















In April 1989 the German newspaper Tageszeitung (taz) published an article on the export of contaminated food to countries outside Europe and North America. The following list is from the taz and is a supplement to the transactions mentioned in the accompanying article. It is itself supplemented where there is another source mentioned.





以下、powderd milk を赤字にしようと思ったのですが、


Cape Verde Islands: powdered milk from Switzerland
Egypt: powdered milk from UK (refused); whey from Germany (refused)
Ghana: 750 tonnes powdered milk from EC (5439 Bq); 60 tonnes from Czechoslovakia, declared fit for consumption by IAEA, Feb. 1988 - Der Spiegel (FRG), 2 Nov. 1987; Utrechts Nieuwsblad (NL), 24 June 1988
Liberia: powdered milk from EC: 15 Bq
Sudan: powdered milk from EC: up to 60 Bq
Burkino Faso: powdered milk from EC: 31 Bq
Kenya: powdered milk from Ireland: 33 Bq
Cameroon: Allgäuer butter, 4 weeks (!) after Chernobyl, not measured. Powdered milk from EC: 46 Bq
Somalia: powdered milk from EC: 24 Bq
Israel: Turkish almonds exported through France (refused) -- the third time Israel has refused contaminated exports: first, pistachio nuts; then laurel leaves -- Nieuw Israelisch Weekblad (NL), 26 June 1987
Jordan: meat from Ireland (refused and exported to Lebanon)
Iran: lamb from UK (refused)
Quatar: powdered milk from EC (refused)
Kuwait: lamb from UK (refused)
Saudi Arabia: 162 trucks from EC with items such as lentils, beans, figs, apricots and lamb (refused)
Nepal: powdered milk from Poland (refused)
Hong Kong: meat from Great Britain (refused)
Thailand: powdered milk from EC: 23 Bq
Philippines: powdered milk from Netherlands (refused) -- the same cargo was found twice in the Philippines: 1986 and August 1988 -- Trouw (NL), 30 Aug. 1988; El Pais (Spain), 30 Sept. 1986
Singapore: 240 shipments refused through Oct. 1986: powdered milk from the Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Denmark; cheese from France; chocolate from UK, Switzerland and Czechoslovakia; corn products from Italy; vegetables, fish, fruit and meat -- WISE NC 264, 5 Dec. 1986
Sri Lanka: 17 tonnes powdered milk from France (refused); marmalade from Poland (refused); prunes from Bulgaria (refused)
Malaysia: 45,000 kilo butter from the Netherlands, UK and Italy (refused) -- Nieuwe Krant (NL), 3 Oct. 1986; lamb from UK (refused)
Indonesia: Greek wheat (600 Bq) through Italy (refused)
Mexico: 7,000 tonnes powdered milk from Northern Ireland: 115 Bq (Brazil warned Mexico about the Irish Dairy Board and its attempts to sell powdered milk. Mexico signed a contract for 39,000 tonnes anyway. After many protests, and a large part had already been sold, the government sent back the remainder. -- NRC (NL), 26 Feb. 1988
El Salvador: powdered milk from Northern Ireland: 115 Bq
Jamaica: powdered milk from EC: 60 Bq (refused, even though EC threatened to stop all food aid, because it was meant for children and the elderly) -- 1800 bags were stolen before being destroyed -- Gelderlander (NL), 7 Sept. 1988
Venezuela: 500 tonnes powdered milk (to 1800 Bq) from Austria (refused); 6000 tonnes meat (710 Bq) from N.Ireland and Denmark (refused)
Brazil: meat from Italy (refused); powdered milk from Denmark (refused) powdered milk from EC: up to 2500 Bq