly, you were on the opposing party’s campaign, opposing campaign.

But it’s funny. So here’s their line, again, mis and disinformation, “We want to run against Donald Trump.” And the stupid Republicans sometimes write it. Gaetz knows this. “We want Donald Trump. We want Donald Trump.” But they don’t want me. They say that because they don’t want me because it’s disinformation. And remember, we won in 2016 and the same idiots said, “We want to run against…” You know who didn’t want to run against me? Bill Clinton. He told his wife when she said, “We want to run against Donald Trump,” he said, “No, you don’t. Don’t run against Donald Trump.” “No, Bill, I know…”

They didn’t listen to him. They threw him off the side. Bill Clinton, he went out to Wisconsin and he went to Michigan and he called in, he said, ‘You better get people out here. You’re going to lose Wisconsin. You’re going to lose Michigan.” They said, “What the hell does this guy know?” And they lost those two states and they hadn’t lost them in decades.

They’re weaponizing law enforcement for high-level election interference because we’re beating them so badly in the polls. And one thing about running, I think probably historically, if they wanted to run against me, they wouldn’t have indicted me four times. Do you agree? And civil suits also, we don’t even talk about them. But these people are slick. They’re very slick. You saw Gavin Newsom with no facts, he beat the hell out of Ron DeSanctimonious the other night and he had no facts.

In the Harvard-Harris poll we’re leading the field, just came out today. We’re leading the field with 67%. I have 67 while Ron DeSanctimonious has 9% and Nikki “Birdbrain” Haley is at 8%. They keep saying that she’s making a charge. Steve Bannon, can you help me with this? They’re saying that Nikki Haley is making a charge. You know that guy, Langone, big bullshit artist, that he’s got the support of Langone. Did he ever put up any money in his life? No. I like Bernie Marcus much better. But that she’s making a charge, but she’s never going up. She doesn’t go up. If you make a charge, you’re supposed to go up in the polls. She’s not going up. In the Harris-X poll, I guess that’s probably X referring to what used to be called Twitter. What’s that all about, X? I’m going to do an X. Let me put out an X. But in the new X poll, we’re at 68% and DeSanctis is at 9% and Haley’s at 7%. Chris Christie doesn’t register. Doesn’t even register. What the hell is he doing? It’s a race to the bottom. It’s Ada Hutchinson and Chris Christie are fighting for who’s the lowest. What about Ada Hutchinson? He’s been at zero for six months, Ada Hutchinson. His name’s Asa, by the way. I always like to say that because if I’m sarcastic, the fake news said, “He didn’t know the governor of Arkansas is…”

The worst is, there’s a new thing going along. So I’m a very sarcastic person, but I do it out of respect and fun and to make a point. So the other day, I’m imitating Biden not getting off a stage. So I said, “This guy can’t even get off a stage.” So I purposely do my thing, you know the way he walks like this. And I go like this. And the fake news put it up as though I couldn’t get off the stage. It’s true. You saw that, right? They put it up like I couldn’t. So I got to be careful. I can’t do these things very much because when I imitate… I did one where I’m stumbling. I said, “Ladies and…” They said, “Look at Trump. He can’t talk. He’s cognitively impaired.” It’s disgusting. I can’t do anything. I can’t… There can’t be any humor anymore, Steve. Because every time I imitate this guy, they see me doing it. And you saw that one, right? They have me not being able to get off a stage. These people are sick. They’re bad.

Baker today in The New York Times, he said that I want to be a dictator. I didn’t say that. I said I want to be a dictator for one day. But The New York Times said… And you know why I wanted to be a dictator? Because I want a wall. I want a wall, and I want to drill, drill, drill. That’s true. Build a wall. Well, we did. That’s it. We built it. We built 561 miles. You know what they do? When there’s a two-by-four that’s 70 years old laying on the thing rotting and I put a wall up there, they say, “He didn’t build that wall. That was a renovation.”

