Trump Gives Keynote at New York Young Republicans Gala

Donald Trump (00:12):

Well, thank you very much. Wow, some really great speeches. That was something, that was something. Very special people, very special place. I know Wall Street very well for a lot of years working here, owning property on Wall Street and being in this great city that’s under tremendous seize right now. It’s a terrible thing that’s happening, but it is great to be back in New York and it’s a true honor to address the oldest and largest Young Republican Club in the United States. I want to express my tremendous gratitude to all of you for being one of the very first organizations in the entire nation to endorse my 2024, doesn’t it sound good? So now it’s happening, it’s happening.

We shouldn’t have had to wait this long, but things like that happen, things like that happen. But when we were at four years and we were fighting because we had a rigged election like nobody’s ever seen before, and a lot of people thought it could happen maybe sooner, and it should have happened sooner because of what they did, a bunch of cheaters, they are cheaters like nobody’s ever cheated before, third-world country. But now the time is here and we’re going to do it. We’re going to do it right, and we’re going to find out what happened then, but more importantly, we’re going to take our country to new levels, levels that nobody would’ve thought possible when you’re looking at what’s happened today.

(01:47)Let me especially thank your president Gavin Wax. Gavin, that was an excellent speech, that was an excellent speech. Wow.

Crowd (01:58):Gavin, Gavin, Gavin.

Donald Trump (01:58):

I want to thank you and for your future wife, even though you haven’t told her that yet. Don’t lose her Gavin, don’t lose her. We cannot have you be depressed because we’re going to take New York and if you lose her, you’ll be a very depressed person, you won’t be able to do your job. So don’t lose her Gavin. But Gavin for his outstanding leadership along with Lee Zeldin, who did a fantastic job, who was a great run, and he’s endorsed us very early, a long time ago, and he is a fantastic guy and the entire executive committee of this storied organization. With crime at record levels and hundreds of thousands of people living on the sidewalks and streets and with illegal aliens invading our city and state like nobody thought possible, did anybody think this was even possible? I believe we have a great chance of winning New York, Rudy. I think we have a great chance. Greatest mayor in our history, greatest mayor in our history. By the way, his crime, when he took over New York, the crime was almost as bad. It can’t be worse than this, Rudy? Can it? I want to say it was worse, but I don’t think it can be worse than this. You’re going to have to tell me about that, but it was bad.

And he and the man sitting right next to you, a very special, stand up Bernie, stand up Bernie… You know I pardoned Bernie and he was very emotional when I did it right. I didn’t know he cried. I never thought he cried when he was a little baby, but he was very emotional, and now Bernie is cleaner, this is the expression they say, I never quite understood it, than a newborn baby’s ass. Did you ever hear that? I don’t know what that means exactly, but that’s what they say, but you are. You’re the cleanest person in the room.

We’re going to get Bannon there too. He’s pretty close. But Lee Zeldin, all of you people that have been so incredible and everyone in the room, we are going to give all the resources that you need. We have a lot of resources. You know we take in millions and millions of dollars a week from people, average $61. Can you believe that? $61, and we’re taking in numbers that nobody’s ever seen before. That’s like a poll. When you think of it, that’s like a poll, isn’t it? But we’re going to give you all the resources you need, Gavin and Lee and everybody that’s working on it. And Rudy, you have to work. You know they love you in this city, Rudy, they love you. They love you.

And if we win New York, and likewise we’re going to put a heavy play on New Jersey, Virginia and a few other states that people say, “Gee, I don’t know if you can win,” then we win the election very easily, very, very easily. If we win New York, it will counter all of the cheating that will go on because we have to catch them. And we have a congressman sitting right there who’s got his eye on it. I want to thank a lot of senators that are here tonight, a couple in particular, US Senator J. D. Vance, a friend of mine, he’s done a great job. I endorsed him. He went from fifth place to first place and he’s been a really tremendous senator.

