2024.5/27 唐詩選律詩 王維 和太常韋主簿五郎温泉寓目  | サワラ君の日誌



「墨場必携 唐詩選律詩を書く」(日本習字普及協会)より選句、習字


王維 和太常韋主簿五郎温泉寓目


漢主離宮接露臺 秦川一半夕陽開

青山盡是朱旗繞 碧澗翻從玉殿來

新豐樹裏行人度 小苑城邊獵騎囘

聞道甘泉能獻賦 懸知獨有子雲才

漢主の離宮露台に接し 秦川一半(いっぱん)夕陽(せきよう)開く

The imperial villa is adjacent to the pavilion built by emperor of the Han Dynasty. From there, you can see the entire plains of Shinsen region.

青山尽(ことごと)く是れ朱旗繞(めぐ)り 碧澗(へきかん)翻(ひるがえ)って玉殿より来たる

Blue mountain is completely covered with emperor flags. The valley river flows from the direction of the beautiful palace.

新豊(しんぽう)樹裏(じゅり)行人(こうじん)度(わた)り 小苑城辺猟騎(りょうき)回(かえ)る

Travelers are passing through the tree-lined streets of the town of Shinpo, and people on horseback are hunting around the Imperial Gardens.

聞道(きくならく)甘泉(かんせん)能(よ)く賦を献じ 懸(はるか)に知る独り子雲が才あることを

It is said that Mr.You-Yuu of the Han Dynasty presented the poem "Sweet Spring Poem" to the emperor (Mr. Wei presented the poem "Hot Spring Poem" to the emperor). His poetic talent is on a much higher level, comparable to Mr.Shiun's.



This poem is difficult to understand because it uses a lot of minor stories. Furthermore, construction of the "Han Dynasty Dew Tower" was suspended to save money, so it no longer exists. It's not fair to praise a luxurious villa, it's a bit dangerous.