あなたの人生のエネルギー吸血鬼は誰なのか ヴィクトリーオブザライト | 銀河ファミリー物語 Story of Galactic Families of World

銀河ファミリー物語 Story of Galactic Families of World
























1.  それはあなたの親友で、ほとんどの場合、自分の困難な人生や問題について話しています。




はっきりさせておきたいのですが、私はここで、あなたの友人が困難な時期を過ごしており、あなたが彼女をサポートする必要がある場合について話しているわけではありません - 時にはそれは大丈夫です。そしてそれは人間です。しかし、私が言及するのは、彼女が継続的に落ち込んでいて、本当の助けを求めず、自分の状況について不平を言いたい場合です。


2.  それは、あなたが声を上げると限界まで追い込み、心を砕く上司のことです。




3. 自分の思い通りになるように、いつもあなたを操っている相手です。




4. 常に注目を必要とするドラマの女王である。




5. 全世界が自分に敵対しているように常に感じている被害者です。








✨Who Are The Energy Vampires In Your Life And How To Protect Yourself✨

✨Who is an energy vampire?✨


An energy vampire is someone who has long-term low energy and therefore they need to replenish the energy from someone else. Most of the times, they do it unconsciously and unintentionally. You might be energy vampire to someone you know without even realizing.


The important thing to keep in mind about energies is that we always pay back whatever we take. It’s also true the other way around; we receive a “positive interest in our energy investment” when we uplift someone.


✨How to read other people’s energies?✨


Think of someone you love and who is usually positive and kind. How do you feel when you’re in their presence? Light? Happy? Energetic?

Positive people have a gift to uplift others naturally. They help you feel better when you lose hope, and they inspire you when you want to give up. In this case, they give you energy from the place of energy abundance. The “giving” is more like sharing and extending positive energy than giving and lacking it afterward.


Now think of someone who is complaining and always negative. How do you feel when you interact with them? Not so well?

The feeling of unwell in their presence warns you that something is off and their energy has a negative impact on you. ‼️They’re lowering your own energy levels and trying to steal energy from you.

The moment you emotionally react to energy vampires, they begin stealing your energy.‼️


✨Who are energy vampires in your life?✨


1.  It’s your best friend who MOST OF THE TIME talks about her difficult life and problems.


She doesn’t care about you much, the only thing that she wants is you to feel sorry for her and try to uplift her (giving her energy). If you don’t do it, she accuses you of being selfish and not sympathizing with her suffering. She might even stop talking with you entirely if she sees that you don’t energetically invest her drama.


Just to be clear, I don’t speak here about situations when your friend is going through difficult times, and she needs you to support her – sometimes it’s alright, and it’s human. But what I refer to is if she is continuously down and she doesn’t seek real help, but she wants to complain about her situation.


2.  It’s a boss who pushes you to the limits and minds if you speak up.


He wants your energy and obedience so he can do with you whatever he likes. If you speak up, he gets upset and makes hard times for you in the company. At the moment when you speak up, you refuse to give your energy to him, he – as an energy vampire – needs to find another source of energy instead of you.


3. It’s a partner who manipulates you always to do what they want.


Instead of supporting your dreams, they push you down. When you need to hear that you’re beautiful, he tells you that you have terrible lipstick. When she wants to “secure” a relationship with you, she gets pregnant. When you want to change your life, they tell you that it doesn’t make sense and it will not work out.


4. It’s a drama queen who always needs attention.


She – but it can also be him – enhance even the smallest things to extremes. She wants you to react and be emotional because only then you give her your energy. These people like to argue just for the sake of arguing. It doesn’t matter so much what the topic is.


5. It’s a victim who always feels like the whole world is against them.


These people take everything personally. It doesn’t matter to them why people did something; they feel like it was directed against them. They can give you 1000 reasons why they have it harder than you and why they cannot change it. All of us has been at some point in the position of a victim (it’s one of the four archetypes that we all share as Caroline Myss talks about) but if we stay feeling like victims, we deprive ourselves of power to change it.


