Donald Trump (01:12:38):

Thank you very much. Thank you very much. But it’s so true, the peacemakers. I will stop Joe Biden’s inflation nightmare, save the US economy. And I will always protect Medicare and Social Security, which for some very bad politicians, it’s under siege. I don’t know if you know that. It’s under siege by people that tried to do it before. I won’t mention names.

As your president, I will continue to stand proudly for pro-life policies, just as I did for four strong years. And we cannot, in this room and Republicans, but the people in this room, we cannot be afraid to take on the Democrat extremists. We can’t be afraid. We have to be strong and powerful. That’s why when I’m reelected, I will continue to fight against the demented late-term abortionists in the Democrat party who believe in unlimited abortion on demand, and even executing babies after birth. These are very troubled people, and the American public is on our side by overwhelming margins. You know, the politicians are going to have to learn to talk about this issue, because they are the radicals. We’re not the radicals.

Audience (01:14:15):

That’s right.

Donald Trump (01:14:15):

When you kill a baby after four months, six months, eight months, nine months … Remember the Governor of Virginia? He said, “Yes, the baby is born. You lay the baby aside, and then you make a determination as to what you do with the babies.”

Audience (01:14:29):


Donald Trump (01:14:29):

In other words, he would kill the baby after … And you have many, they believe in that. That’s what they want. They are the radical extremists. We’re not the radical extremists.

Audience (01:14:38):

Right. [inaudible 01:14:39]

Donald Trump (01:14:39):

And politicians have to say that. They have to say that, because they come out as radical. And the Democrats that believe in this late-term abortion … Thanks to the Supreme Court decision of exactly one year ago, we gave those who have long been fighting for pro-life cause negotiating power for the first time ever. You have tremendous negotiating power. Now with Roe v. Wade, you had none. You had no power. We’ve now given pro-life people tremendous power to negotiate something that will be happy, that will be good for everybody. And you have power for the first time. You didn’t have that power. You had no power. They could do anything. They could kill the baby after the baby was born. They could kill the baby in the ninth month. These are horrible, horrible things to think about.

And even other countries, other than two countries … I won’t mention their names. China and North Korea. They have very strong limits. But I believe the greatest progress for pro-life is now being made in the states where everyone wanted to be. That’s one of the reasons they wanted Roe v. Wade terminated, is to bring it back into the states where a lot of people feel strongly it should be, and where legal scholars feel very strongly it should be, with the three exceptions that I support and Ronald Reagan before me supported, for rape, incest, and for the life of the mother. A lot of people are more and more coming into that fold, and it’s something you have to very consider … You have to go with your heart. You have to go with your mind. You have to make that decision. But the three exceptions, and Ronald Reagan was there a long time ago. And I got through two very successful campaigns. Actually, my second campaign was much more successful. I got 12 million more votes. So I wonder what happened.

Audience (01:16:39):

You won.

Donald Trump (01:16:40):

I wonder what happened. However, there of course remains a vital role for the federal government in protecting unborn life. And it’s very important. And I propose for you tonight, just as I did when I said that we will win the Supreme Court decision on abortion … Remember I said that during my campaign? Everyone said, “That’s not going to happen.” Nobody thought that was going to happen. But I will fight for you like no president has ever fought before. We’ll get something done for the country. We’re going to be for the country. We will defeat the radical Democrat policy of extreme late-term abortion, and we will bring everybody together to protect our precious unborn babies in a very, very big way. And now you have the power to do it because we terminated Roe v. Wade. Every child born and unborn is sacred gift from God.

Thank you. Thank you. But you’re in a much different position than you were before. Before you had nothing to negotiate with. Today you’re you’re in the driver’s seat, very much in the driver’s seat. Under my leadership, the United States will also rejoin the Geneva Consensus Declaration, created by my administration and signed by 36 nations, to reject the globalist claim of an international right to abortion. This declaration affirms the family as the foundation of a good and great society, and states that every human being has the inherent right to life.

And Joe Biden withdrew the United States from this historic declaration his very first week in office, as he did so much else. They ended ANWR, the biggest drilling site in the world, probably larger than than Saudi Arabia, if you can believe it. This was in Alaska. Ronald Reagan couldn’t get it done. Nobody could get it done. I got it done. And in the first week in office, he terminated ANWR. Would’ve been unbelievable, would’ve been great. But we’ll bring it back. We’ll bring it back. So many different things they terminated. But some things they couldn’t terminate, like the tax cuts. They have never been able to do that. A lot of the regulation cuts that created all those jobs, they’re having a hard time with that.

But I’ll return us to where we were right on day one. We’re going to be returning our country very quickly. It’s going to happen very fast. We know the right people. I went through a lot of people. Some were fantastic, they were great, and some weren’t good. But I came here, and I was only in Washington 17 times during my entire life. I read this in an article, so I assume it’s true. Of course, it was written by a group that I’m not a big believer, but they said 17 times. I never stayed over, and I wasn’t a part of Washington society, so I had to rely on people for recommendations.

And many of them were good. Look, we rebuilt our military. We did so many incredible things. The tax cuts, the regulation. We had great people, but we had some people that I wouldn’t have chosen if given a second shot. We had weak people, we had stupid people. We had people that had no leadership ability. We had some very bad people. We had some very great people that I’d used again in a heartbeat. Look at all the things we did. We did that because of great people.