We built 561 miles a wall, and I was going to build another 200 miles, but when the election was rigged, we couldn’t do it. But I built more than I said I was going to build. But they call it not. Somebody said they say it’s 200 miles. It’s not 200 miles and it’s not 58. If there’s a nail laying on the ground and then we put up 30 foot going down seven and going up 30, they say it was a renovation. These are bad people.

We’re also totally dominating Biden in the general election, beating him by many, many points. The radical left Democrats rigged the presidential election of 2020. And we’re not going to allow them to rig the presidential election of 2024. We’re not going to allow it. Not going to happen. Every time radical left Democrats, Marxists, communists,… Fascist indict me. I consider it a great badge of honor. I’m being indicted for you. These are not indictments in the traditional sense. These are Biden indictments against their… This is just against a political opponent and the press refuses to say. They act like these indictments are legit. They’re not legit. And with that, he’s opened up a Pandora’s box that may never let our country be the same. That’s a very bad thing what they did to me, because this was something that was not doable. But they’ve opened up a Pandora’s box and I only can say to Joe is be very careful what you wish for, because what you’ve done is a terrible thing. When a president leaves, especially a very popular… I got 75,000,000 votes that they know of. We’re not talking about the millions that were played with. Never forget, our enemies want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom. It’s very simple, very simple.

They want to silence me because I will never let them silence you. And in the end, they’re not after me. They’re after you. I just happened to be standing in their way and you’ve heard that before. I mean that 100%. This is far more than a campaign we’re all involved in. This is a great political movement. This is the greatest political movement in the history of our country. There’s never been anything close. Together, we achieved the most secure border in US history. We built, as I said, 561 miles of border wall and got Mexico to give us 28,000 soldiers free of charge. You know when they say, “Mexico didn’t pay?” Mexico paid far more, they gave us 28,000 soldiers.

I said, “You have to give it to us. If you don’t give it to us, we’re going to have a problem.” They said, ” No, no, we’re not going to give you soldiers.” I said, “Okay, then we’re going to tariff all of your products coming into the United States.” And they said, “Sir, it would be our great honor to give you as many soldiers as you’d like.” I got it free of charge. So when they tell you about Mexico didn’t pay, Mexico paid much more than if they actually contributed to a war, which was a very hard thing to get done legally. Not to get done, to get done legally.

I took on communist China like no administration in history, bringing hundreds of billions of dollars pouring into our Treasury when no other president had gotten even 10 cents from China. I appointed more than 300 federal judges and three great Supreme Court Justices. And I kept my promise, recognized Israel’s capital and opened up the American Embassy in Jerusalem. I also recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, something that nobody thought was possible. And with the Abraham Accords, I even made peace in the Middle East. So we will once again have peace through strength when we become the 47th President of the United States. It’s all about peace through strength.
Just this week, crooked Joe Biden raised the prospect of American troops fighting Russian troops in an all-out war. I’m the only candidate who can make this promise. You are not going to have any more wars. You don’t need wars. We can solve all of these problems and everyone knows that if we don’t solve them, we’ll do the same thing to them as we did to ISIS. ISIS was defeated. Nobody thought that was possible, including our wonderful television generals. Three years ago, we had the strongest border in our history. Now we have the worst. Does anybody know the snake? Has anybody heard the snake? Should we do it or not? What the hell? We have nothing to do. Should we do it? Bannon, should we do it, the snake? So this is about the border. This is about allowing people in that you know there’s going to be trouble with, and it was a song. It was an old song. It wasn’t meant for this, it was meant for other things, but it’s been very popular. Has anyone ever heard it? The snake? 3

It’s amazing. All right, you’re going to hear it now then. A legendary piece of poetry.


“On her way to work one morning, down the path along the lake, a tender-hearted woman saw a poor half-frozen snake. His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew. ‘Poor thing,’ she cried. ‘I’ll take you in and I’ll take care of you.’ ‘Take me in oh, tender woman. Take me in for heaven’s sake. Take me in oh, tender woman,’ sighed the vicious snake. She wrapped him up all cozy in a comforter of silk and laid him by her fireside with some honey and some milk. She hurried home from work that night and soon as she arrived, she found the pretty snake she’d taken in had just survived. ‘Take me in, oh, tender woman, take me in for heaven’s sake. Take me in oh, tender woman,’ cried the vicious snake.”

