
When I went to a supermarcket to do a sales promotion for a new product of an instant pudding, I couldn't talk to those passersby because I was shy.



Luckily I happened to see one man with a business suit walking near my section. I started to make a sales promotion in a loud voice targeting him.


He looked a little surprised and stopped to look at me.



Since it was rather difficult to work without any people listening to me, I felt happy with even one persdon paying attention to me. I started to work harder. 

And it made some women come and gather around the section.

Then one middle aged woman talked to me smiling, "You are a good working student. Give me one pack."



The scene made some other women buy some more packs.


Watching this, the man in a business suit said to me, "I like your way of working so I'll buy two packs."


After that, he walked to the next section and chatted with some of the sales clerks similing and left there.



Later on, some of the female staff came to me and told that the man was a head of the supermarket and he praised me, "I want such a hardworking staff in our store."


I was surprised to know I sold two packs of instant pudding to the head of the store.
But I learned the importance of hardworking from the occasion.


I know the present students of Reiwa work hard too. There is a good example close to me.



These days, my granddaughter sometimes takes me to my workplace by car.

She tells me about her part-time jobs as a factory worker and sales staff of  supermarkets here and there.



I asked her how you came here to work, she answered, "Of course by bike. but I have a stiff shoulder packing so many goods one whole day."


なんやおじいちゃんの 学生時代と変わらないな。令和の若者も苦労してるな。

Oh it's just like grandpa's student time.  Those young people have to work very hard.



I felt pity for my granddaughter. Reiwa period has turned back to Showa!

What has Japan been doing over the past decads?