『名歌名句辞典』(佐々木幸綱・復本一郎/三省 堂)より選句
阿波野青畝 Awano-Seiha
In the summer, on July 16th, people visit a hall dedicated to King Enma. Many people are burning incense, and the surroundings are smoky. The wide-open eyes of King Enma (statue) must have been blinded by the smoke.
角川源義 苗木市身代り閻魔遠にらみ
わしをダシにしてにぎわっておるわい。The Ueki Market is bustling with activity, thanks to the presence of Enma.
森重夫 川蟹を茹でて売りをり閻魔市
地獄の再現か。A reenactment of hell?
西宮舞 えんま蟋蟀(えんまころぎ)学者貌してゐたる
あれが学者顔なのですね。That's the face of a scholar.