But now I know everybody. I know people. I don’t have to rely on some RINO saying, “Why don’t you give us this one to head intelligence? How about this guy to head intelligence, sir?” You know, you had to rely on some RINOs that you don’t want to rely on anymore. But you really learn, and you have to learn fast or you got some problems.

But as we continue to fight for the unborn, conservatives also have a duty to support the loving choice of adoption, including faith-based adoption. That’s why as part of extending the Trump tax cuts … You know, the time is coming up. We’re going to have to extend that. I will ask Congress to expand the adoption tax credit. We’ll do that, because a lot of people have been adopting and that’s a great thing.

Another top priority will be to expel the communists and these terrible people that have taken over our education system when you look. I will immediately sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children.

Audience (01:21:15):


Donald Trump (01:21:36):

And I always say this. Can you believe this? Can you imagine saying this 10 or 15 years ago? I will fight for parents’ rights. Of course you fight for … Today I have to say, I have to make it … I will fight for parents’ rights. Of course you fight for parents’ rights. Who would ever think you have to say that as a politician or as a person at a microphone? Including the right to send your child to the public, private, charter, or religious school of your choice.

At the same time, I refuse to abandon our public school system to these lunatics, because what’s happening there is terrible. That’s why I will fight for the direct election of school principals by the parents, the parents of the school. If any principal is not getting the job done, the parents should be able to vote to fire them immediately and to select someone who will. Right? And I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or mask mandate, from kindergarten through college. And something else I find hard to believe that I have to even say. It’s so ridiculous. It’s so horrible and so ridiculous. I will keep men out of women’s sport. So horrible. And I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states. Prohibited. And on day one, I will reinstate the Trump ban on transgenders in the military. We had a ban. Because our warriors should be focused on crushing American enemies, on being strong, on having the image of being strong. They have to be powerful. They have to be strong, especially when you see what’s happening in the world today, not catering to radical gender ideology.

So you know I had this in the military, and a lot of the generals that I dealt with, the real generals, the good ones, the generals that weren’t involved in the worst, most embarrassing day of our lives as a country, and that was the removal of our military from Afghanistan before our American citizens were taken out, before our soldiers were protected, leaving $85 billion worth of brand-new Trump equipment … I bought it all. Brand new, beautiful. New tanks, new planes.

Audience (01:24:51):


Donald Trump (01:24:52):

Think of this. 70,000 vehicles, some of them, many of them, armor-plated, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars and even million dollars each. 700,000 rifles, guns, and that type of equipment. And now Afghanistan is the second or third-largest seller of military equipment in the world. Because they don’t need 700,000 rifles, do they? The best equipment, the finest equipment. The night goggles that they have are better than ours. Brand new, not even taken out of the box. Now they fight at night, because they never did. They couldn’t see. Now they see very nicely. But as you know, in the military, you’re not allowed to take virtually any drugs. You’re not allowed to take drugs. You take an aspirin, you have a problem. And to have this operation, you have massive amounts of drugs required on a daily basis. Massive, massive amounts of drugs. Furthermore, I will ban all taxpayer funding for sex or gender transitions at any age.

And just as I’ve done for four years, I will fully uphold our Second Amendment. We need our Second. I will bring back free speech in America. And finally, to restore pride in our history and confidence in our future, I will lead a massive yearlong salute to America to celebrate the 250th anniversary on July 4th. This was July 4th, 1776, okay? There are other dates you hear about, but this is the date that we recognize. 1776. And we’re going to have a big celebration, and it’s going to be a celebration like we really deserve in this country for everything we’ve gone through. With you at my side, we will give our nation’s founding the amazing anniversary party that America needs and so richly deserves.

Days from now, all of us will be celebrating this year’s Independence Day at a very challenging time for our country. As we do, let us remember the words of one Massachusetts preacher during the Revolutionary War on an autumn night in 1777, when the fate of our nation looked very, very bleak, much as it does in many ways right now. “Be of good courage,” he urged the patriots in the pews, “because the cause of American independence is a glorious, glorious cause.”

Today we are a nation in decline, and it is because of our corrupt and inept leadership and the power of modern-day weaponry. It’s so powerful, so horrible. It’s so horrible. The levels of power, you’ve never seen anything like it. It shouldn’t even be discussed. It wasn’t talked about very much during my term. I didn’t want to have anyone talking about it. But the level of power of modern-day weaponry is horrible.

It’s the most dangerous period in the history of our country. It’s time for us because of all of this, so scary. We have leaders that don’t have a clue. We have leaders that have no idea what they’re doing. They have no idea. We have leaders that are totally corrupt. These are corrupt people. It’s time for us to keep our faith, our unity, and our resolve. We must be strong like never before. We must be unstoppable. Together we will take on the communists and the Marxists and the fascists and the globalists and the fake news media, which is just as bad as all of them. And we have to take on crooked Joe Biden and the worst administration in the history of this country. And propelled by the spirit of July 4th, 1776, we will win a righteous and resounding victory on November 5th, 2024. And we will make America great again, greater than ever before. Thank you all very much. God bless you. God bless you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. Thank you. [inaudible 01:29:26]