1日10〜30分くらいまずは気に入った曲探し。とりあえずは聞くだけで雰囲気を掴みたい。クラシックギター初心者にオススメのお洒落な曲Top10!▶︎SHOTARO YouTube RADIO #8SHOTARO YouTube RADIO #8〜Top10 Classical Guitar Pieces for Beginner. It includes pieces that will be the goal in the next few years. I would be happy if you ...youtu.be
クラシックギター初心者にオススメのお洒落な曲Top10!▶︎SHOTARO YouTube RADIO #8SHOTARO YouTube RADIO #8〜Top10 Classical Guitar Pieces for Beginner. It includes pieces that will be the goal in the next few years. I would be happy if you ...youtu.be