去年より速く走る | 札幌でTOEIC、TOEFL、英検、英会話ならネルス




という自分の文がうれしい。5度で春なんて、札幌来るまで言ったことない。5度と言ったら、東京なら猛烈に寒い部類。にひひ 私も札幌人になれてきたかな。



chunk 「かたまり、区切り」

repetition 「繰り返し、反復運動」  この動詞形は何でしょう?


familiar with 「~をよく知っている」  familyのことはよく知っている。

familiar to なら「~によく知られている」 toは「方向・到達」を表すので、「~に」とか「~に対して」という方向の意味になる。

path 「道」

rep repetition の短縮形

Plan 2 to Run Faster

Another way to improve 10K pace is simply to run the pace that the calculator tells you to run, but do it in small chunks. This is a simple repetition workout, a type of workout you're likely familiar with. You may have done repeat 400 meters when training for a 5K, or you may have done Yasso 800s when training for the marathon.

For the 10K, I'd do a simple workout of 5 x 2K, which will give you 10K total of running. You can do this on the track or with a GPS on a road or path; it's up to you. The rest can start at three minutes, then cut down to just one minute between the reps. While you wouldn't want to do this workout every week, it's a great indicator of your 10K fitness when you get down to doing the 2Ks at goal-10K-pace with just one minute of rest.

Jay Johnson、 Active.com