






それでも、Halftime Show では、Maroon 5やTravis Scottのライブがあったり、テレビ内のCGなどもアメリカの本気のエンターテイメントを見れたような気がして、興奮していました。






Hi, guys! On last Saturday, Feb 3rd, in the U.S. there was the Superbowl, on the other hand, in Japan there was one of the biggest events referred to as Setsubun.


I’m going to introduce “Setsubun (節分) ” to you guys.


Setsu (節) means season, and bun (分) means divide, therefore “Setsubun” means “ divide season”. In Japan, there are 4 seasons and Feb. 3rd is one day before the beginning of spring. 


Long ago, the division from winter to spring is important to starting new year.

Primarily we do two things. 


First, bean scattering. Basically, one person wears a mask dressed as a demon, called Oni in Japanese, and the other people throw some beans to get away. Also we shout “Demons out, Luck in!” at the same time. I did bean scattering with my family when I was young. My father was dressed as an Oni.


Next, eating a long sushi roll, called Ehomaki in Japanese. There are some rules on how you eat it.

- Do not cut the roll, because that means you may cut your fortune!

- Do not talk with anyone while eating this. Keep silent!

- Eat it all nonstop once you bite into this roll!

- Face the fortune direction which changes every year!



As I mentioned, Setsubun is a pretty important event for Japanese people. It was kind of weird that I didn’t celebrate this time because I was in the U.S.


Thank you for your time! 
