Asakusa Photos ~Pieces of the Ancient City~ | パーソナルトレーナー/写真作家 古川貴久 【Personal Trainer / Photowriter】 Takahisa Furukawa

パーソナルトレーナー/写真作家 古川貴久 【Personal Trainer / Photowriter】 Takahisa Furukawa







My name is Taka Furukawa, 

Freelance Photographer, 

Photo Artist and Personal Trainer 

based in Asakusa, Tokyo <for now>. 


I post pictures of Asakusa irregularly 

on my instagram account and this site. 

I don't take tourist pictures. 

But I hope you can feel the atmosphere 

of Asakusa life even for just a bit 

in this present global pandemic.  



📷Instagram Account for Asakusa


