ライブのお知らせ Live info | Sayulee


Sayulee's bilingual blog

Hey !

I know I've been so slack with emailing everyone about my shows recently !


でもこのブログを読んでくれているあなたならきっとライブにも興味があるはずだから、、、そのあなただけにライブのお知らせです!! (笑)
But I'm sure that for those of you who are actually reading this blog, you're way more likely to want to come to my show, so here's some info just for you !! hehe

I have 2 this month!

詳細です。Details are as follows:

What: Japan Music Week's NEW ZEALAND NIGHT http://www.japanmusicweek.com/
When: 2010.11.13. Saturday 6pm~11pm
Where: Cozmo's Cafe Shibuya http://www.cozmoscafe.com/files/printable/jp.htm
Artists: Sayulee, Sunset Drive, Kat, The Watanabes, Play Fight, Hyakuen, DJ Brigid, and more......

Ticket: ごめんなさい、チケットの方はどうなっているのかまだ聞いておりません(涙)
I'm sorry I still haven't heard about what's happening with the tickets !

Sayulee plays at 9pm !

What: Space Shower TV The Diner
When: 2010.11.26.Friday 8pm and 10pm
Where: Space shower TV The Diner in Shibuya http://www.spaceshowertv-thediner.jp/access.html
Artist: Sayulee (8pm~8:25pm, 10pm~10:25pm)
Cost: だいたい3000円くらいで食べ放題&ライブが聴けるっという一石二鳥のバーゲン! You get All You Can Eat for around 3000yen I think and you get to see the show too ! What a bargain.

I'll be playing lots of new songs so I hope you can come along !!