Lemon [ 檸檬 ] - Masashi Sada

梶井基次郎の小説「檸檬」をベースに、舞台を御茶ノ水に置き換えた歌。歌詩に「聖橋からレモンを投げる」という描写があるが、さだはこの歌が「白線流し」のように、社会現象にならないかという希望と不安を抱いていた。他に梶井の小説から曲のイメージを得て作られた曲としては「桜散る」(「Glass Age」収録。「櫻の樹の下には」のイメージから)が挙げられる。



さだ まさし(本名:佐田 雅志〈読み同じ〉、1952年4月10日 - )さんは、日本のシンガーソングライター、俳優、タレント、小説家。國學院大學、東京藝術大学客員教授。ファンとスタッフの間では「まっさん」の愛称で親しまれている。



Full text of the lyrics
That day, sitting on the white stone steps of Yushima Cathedral, you hold the lemon you stole into the sunlight with your slender hand.
After staring at it for a while, I say it's beautiful and bite into it.
A canary-colored breeze dances in the blue sky through the gaps in your fingers.

Throw the half-eaten lemon from the Hijiri Bridge.
The red color of the high-speed train passes it.
After counting the ripples on the surface of the river, turn around with a small sigh, and when you throw it away, throw it as far as you can.

You burst into tears as you cross the scramble intersection diagonally, and say that this town is like the Ubasuteyama of youth.
Hey, there and here, the love that was once used is falling.
A dove named the passage of time is descending and pecking at it.

Release the half-eaten dream from the Hijiri Bridge.
The color of the train that stops at each station bites it.
After counting the ripples of the two, he looked back with a small sigh,
When it disappears, it falls like this, quietly.

[ Annotation ]
Ubasuteyama = a mountain where, in an old legend of Japan, old people were abandoned.
Hijiri Bridge = Holy = Bridge.

The coldness of the lemon was incomparably good. At that time, I had a bad lung and always had a fever in my body. In fact, I tried to show off my heat to any of my friends, such as clasping hands, but my palms were hotter than anyone else's. Maybe it was because of the heat, but the coldness that seeped through my body from the palm holding the lemon was pleasant.