“She clutched him to her bosom. ‘You are so beautiful,’ she cried. ‘But if I hadn’t brought you in by now, you truly would’ve died.’ She stroked his pretty skin again and kissed and held him tight. But instead of saying, ‘Thank you, ma’am,’ the snake gave her a vicious bite. ‘Take me in oh, tender woman. Take me in for heaven’s sake. Take me in oh, tender woman,’ sighed the vicious snake. ‘I saved you,’ cried the woman, ‘And you’ve bitten me. But why? You know your bite is poisonous and now I’m going to die.’ ‘Shut up, silly woman,’ said the reptile with a grin. ‘You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.'” That’s what’s happening to our country. That’s what’s happening to our country. We’re taking in people into our country that shouldn’t be in our country.

Thank you very much. On my first day back in the White House, I will terminate every open border policy of Biden and the Biden administration and stop the invasion of our country. On Tuesday, we had the single highest day of illegal border crossings ever recorded. We had 12,000 in one day. Many coming out of the prisons, many coming out of mental institutions all over the world. In Staten Island recently, two elderly World War II heroes and a Korean War veteran were thrown out of their nursing home to make room for these illegal alien migrants. They were thrown out. They were 94 years old. This is just one more reason why upon my inauguration, we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.

I will immediately restore and expand the Trump travel ban on entry from terror-plagued countries, and I will implement strong ideological screening for all immigrants. And by the way, the travel ban worked 100%. I didn’t want to talk about it during my term, but I talk about it now. We didn’t have one attack. We didn’t have one attack. We were safe. And you know who else was safe? Israel was safe and Ukraine was safe, and Taiwan was safe. They would’ve never done it. If you hate America, if you want to abolish Israel, if you want to sympathize with Jihadists, then we don’t want you in our country and you are not getting in. You’re not coming in.

I will terminate crooked Joe Biden’s electric vehicle mandate on my first day in office. We want cars that will go far. You’ll be allowed to buy gasoline powered cars, hybrids, and also, you’ll be allowed to buy an electric car if that’s what you want. You will have your choice, and you’ll also have your choice on schools. We will have school choice also. You’ll have car choice and school choice. We will not force the trucking industry to go electric when everyone knows that it is economically impossible for them to survive. Crime in our Democrat-run cities is out of control like never before. Every one of them is setting records in murder and violence. Their court systems are rigged against people like you and me.

The whole world is watching my trial where I’ve been proven innocent every day. Every day they have nothing. Alina knows that better than anybody. The case going on right now in New York State Supreme Court is a ridiculous, never-brought-before case, using a statute against me that has never been used, where a jury is not allowed, I’m not allowed a jury. And where a radical left judge has refused to let go of the case, which was brought by the most corrupt Attorney General in the United States, working in close association with Washington and the DOJ. They’re working in very close association. And if it was brought, it should have been brought in the commercial division. This judge would not let it go. I have proven my innocence. Literally every single day we prove total innocence.

The clubhouse appointed a highly partisan judge who is crazy, ruled violently and viciously against me before he ever knew what the case was about and before we even started the trial. He ruled against me before the trial was started, it should have never gone to court in order to make the case for the racist Attorney General, Letitia ‘Peekaboo’ James. He had to get the values of my properties down very substantially from the true values.

So he stated as an example, that Mar-a-Lago and Palm Beach, Florida was worth $18 million. When in fact, the real number is anywhere from 50 to 100 times that amount, maybe higher than that. An unassailable expert testified just this week that it’s worth much more than $1 billion. Another highly respected expert witness in the case testified on Thursday to the Attorney General, “You really ought to be ashamed of yourself for bringing this case against this man.” His expert finding after exhaustive research, one of the most respected people in the country, after exhaustive research is there is no evidence whatsoever of any accounting problems or fraud. There is not a single reference to a violation of any accounting provision. He concluded by saying, “If Mr. Trump was his student at the Stern School of NYU,” where he’s a top professor, one of the most respected people in the school, “President Trump would get an A on his financial statements. He would get an A.”

