One year has passed | Live and learn

Live and learn

After clouds, clear weather.

It was June 2023 when I quit the company I worked for 10 years.
After two times resign attempt, I had it in mind that I would continue working until reaching my retirement day.

The sudden closure of the company changed my life.
But also I knew that the president would not keep his business because of his age.

Now I am in a completely different kind of workplace full of many young people. As I was so used to being lonely at work without talking to anyone (there were only small number of colleagues and almost nobody talks in the previous workplace) , I felt tired at first to spend time with people all day.

Being with people makes me alive and keep stimulated. Though income is decrease, the change might be good for me in a long run. Above all, I was very lucky to get a new job at my current age.