My foot is getting better now. I could relax this weekend. I hope I'll be genki tomorrow. I watched my favorite actor Liam Neeson new films "Run All Night"(2015) and "A Walk Among the Tombstones"(2014) this weekend. I really enjoyed "Run All Night". I can’t believe that he is over 60! Soooooo cool.


As to his movies, I often watch "Non-Stop(2014)", "Taken3(2014)", "The Grey(2012)" and "Third Person(2013)". Liam Neeson on these films reminds me of someone around me. He really looks like Liam Neeson. I like older Liam better than younger one. So I haven’t seen "Batman", which was suggested by Jonny, yet.




Especially "Third Person(2013)" is my favorite one.