And another one that I was really honored to endorse and help, and he’s been an incredible senator and I got to listen to part of his speech, Roger Marshall. He’s been fantastic. Roger, thank you. Great speech, by the way, Roger, you are a good speaker. I know that from impeachment hoax number one and impeachment hoax number two. I said, “Who’s that guy? He’s made some good speeches.” That’s why I liked you. That’s why we have that relationship, very special that you did that, but thank you very much for everything. You really have done a great job, thank you. Also, representative Cory Mills. Thank you, Cory, stand up. Mike Collins, thank you Cory, Mike Collins, wherever you may be Mike, you know they say there’s 2,500 people here, there’s about 5,000 people outside. Paul Gosar. Paul, thank you very much, Paul, Good job Paul. And Paul has to fight his very liberal family all the time, I don’t know, but Paul wins. And you heard the real Matt Gaetz tonight. That’s the real Matt Gaetz, right? Man. That was great, Matt.

You know they have a big deal going on at Mar-a-Lago right now. They have a 1000 people. For a friend of yours, you know what’s happening. They all think you and I are supposed to be there, but we’re very happy being right here for Gavin and Lee and everybody else. And Ginger, you are such a good addition. You’re keeping him grounded. It’s so nice to see this, but you are really a fantastic woman, very smart woman.

Another one who has done an unbelievable job. I watched her run over the head of Harvard, the head of Penn, the great old Wharton School of Finance, Elise, Elise Stefanik. Elise, thank you Elise. What a job she’s done. You know I watched the way, she’s very smart, I watched the way she was asking the questions and they were asked in a very complex way. And these women who, I guess they’re smart, but boy, they were really dumb answers, weren’t they? But they were asked in a very complex way, and these people had no idea what the hell they were doing. I said, “I think she’s got to lose her job. I guess they’re all going to be losing their job within the next day or two,” but one down, two to go, but there’s many more out there like that and I don’t get it. I don’t know why, why that would be. A special person is in this room tonight because former mayor, Rudy Giuliani did the greatest job. He was the greatest mayor in the history of this city. It was safe, it was prosperous.

Crowd (08:42):Rudy, Rudy, Rudy.

Donald Trump (08:42):

It’s right, Rudy. Special guy and he fought like hell, and by the way did a hell of a job. He was out there, he was fighting, and he’d go and see legislatures and he’d go to the different legislatures and talk to legislators, and he would be, I mean, he was incredible. And he’d leave and they all agreed with him a 100%, but then courts would hold them back because judges didn’t have the courage to do what they should have done. But Rudy is a warrior. He’s a brave guy, he’s a brilliant man, and he’s been our friend and there’s nobody like him, really there’s nobody like him. When I see what’s happened to the city in such a short period of time, it’s very sad. But thank you. And you happen to have a great son who’s a friend of ours named Andrew. Where is Andrew? Don’t play golf with Andrew. He’s too good. Andrew’s a great golfer too.

Crowd (09:35):Andrew, Andrew, Andrew.

Donald Trump (09:42):

Andrew’s a great, great young guy who really ran a very good race. When he announced, a lot of people weren’t thinking you were going to get the numbers you got and then immediately he went over with Lee and they worked together beautifully. It was a beautiful thing to see Andrew, and thank you very much. Also, former New York City Police Commissioner when we had real safe city, we had a real safe… Bernie, stand up again, please. Thank you, Bernie. Great job. New York City council member, Inna Vernikov. Where is Inna? Where is Inna? Where are you? I want to see Inna. I hear so much about her. I read so much about her. Is she still there? What the hell is she doing so far back? Come up here, I want to see you. Come up here. I’m reading all about her and how incredible. You do a great job. I think, are you the only Republican still on city council? Just… Come here.

Don’t fall. Joe Biden has taught us it’s not good to fall. Thank you, darling. That’s why I wanted to see her. Beautiful job. Great job. Very popular. Very, very popular. Bo Hines is here. He is going to be a congressman very shortly. Bo Hines, thank you. D. C. Draino. Where’s Rogan? Rogan O’Handley. Where is Rogan? Oh, he’s so good to me. Thank goodness he’s on my side. Oh man, I would hate to have D. C. against me, right? But Rogan, thank you very much, a great special guy. J. R. Majewski, somebody that the deep state did some really bad things to, but we stuck by him, we stuck by him. And J.R., where’s J.R.? What a job. What a job. Well, it shows perseverance works, right? He backed me. He took a tractor. He had a sign. Trump, Trump, Trump all over the fields of your beautiful state, and you’ve been totally exonerated. You told the truth and they played dirty pool, but you’ll get a second shot, right? You’re going to get a second shot. Great job. What they did to you was very unfair.

