お題は「Golden Moment」

As I stood there, bathed in the soft glow of the stage spotlight, my heart pounded like a drum. The school's STEM fair was weeks of sweat, tears, and late-night tinkering in my bedroom laboratory. My project, a miniature wind turbine that harnessed the energy of the breeze to power a small LED light, had attracted attention, and I had been chosen to present it before the judges and a packed hall full of parents. The excitement in the room was palpable, and the moment had finally arrived for me to take centre stage.

As I stepped forward, my hands trembled like a leaf caught in a violent wind and my legs wobbled like jelly. The spotlight felt like a blazing sun, and my hands were moist with nervousness. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. Every eye in the room was fixed on me, waiting for me to utter my first words. My breath came in short, shallow bursts. In that moment, I felt like a tightrope walker trying to compose myself before taking my first steps across a precipice. Would I conquer my nervousness and share my passion for STEM with the world?

But then, as I began to speak, a magical transformation occurred. The words flowed from my lips with a grace I didn't know I possessed. I described my project with passion and pride; my hands gesturing like a conductor guiding an orchestra through the rise of a crescendo. The audience listened to my every word, their faces illuminated with understanding and admiration. In that moment, I felt like a chemist, turning nervousness into confidence, and uncertainty into clarity. When I finished my presentation, the applause that erupted from the audience was like a thunderous ovation after a mesmerising stage performance. I knew that this moment - this 'Golden Moment' - was one of life's rare gifts, so I stood there basking in the warmth of their appreciation; a smile slowly spreading across my face.

I had done it. I had conquered my nervousness and shared my passion for STEM with the world - Or at least a collection of my peers' parents. It was a moment of happiness and excitement that would stay with me forever, a memory of triumph.
※ちなみにSTEMとはScience, Engineering, Technology and Mathematicsの頭文字を取った略語で、科学技術と創造力、問題解決力の結びつきを促進する教育アプローチ。