Things left unfinished in life。。 | ♫浜松でエンジョイテニス&スローライフ♫



No matter how hard you try, a person's life is over 100 years old, which is a difficult task...The average person is around 80 years old...some people disappear at 60 or 70 years old... , there are people who can boast of long lifespans up to 90 or 100 years old.

My mother-in-law is 99 years old, and I would like to pray for her long life, but only God knows...

To be honest, I don't know how long I'll be allowed to live, but I have no choice but to think that that age, at that time, is my destiny. .


Well, I think that I have lived a normal life, studying at school, contributing to society at work, etc.

During that time, I worked hard at studying (sometimes I worked hard), worked hard at work, and enjoyed my hobbies.


●What I became obsessed with as a hobby


When I was a student, I admired Nagashima's rhythm of hitting and throwing with his fellow students, especially as a shortstop, catching the hit ball at half-bound and throwing it to the first baseman. It was something that I practiced hard on.



Mainly in the Northern Alps, Central Alps, Southern Alps, etc., the holidays are all about mountain climbing, and of course the mountains around Shizuoka Prefecture, Mt. Hakkoda, Mt. Bandai, Mt. Amagi, Mt. Sanbe, Mt. Aso, etc. all over the country. Climbing is a sport where you have to deal with nature.You may get struck by lightning, walk on dangerous slopes where you are close to death if you fall, cross chain-linked areas, and so on. It wasn't there, it was something...



Especially on overseas business trips, wherever I went, there was a pool at the hotel, and my daily routine was to go back and forth to the red torii gate on Benten Island⛩️, and I would swim a lot.


★🏓Table tennis

I used to play table tennis with my friends from my school days. Table tennis is just running behind the table tennis table, but it provides the most amount of exercise.

The same goes for basketball, the amount of exercise is not extraordinary...



Even now, I continue to do so to maintain my health. I used to be a member of a club called the F Cup, and we used to go to places like Izu, Karuizawa, etc. under the name of tennis training camps.

 I have fond memories of Mr.AKISHINOMIYA &Mrs.KIKO playing tennis on the court next door.



I bought a few guitars and fell in love with them to the point where I wanted to sleep in my arms. Managing the condition of my nails was the key. If they cracked or chipped even a little, I wouldn't be able to play them. I started playing the accordion, then the Okinawa sanshin, the Tsugaru shamisen, and so on.I became obsessed with playing musical instruments.



I had some Go friends with me, and we once stayed up all night playing a game.

I have played with professional 9-dan players from Nihon Ki-in, such as  趙治勲、岩田達明、宮本直樹、

 although I haven't progressed beyond 4-dan. So, I played Go and drank the night away...I have fond memories...



When I became a student, I was obsessed with it at first, but then I stopped because it was unhealthy...

It's not that mahjong itself is unhealthy, but that it's the fact that you have to sit there all night, filled with cigarette smoke.


★Electronics work

There is no more interesting craft than this. Connecting resistors, capacitors, coils, semiconductors, etc. to produce sound, light, and images.

I was able to freely move the motor, etc., and design my own circuits. I lost track of time and got hooked.


★Commuting to the neon city

At the height of the bubble economy, the neon streets were an essential social gathering place for both business and entertainment.

I got this from playing with my co-workers, my subordinates, my hobbyists, etc. in neon streets all over Japan and abroad.

Bangkok, Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan, Kyushu Nakasu, Gifu Yanagase, Nagoya Joshi Daikoji, Ginza, etc., each one is full of memories...

I dropped ten thousand bills into a neon street, enough to buy several luxury private cars, but the experience was both bitter and sweet, and I have no fond memories of it.


★Making bonsai

I became obsessed with Satsuki bonsai and would go to buy seedlings in Kurume, Kyushu, and Kanuma, where I am still a member of the Hamamatsu Satsuki Association.

At one time, they were growing 300 to 500 pots of Satsuki bonsai, and this month, another Satsuki bonsai exhibition will be held at Flower Park.


●Work. .

★Overseas business,

After all, at the height of the bubble economy, we started from scratch and grew to 10,000 employees, producing the world's largest production volume of electronic parts, elements, and devices, all made by ordinary office workers. I was able to experience many things that I wouldn't have been able to experience otherwise.

, I was lucky...

Furthermore, it was a valuable experience to be able to fly around in company-owned airplanes and helicopters both domestically and overseas.



How many lectures have you given? It feels good to talk about various lecture topics in front of a large number of people. At that time, PowerPoint was introduced to the world, and lectures became popular. The way of doing things has changed completely.


●Social service. .

★Job placement

When I saw someone in trouble, I couldn't just leave them alone, so I asked the top executives of companies I met at cross-industry networking events to take care of them.


I can't tell you how many people I've served as a go-between, but I hope you all have a good family.


And so on, there is no end to the list...

I did what I wanted to do, and for the most part, I had a satisfied life, so I have no regrets.


As for my wife, we have a house that can survive the rain and rain, and we don't have any debts, and as long as we don't have any luxuries, we can make ends meet.Although I am not without some health concerns, We talk about how happy I am...


Having said that, I thought about what I still have left unfinished, what I still want to do...

I don't think I want to start a business now.

I don't even want to travel all over the world.

I have no desire to earn or save money,


However, I feel sorry and feel that just having fun and having fun is not enough.

I feel like I want to help people in need, or do some kind of social service, but I just can't seem to find anything I can do on my own.This seems to be an eternal challenge... This is the only thing I regret.