※ダイヤモンド記事『韓国「徴用工問題」が、文政権である限り解決できない理由』by 白川 司
So that's it! The discourse in this magazine article says "Korea is divided into the North and the South-North, not the North and the South."
The ridicule expression of President Moon in the article is annoying to me, but it relevantly explains the reason why Japan excluded South Korea from White List Countries pointing out that Japanese fluorinated polyimide and high-purity hydrogen fluoride were diverted to China's 5G strategy via Samsung Electronics.
Currently, the world is about to be involved in US-China friction. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who had announced that he would leave British whole national 5G project to Huawei by the end of last year, suddenly withdrew this plan with a 180-degree policy change this year. The US has momentum to ban TikTok launched from China.
The nation that wins the battle of communication technology for the next-generation controls over the cyberspace of the world. As long as the President Moon's administration is the “North” of “the South-North” leaning over to "the North", and as long as it clearly shows its stance of arousing anti-Japanese public opinion leaning over to China instead of to the United States, Japan cannot deliver such important strategic materials like fluorinated polyimide or high-purity hydrogen fluoride to South Korea under the Moon regime.
Japan has a responsibility to manage where and how Japanese high-quality products are distributed. Japan will not win the trust of the world if they are only interested in sales. If China needs Japanese products, it is better to trade in a more open manner directly in the Japan-China trade rather than making opaque transactions through third countries.
What would you think about it?
This is a totally different question from the "Encouragement of Left Populism", the research theme of mine as political theorist questioning how we can reactivate democracy in terms of ideology and discourse analysis.
Kenichiro Seto
University of Essex