A man who’s been a friend of mine for a long time, he looks fantastic. He just had his 49th birthday and he looks much younger than that actually. I don’t know how the hell, he really looks so much better than 49. And I have to tell him about the meeting. Should I tell him, Steve, real fast? So we had a meeting when it was looking bad, we had one of the 29 or 30 inescapable things that happened. We had the John McCain incident that I want to see the one who wasn’t caught. We weren’t the one who wasn’t caught. And people said, “Sir, that doesn’t work” and that was fine, but we had a lot of inescapable situations. But probably the biggest inescapable one was the one we know about, Steve, right? So it doesn’t matter what one because I don’t want to exactly bring it up, but we had a group of people around in my apartment and it looked like it was in trouble and we went through a list of very well-known Republicans.

What do you think we should do? “Sir,” one said, “Sir, I think you should resign,” and this is in the middle of the campaign. I already got the nomination. This is in October. “I think you should resign, sir and I think we should appoint either Mike Pence or somebody else.” How about that one? “And maybe,” he said, and “maybe they’d have a chance of winning.” I went to the next, we had about 10 people, went to the next. “Sir, I don’t think you’ll be able to make it, sir.” I went to one person who said something that was so horrible. They said, “Sir, you can stay in and have the single greatest defeat in the history of politics or you can get out. We’ll appoint a Republican to take your place and maybe that person will have a chance of winning.” And we went through it like this.

And then I got to Steve Bannon. I said, “Steve, so what would you say we should do?” It’s a true story. This is a true story. I said, “So Steve, what would you say I should do?” “You should stay in, sir. You’re going to win this race 100%.” He’s the only guy, right? “100%.” True story, it’s a true story. He said, “100%.” I said, “That guy’s the greatest bullshit artist I’ve ever heard.” I don’t know, I don’t know if he believed it, but boy did he say it, and I think he was convinced. Steve, did you really believe that? He said, “Yes, I believed him,” but it is true. He was the only one in the room. And then I made my decision. I said, “Look, here’s the way I look at it. If I get out, it would be historic. It’ll be the only time anyone’s ever gotten out before a race after getting the nomination in a landslide. I mean, we wiped them out. We started with 18 and every week, one out, two out, three out, and it was a great campaign and we were doing really well.”

But this one particular event came up and I said, “If we get out, it’s historic. If we don’t get out, we lose. If we lose, we lose. We’re realistic, it could happen, right? And it’s not that big. It’s big, it’s horrible, but it’s not historic because somebody always loses a little bit, right?” I didn’t like the concept of it, but the other was [inaudible 00:15:59], so I said, “We’ll stay in,” and did we kick ass after that, right? And you know we probably have to go a little further ’cause they seem to be enjoying this, Steve. We could go on about this one, but the next day or very shortly thereafter, we had the debate starring crooked Hillary Clinton, who I don’t call crooked anymore because I use the name now for Biden. Now we call her beautiful Hillary. She’s a beautiful woman. Now I want to use that name ’cause it’s more appropriate. I like… which is better, sleepy Joe or crooked Joe? I like crooked better.

What do you like better? Ready? A poll, a free poll. Crooked Joe or sleepy Joe? I may have to change it back. But I went onto that stage just a few days later and a general who’s a fantastic general actually said to me, “Sir, I’ve been on the battlefield. Men have gone down on my left and on my right. I stood on hills where soldiers were killed. But I believe the bravest thing I’ve ever seen was the night you went onto that stage with Hillary Clinton after what happened. And then that woman asked you the first question about it.” And I said, “Locker room talk. It’s locker room talk. What the hell? What are you talking? Locker room talk.” That was not a great… and you know I dropped 11 points, 11 points and then after the debate, I went up 13 points. You remember that? I went, boom, boom. It looked like somebody with a really bad heart. It went like this, bing, bing. There was a little gap. In fact, to this day, people say what the hell was this event?

I can tell you, but we won’t get into it, but that was an incredible event, but it was an incredible campaign and we won, and nobody thought we could win. Nobody thought any Republican could win. And now they’re starting to say, we can. The Washington Post had us 11 points up and they said, “This is an outlier.” They paid a million and a half dollars for a poll and they said their own poll is an outlier. I said, “This is like…” So then they had it rechecked and it turned out to be 12 points. You know that. They haven’t announced it. So we’re going to give it a shot. And I’ll tell you what, I’ve never seen enthusiasm like I’ve seen right now, Steve. There’s never been enthusiasm.