“In over 40 years,” he said, “I’ve never seen a statement that provides so much detail and is so transparent as these statements. These statements also have an ironclad disclaimer clause stating that the user must use his own due diligence and analysis and not rely in any way on the statements.” Right there, we win the case, but this guy refuses to acknowledge it. The prosecution star witness, their only witness, stated on the stand loud and clear, Boris, that he lied. He said he lied. “I lied.” It was like Perry Mason. He said he lied. You did a very good job on that, Alina. I’m proud of you. This was like Perry Mason at the end. “Yes, I did it. I did it.” It’s always the last three minutes. It was like the last three minutes too. He said he lied. He actually said he’s the only witness they had.

So we asked the judge to dismiss the case and he said, “No way I’m dismissing.” It’s a hell of a thing. It’s a kangaroo court. This judge couldn’t care less. He’s out to do a job on all of us and we cannot let it happen. An Appeals Court threw out approximately 90% of the case was thrown out. But this judge openly refuses to honor the Appeals Court decision as he trudges forward. Facts mean absolutely nothing to him. He cannot wait to render a decision in favor of the crooked Attorney General, who used me to run for her current position. And then remember, she ran against our Governor now, she ran for Governor and she failed, only getting a few points in the polls. She dropped out. She then went back to the Attorney General’s office stating that she had something very big to do. You know what the very big is? Me. She’s a vicious lunatic. She’s an incompetent.

As everybody knows, she was the one, she sued ExxonMobil in 2019, Letitia James, in a much watched legal battle. The end result was that Exxon moved out of New York. Do you think that’s a good idea? ExxonMobil, one of the biggest companies in the world left New York and they went to Dallas. Great job, Letitia. And that’s what’s happening right now. Businesses are fleeing our country. Businesses are leaving this whole horrible system. They’re leaving the state. They’re leaving our country. Our country has changed so radically. It’s business unfriendly and they’re going to other places, but they’re fleeing New York State and no businesses are coming back. Nobody wants to come back into New York State, but they’re actually fleeing to other countries.

She and the judge are having a great time together as they mock the system and disregard the Appellate Division’s decision with a laugh and with a smile. I’ve never heard of a case where you win in the Appellate Division and the judge says, “I don’t care. I’m not going to abide by the Appellate Division.” That’s what we have. And that would’ve meant 90% of the case would be won. So all of this, while murder and violent crime is taking place right outside of this courthouse.

So just to wrap up, I want to say this. We have a sick country. As a couple of you have said, we have a nation in decline, in very, very serious decline. We’re going to run in New York, we’re going to run strong in New York. We’re going to do things that nobody ever believed. We’re going to win New York, we’re going to win New Jersey, we’re going to win Virginia. And then we’re going to win a lot of the states that we’re expected to win. And we’re going to do a job like nobody’s been able to do.

And we’re going to bring law and order back. We’re going to do something that I will say is slightly controversial, but it shouldn’t be. We are going to indemnify policemen and precincts and states and cities from being sued. We want them to do their job. Our police and law enforcement has to come back and they want to come back, and they want to do their job. And we are going to indemnify them so they don’t lose their wife, their family, their pension and their job. We are going to indemnify policemen and law enforcement and we’re going to tell them to get out. We love you. Do your job.

So I want to thank everybody. Mr. Mayor, I want to thank you very much. I want to thank everybody for being here. This is a record crowd. This is a record time. We’re going to be back in New York a lot. We’re going to actively campaign in New York. We are going to win the election. We’re going to win this great state, once great state, and with you at my side we will demolish the deep state. We will expel the warmongers from our government. We will drive out the globalists. We will cast out the communist, Marxist and fascist. We will throw off the sick political class that hates our country. We will rout the fake news media. We will evict Joe Biden from the White House and we will finish this job of making our country great again once and for all. Thank you very much everybody. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you.