Right now, the energy of people 
who live on Earth has changed.

It shifted up.

 Although some people may not be noticed,
let's get a lot of liquids and enough sleep today. Your physical, mind and soul energy have been shifting. People who are dizzy easily... People with unusual emotions coming out
due to the occurrence of emotional release...

 People who are extremely sleepy...

 and those who have been catching
this shift change...

 Blessings to you all.

 It has reached a point where Universal
Consciousness is easily being awaken.

Until now, the people who have been
 feeling some kind of difficulties living on
 this planet due to their Universal Consciousness
had already been awakened,

will feel much easier from this point since
other people will start awakening also.

 Each of your soul is an existence of
 brilliant Light.

Feel the pillar of Light inside you...

recognize... and accept to let it shine brightly.

 Let's recognize. Now, the time has come. With love from Ashtar

 ------ Today is Dec 3 (123), HIFUMI day!

I noticed that it was new moon back today of
the message from Ashtar.

 Thank you, Ashtar♡