We did great with one. We did better with two, but there’s never been anything like this. And Gavin, I will tell you in writing down, and I was just asking Secret Service, ” How the hell do they know I’m in the car ’cause we have windows this thick.” They’re really good, very good. I have guys walking up to that thing. If they held a little thing, I’d say, “Go ahead, shoot, shoot.” You know what happens? The bullet bounces back and kills them. That’s when I got them. They say, “I got this guy.” I got them. Go ahead and shoot, here I am, shoot, bing, bong, that’s the end. The windows are that thick.

Crowd (19:35):Trump, Trump, Trump.

Donald Trump (19:43):

And by the way, it’s a Saturday night, there’s not a lot to do. So we’ll stay here for a while. Do we agree? And another person who’s a warrior, she happens to be a beautiful woman, but I never think about that because I never talk about beauty. To me, I can see the most beautiful woman in the world, it doesn’t register with me at all. Beauty doesn’t matter. But she’s beautiful, but she’s a great lawyer and she’s been a tremendous protector of a lot of very important people and she’s done an incredible job and she has tremendous courage. I have these high-priced lawyers, and they’re fine, but they go out and I say, “Go speak to the press.” And you have these animals out there. Oh, there they are, right up there. You have these animals out there. They’re vicious animals.

And these high-priced guys, they’re beautiful guys, nice, beautiful suits, everything nice and I pay a lot of money to these people. Go out and speak to the press. “Sir, I’d rather not.” And she goes, “I’ll do it.” And she goes out there. She’s fierce. She’s a fierce person and we appreciate it. Alina. Alina Habba.

Donald Trump (21:01):

Alina. She says, “I’ll do it, sir. I’ll do it.” She goes, and she makes the news every night. She makes the news every night, screaming at these maniacs. Alex Bruesewitz, who has been incredible … Where’s Alex? I want to see him. Alex Bruesewitz. Where are you, alex? Thank you. What a job you’ve done, between you and DC Draino and Alex Stein and Jack. Where’s Jack? Where’s Jack? Where is he? Jack, I want to see you. Great job, Jack. Thank you. What a job you do.

We have an incredible thing. We’re always talking about the fake news and the bad. But we have guys, and these are the guys should be getting Pulitzers. We’re suing the Pulitzer organization, and we’re suing them because they gave the Pulitzer Prize to people that reported on fair and accurately Russia, Russia, Russia, but it turned out to be totally false. Even they admit now it was a scam. We’re actually suing them. Right, Boris? We’re suing them, and I hear we’re doing very well. They haven’t got a response.

We’re demanding that the Pulitzer Prize be taken away from these people that got it because they were wrong. The ones that should get it are also here, many of them. They’re incredible people, and they should get it. We want them to get it, and we also want damages because great damage was caused by their bad reporting. Raheem Kassam. Raheem. Where is Raheem? What a good job you do. Thank you, Raheem. Great job. Scott Presler, fantastic. Thank you, Scott. And of course, Kash Patel. Thank you, Kash. Great job. Get ready, Kash. Get ready. All of you guys, get ready.

Paul Ingrassia, thank you very much. You’ve been fantastic. What a writer. Thank you. Thank you. What a job. And all of the countless other distinguished guests that we have here, we have too many to go through, but I wanted to mention a few. They’re really incredible people. They’re very brave people, and they’re very great patriots. 11 months from now, each of you will vote in the most important election of your lives. It’s the most important election.

I used to say 2016 was the most important election, but this is far more important. We had a border problem in 2016, but it was minor by comparison to this. I ran the campaign on the border, and I won, but this is far greater. In 2020, I kept saying to my people, “I want to talk about the border.” They said, “Sir, we don’t have a problem. You straightened it out.” I said, “That’s good. I want to tell them that.” He said, “Nobody wants to listen to that, sir. You straightened it out.”

We had a great border. I couldn’t even talk about it. Now, the border crisis is the worst in history. There’s never been any border like this from any country. So this election will decide whether your generation inherits a fascist country or a free country, whether you have the rule of tyrants or the rule of law, whether America will be destroyed by crooked Joe Biden and his goons or whether we, the people, will make America great again, make America great again, which I think is the greatest phrase in the history of politics. Don’t you think? I think so.

