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負傷した子供達、孤児になってしまった子供達、死んでゆく子供達、そういった子供達の数限りない写真を見て、僕は周りの人たちに呼びかけて、こうした子供達の命と未来に希望を与えるために動かなくてはならないという思いに駆られました。日本政府、NGO、経済界が連携して設立した人道支援のためのシステム「ジャパン・プラットフォーム」(http://www.japanplatform.org/ )の支援を頂き、日本と中国の5つの都市にあるレストランでチャリティー・ディナーを行います。収益はジャパン・プラットフォームを通じて、支援を必要としている子供達のものへ直接寄付されます。

Many of us have been greatly affected by the devastating earthquake that hit the island of Haiti on Tuesday, 12 January 2010 either directly or indirectly through the disturbing images broadcasted repeatedly in the past few days.

Having lived through a destructive earthquake at the age of 10 in Naples, Italy I feel overwhelming sorrow when viewing the situation from afar, knowing that the after-effects of earthquakes are usually far more horrifying than the actual earthquake itself. Looting, violence and chaos break loose, creating even more deaths amongst those struggling to overcome their emotional losses and those simply trying to survive. Unfortunately, it is normally the innocent children who suffer the most as they are unable to comprehend the overall gravity of the disaster and the reasons behind why many of them are now left behind, lost and alone.

It warms my heart however, to learn of numerous communities and people joining together from all corners of the world to aid the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. Having viewed countless images of injured, orphaned and dying children has driven me to encourage those around me to help make a difference in these young people’s lives and futures. 

With the support of Japan’s government-run organization - Japan Platform (http://www.japanplatform.org/ ) – that provides relief for natural disasters and refugees, I have organized four charity dinners in four different The Kitchen Salvatore Cuomo restaurants, taking place in four different cities in both Japan and China. The proceeds will be offered Japan Platform that will ensure all of the donations are sent directly to the children in need.

I ask all of our customers to join me and my dedicated team in restoring hope in the hearts of the young Haitians, reminding them that they are not alone and reassuring them that help is on the way. On behalf of my entire team, I thank you for your loyalty, generosity and commitment to making a difference!

Schedule: Haiti Earthquake Charity Dinners at The Kitchen Salvatore Cuomo

Thursday, 4 February 2010(The Kitchen Salvatore Cuomo) Shanghai, China

Thursday,25 February 2010- (XeX West) Osaka,Japan

Wednesday,3 March 2010(The Kitchen Salvatore Cuomo) Nagoya, Japan

Friday, 5 March 2010(The Kitchen Salvatore Cuomo) Kyoto, Japan

Wednesday, 10 March 2010(The Kitchen Salvatore Cuomo) Tokyo, Japan

Minasan zehi gokyouroku kudasai!! Omachi shite imasu,mochiron boku ga kono dinner de ryouri wo tukurimasu!!