2024.6/22 唐詩選律詩 王維 勅賜百官桜桃 | サワラ君の日誌



「墨場必携 唐詩選律詩を書く」(日本習字普及協会)より選句、習字


王維 勅賜百官桜桃

芙蓉闕下会千官 紫禁朱桜出上蘭    

総是寝園春薦後 非関御苑鳥銜残    

帰鞍競帯青絲籠 中使頻傾赤玉盤    

飽食不須愁内熱 大官還有蔗獎寒

芙蓉(ふよう)の闕下(けっか)千官を会す 紫禁の朱桜上蘭に出ず

 A large number of officials gather at the emperor's palace. In the palace, cherries were ripening.  

総(わずか)に是れ寝園春薦(すす)めて後 御苑鳥銜(ふく)み残すに関するに非ず

After cherry offerings are made at a place where the spirits of successive emperors are worshiped, birds peck at the remaining cherries.    

帰鞍競い帯ぶ青糸籠(せいしろう) 中使頻(しき)りに傾く赤玉盤

I stuff cherries into a blue-threaded basket and ride home on my horse. The official in charge of the emperor often tilts a plate full of cherries.   

飽食須(もち)いず内熱を愁う 大官還(ま)た蔗獎(しょしょう)の寒に有り

I get a fever from eating too many cherries. Cooks get chills from sugar water.





It was a day full of cherries in the emperor's palace. .