Ronald Reagan had let’s make America great. So it was different. Somebody said, “Oh, but Ronald Reagan.” No, he didn’t. Number one, it wasn’t a big deal with him. But he had let’s make America great, which is okay. But make America great again, how powerful is that? MAGA. MAGA. I tell that to Biden. I say, “Joe.” When he gets up, “We’ve got to stop the MAGA extremists.” Yeah, I’m extreme about making America great again. We’re extremists. We’re extremists.

They can’t get away. They can’t get away. We almost changed it to KAG, you know that, because we had America great. We were doing so great. We had the greatest economy, all the things. So I had another one, keep America great. But somehow, it never registered the same way. MAGA is the greatest phrase, I think, in the history of politics anywhere. I tell the story that Pat Buchanan, who’s a wonderful guy, a great conservative guy, and he became a very famous political pundit, did great.

He had a wonderful life, and I think he’s around. He’s an older guy right now. But he had a wonderful life, on doing well in New Hampshire. He did well in New Hampshire. We won 50 states. Think of it. Last time, we won 50 states. We won 32 states in the election, but we won 50 states. We probably won 50 states in the election, too, but we won’t get into that. But think of it. This is the greatest movement in history.

When you look outside and you see thousands of people, when you see us coming down, I was about to say they couldn’t see. The people were going wild. Somebody in my car said, “You can win New York. The people are going wild.” And I said, “How do they know it’s even me in the car? Because you can’t tell.” The people are going crazy. They’re waving and giving you all sorts of fist pumps and everything. I’m telling you, this is a place that can be won, and we have the team to do it.

For four straight years, our opponents have been waging an all-out war on American democracy. They tried to overthrow the duly elected president, thank you very much, with one hoax, witch hunt, and abuse of power after another, one after another, all of the different things. We had Mueller to take care of. We had more than anybody. Think of it. We had all of that going on, and still people … I was reading today. Some people, many people considered this to be one of the greatest presidencies. All of the many things we did, greatest tax cuts in history, rebuilt our military, defeated ISIS, Space Force.

We did so much. We became energy independent. We were soon going to be energy dominant. Then they rigged and stole the election of 2020. Since Biden got in, he has been weaponizing government against his political opponents, like a raging third world tyrant. That’s what he’s been doing. He looks like an innocent guy. I actually don’t really know that it’s him because I know the people that surround him. I think it’s them, and he’s the perfect vessel. He’s so good.

They love him because he has no idea what the hell he’s doing. He has no idea where he is. He can’t put two sentences together, and he can’t get off a stage. He can never find his way off the stage. This stage has a stair there, a stair here, a stair here, a stair there. Or you could jump off the front. But to show you how dishonest the press is, until I got indicted, I was pretty nice to him because I have great respect for the office of the presidency. You don’t mind if I go off teleprompter, Steve? It’s so much better.

Because I have so much respect for the office, so I wasn’t really hitting him. In fact, some people said, “You could hit him harder.” I said, “No, he’s president. I don’t want to hit him that hard.” Once I got indicted the first time, and then the second, third, fourth, and then they were going to do two more and they called in, “We’re going to indict this guy into office. Stop. Don’t do them. Don’t do them.” I could be indictment-proof right now. I don’t think they can do it, Sid. I don’t think they can do it. But they stopped it. They heard about it.

I think they sent their biggest people, “Don’t do it.” Local DAs all controlled by the White House. Local attorney generals, state attorney generals. What’s happened is since the indictment, the gloves are off. You can’t do any worse than this. I got indicted. First time in history. First time in history. I always say Al Capone, the greatest of them all, gangster, Scarface. He’d kill you. He’d kill you, Mr. Congressman, if he thought you were smiling at the table. If you were smiling at him in a way that he thought was mocking, because he was a nasty person, he would kill you.

He would kill many, many people. He was probably the greatest gangster of them all. He got indicted one time. I got indicted four times. Scarface, not a very nice person. But many people that are major criminals, very few have had an honor of being indicted four times. I’ll tell you one thing. I’m the first guy that ever got indicted whose poll numbers went up. Nobody. That’s a first. Who the hell gets indicted, Matt, and their poll numbers went up? I don’t mean went up, I mean like a rocket ship because the people get it. They get it.

