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[ Warnings!  
Shiroyama dam will be releasing extra water soon.  6:30pm]
[The water releasing plan from Shiroyama dam was postponed at leaset for a few hours! ]
[ Warnings!  
Urgently releasing water from Shiroyama dam in Sagamihara-shi at 5:00pm on the 12th]
The water level of Sagami-river, Kanagawa-Ken will be suddenly rises, and the large-scale of flood damage might occur in Hiratsuka-shi, Chigasaki-shi, Atsugi-shi, Ebina-shi, Zama-shi, Samukawa-machi and Aikawa-machi.
 There were possibilites of flood damages at Sagami-gawa basin.  The city announced evacuation directive of cautious level 4 (urgency) in the flooding assumption area.