サプライズの正体は?What was the surprise?? | Sayulee


Sayulee's bilingual blog

"What was the surprise?"

Some of you asked

土曜日のSayulee's Room Vol.1でのSayuleeからのサプライズはこれでした!!
The surprise from Sayulee at the Sayulee's Room Vol.1 on Saturday was this !

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Yes, it was homemade cookie that I gave to everyone during the break !

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These are Snowballs.

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I was too busy handing these out to everyone that I totally forgot to take any photos at all !! ooops !! haha



We got to hang out and eat cookies together during the break just as if it was in my room !! Small numbers in a small room, it was chilled and relaxed ; )

Sayulee's Room Vol.2 はまだ未定だけど、その時にはまたサプライズを用意しないとね;)
Sayulee's Room Vol.2 is not decided yet, but I better organise another surprise for that one too huh?

This time the gig was decide sooo late, so I only got to tell you all about it just before it which meant many of you already had plans, so I promise I will make sure I can announce it earlier next time !