But crooked Joe Biden’s banana Republic ends on November 5, 2024. You’ve been seeing what’s going on. In the past few weeks, the radical left Democrats and their fake news allies have unveiled their newest hoax, that Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party are a threat to democracy. Do you believe it? Can you believe it? This is their new line. It’s here we go again, Russia, Russia, Russia, Mueller, Mueller, Mueller, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, one hoax after …

How about FISA? They don’t talk about the fake FISA report signed. It’s so bad, right? Signed. But no, I’m not a threat. I will save democracy. The threat is crooked Joe Biden. That’s the threat. They think that the threat to democracy … That’s what it is, it’s a hoax. We call it now the threat to democracy hoax because that’s what it is. These guys are so good with misinformation, disinformation, it’s a slight difference. You know that, Sid, right? There is a slight difference. If you want, we can talk about it, but let’s not bore the audience.

You know that, Bannon? It’s like all of the prisoners that are coming out from all over the world in jails and prisons. So people say, “Why do you say jails and prisons?” Because there is a slight difference. Well, there’s also a difference in dis and mis, right? All of these hoaxes and all of them have been created. This is all they do well. They are sick people. They don’t care about our country. They should spend the time on China screwing us on trade.

We would have the greatest country. If they use that sick genius, they could do some wonderful things, but they don’t because they’re sick. They think the threat to democracy hoax will save Biden from having created the worst inflation in our country’s history, a fragile economy that may soon end in a depression, much like 1929. Have you heard that before? You watch. We are very, very close to a depression, the likes of which you have never seen.

We owe $36 trillion, and this guy has no clue. You know that Mitch McConnell gave him $10 trillion for them to hand away like candy. He’s almost, I could say, and maybe he is worse than any of them, that he allowed them to have votes. He needed 10 votes, 12 votes. He needed different votes. He gave them many times votes. You add it up. It’s close to $10 trillion. They go, and they hand it out like candy. It’s the one thing they can say. The only reason they got it is because Mitch McConnell and his little gang of people gave it to them. It’s a disgrace to the Republican party, and it’s a disgrace to our nation, disgrace.

But I have to be careful when I say that because Matt Gaetz is a big, big fan of Mitch McConnell. He’s a big fan. Bannon must love him. You love Mitch. I don’t know. He seems to be checked out now. He seems to be checked out. Hey, I hope to hell he gets out of there. The other thing I’ll do that nobody else would be able to do or even think about is we will not have a World War III under President Trump, but you might very well have one under what’s happening now.

If this happens, this will be a war like no other war. This will be a war the likes of which this world has never seen because of modern day weaponry. I mean think about it in Hiroshima. We’ve all seen it many times. Nagasaki, just think about it. Multiply that explosive power times 500, Mr. Congressman, 500. That’s the kind of power we’re talking about. This would be a war like nobody’s ever seen, probably obliteration.

Biden is the real threat to democracy for two simple reasons. He’s corrupt, and he’s incompetent, grossly competent. But we have to fight Democrat misinformation at every corner if the Republican Party is to survive. I mean they’re trying to end this party. Not going to happen, by the way, but they’re trying. We’re not going to let that happen. Much more importantly, if our country survives, our country’s in trouble. We’re not respected. We’re not listened to.

Three years ago, we were more respected, I believe, than this country has ever been. I would call these guys. I would get whatever the hell I wanted from them. I didn’t have to even make trips. President Xi respected your president, and he respected our country. Now they laugh at us. They lecture us about all sorts of things. They would have never done that with me. But it’s so sad when I see what’s happened to our country. We’re no longer a leader in the world.

When they talk about Ukraine, we put up 200 billion. The European nations who are approximately the same size as our economy when added up are in for 18. Why doesn’t somebody say, “Equalize,” like I did with NATO? I said, “You have to pay your bills.” I took in $400 billion. Just like with Russia, Russia Russia, the radical left communists, Marxists, fascists are always accusing us of exactly what they themselves are doing. It’s what they do best. It’s really what they do best.

They’re bad on borders. They’re horrible on policy. They want high taxes. They’re really bad on everything except for cheating on elections, in which they’re perhaps one of the most brilliant groups of people in history. Every abuse of power, the fake news is ridiculously claiming I will commit, is in fact being committed by crooked Joe and his thugs. They’re trying to lock up their political opponents. They want to lock up their political opponents, in particular, me. Thank you very much. It’s an honor.

They’re trying to criminalize free speech and take total control over the American people. But then I came along, and I’m standing in their way. Now millions of Americans are joining us. Millions and millions are joining the Republican Party. We’ve never raised so much money. You know who’s giving us the biggest share of the money? People that are paying $61 on average a piece. Think of it. Not the people that are giving us millions and millions of dollars, but the people that are paying $61. There has never been anything like it.

The only one, and it’s not even close, is Bernie, crazy Bernie. Bernie had a little thing going. I remember when he had his rallies and if he had 2,000 people, they used to say, “This rally is massive. It’s unbelievable.” I’d have a rally down the street. We’d have 35,000, and they’d say, “Trump’s giving a rally today.” They always used to talk about how big his rally … Remember, Steve? Bernie would have 1,500 people. “This is a magnificent crowd.” I’d give one, 35,000 people. “Trump had a rally, too.”

These people, they are the most dishonest people anywhere in the world. They’re the fake news. Fake news. They are fake. One of our better terms. We’ve had a lot of good names. I think fake news is one of the best. The only problem is it’s not tough enough because they’re much worse than fake. They’re fake, and they’re corrupt. There are a lot of terms, but somehow fake seems to have stuck. So let’s leave it that way.

Poll numbers reveal that Black, Hispanic, Asian and just about everybody else want to join the Republican Party right now because the Republican Party is the American dream, not the Democrat Party of open borders, chaos, uniform laughter. They laugh at us all over the world. The world is laughing at us. Can you imagine President Xi? I have to say the press gets very angry when I call him a brilliant person. If I say he’s brilliant, the next day article, “He called President Xi a brilliant person.” He controls 1.4 billion people with an iron fist.

They want me to say he’s just of average intelligence. But the look, the whole thing, he stands in front of a million soldiers. They walk by. They want me to say bad things. I can’t say bad things. But can you imagine guys like this? Putin. Many of them, even France, Macron, he’s a tricky little guy. No, but they’re all sharp. How about Kim Jong Un? He’s got more nuclear missiles. I said, “Can you do anything else? Let’s go to a ballgame or something.” We became very friendly, and they hate when they say that.

Well, we started off very rough. Steve was there. Remember little rocket man? He’s little rocket man. He said, “I have a red button on my desk.” And I said, “I have a red button too, but mine’s bigger and mine works.” We had a meeting. When we had a meeting, it was in Singapore. It was the biggest press gaggle anyone’s ever seen. There must have been 10,000 there when I met with Kim Jong Un, because he was getting ready to blow up the world, and I wanted to give it a shot to stop him.

Obama, before you take office, you sit with the president. I said, “So tell me. What’s the biggest problem?” He said, “North Korea is the biggest problem by far.” Remember that? He said, “The biggest part. I mean there’s nothing you can do. He’s got a lot of nuclear weapons, and I think he’s willing to use them.” I said, “Have you called him?” “No.” But actually he did call him. He called him 11 times, and it wasn’t responded to because they didn’t respect that group of people. They just didn’t respect him.

But I was back and forth, and they were nasty. I was calling him little rocket men. He was calling… telling me things and I was saying horrible things about him, and people were actually getting very angry about it, remember? And then one day, like a miracle, I get a call that North Korea would like to meet. I said, “That sounds good.” And because of that, South Korea was having the Olympics, remember, the Seoul Olympics? They sold no tickets to the opening event or any other event because nobody wanted to be blown up in the middle of an event, watching the high jumpers, watching the men that entered women’s sports, they didn’t want to watch.

So this Seoul Olympics was a disaster. But about three months before that, I got a call that they want to meet. And I said, “Great.” And we met. And they said, not only are we going to be friends, me and him, and we are, we get along great. We get along great. I think I saved a nuclear war, actually, if you want to know the truth. Because he expected, he expected to go to war. He actually expected it. He expected to go to war. He was okay with it. This guy’s got more stuff.

Did you ever see the picture of him with the Howitzers on the beach where he must have had 10,000 shooting into the ocean? Do you think he got an environmental impact statement done for that, Steve? Remember he had thousands of Howitzers. This is a nuclear, this is his little side game. He loves weapons. Thousands of them on the beach. I never saw anything like it, shooting shells into the ocean. And immediately I think of our country because we’re such fools. Did he get an environmental impact statement to do it?